14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 121.573
same aircraft when the crewmembers
on duty have been advised as to the
most appropriate manner of assisting
the person so as to prevent pain and
further injury.
(b) Each certificate holder must
carry on each passenger-carrying air-
plane, in convenient locations for use
of each passenger, printed cards
supplementing the oral briefing. Each
card must contain information perti-
nent only to the type and model of air-
plane used for that flight, including—
(1) Diagrams of, and methods of oper-
ating, the emergency exits;
(2) Other instructions necessary for
use of emergency equipment; and
(3) No later than June 12, 2005, for Do-
mestic and Flag scheduled passenger-
carrying flights, the sentence, ‘‘Final
assembly of this airplane was com-
(c) The certificate holder shall de-
scribe in its manual the procedure to
be followed in the briefing required by
paragraph (a) of this section.
[Doc. No. 2033, 30 FR 3206, Mar. 9, 1965]
: For F
tations affecting § 121.571, see the List of CFR
Sections Affected, which appears in the
Finding Aids section of the printed volume
and at
§ 121.573 Briefing passengers: Ex-
tended overwater operations.
(a) In addition to the oral briefing re-
quired by § 121.571(a), each certificate
holder operating an airplane in ex-
tended overwater operations shall en-
sure that all passengers are orally
briefed by the appropriate crewmember
on the location and operation of life
preservers, liferafts, and other flota-
tion means, including a demonstration
of the method of donning and inflating
a life preserver.
(b) The certificate holder shall de-
scribe in its manual the procedure to
be followed in the briefing required by
paragraph (a) of this section.
(c) If the airplane proceeds directly
over water after takeoff, the briefing
required by paragraph (a) of this sec-
tion must be done before takeoff.
(d) If the airplane does not proceed
directly over water after takeoff, no
part of the briefing required by para-
graph (a) of this section has to be given
before takeoff, but the entire briefing
must be given before reaching the
overwater part of the flight.
[Doc. No. 2033, 30 FR 3206, Mar. 9, 1965, as
amended by Amdt. 121–144, 43 FR 22648, May
25, 1978; Amdt. 121–146, 43 FR 28403, June 29,
§ 121.574 Oxygen and portable oxygen
concentrators for medical use by
(a) A certificate holder may allow a
passenger to carry and operate equip-
ment for the storage, generation, or
dispensing of oxygen when all of the
conditions in paragraphs (a) through
(d) of this section are satisfied. Begin-
ning August 22, 2016, a certificate hold-
er may allow a passenger to carry and
operate a portable oxygen concentrator
when the conditions in paragraphs (b)
and (e) of this section are satisfied.
(1) The equipment is—
(i) Furnished by the certificate hold-
(ii) Of an approved type or is in con-
formity with the manufacturing, pack-
aging, marking, labeling, and mainte-
nance requirements of 49 CFR parts
171, 172, and 173, except § 173.24(a)(1);
(iii) Maintained by the certificate
holder in accordance with an approved
maintenance program;
(iv) Free of flammable contaminants
on all exterior surfaces;
(v) Capable of providing a minimum
mass flow of oxygen to the user of four
liters per minute;
(vi) Constructed so that all valves,
fittings, and gauges are protected from
damage; and
(vii) Appropriately secured.
(2) When the oxygen is stored in the
form of a liquid, the equipment has
been under the certificate holder’s ap-
proved maintenance program since its
purchase new or since the storage con-
tainer was last purged.
(3) When the oxygen is stored in the
form of a compressed gas as defined in
49 CFR 173.115(b)—
(i) The equipment has been under the
certificate holder’s approved mainte-
nance program since its purchase new
or since the last hydrostatic test of the
storage cylinder; and
(ii) The pressure in any oxygen cyl-
inder does not exceed the rated cyl-
inder pressure.
Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 121.574
(4) Each person using the equipment
has a medical need to use it evidenced
by a written statement to be kept in
that person’s possession, signed by a li-
censed physician which specifies the
maximum quantity of oxygen needed
each hour and the maximum flow rate
needed for the pressure altitude cor-
responding to the pressure in the cabin
of the airplane under normal operating
conditions. This paragraph does not
apply to the carriage of oxygen in an
airplane in which the only passengers
carried are persons who may have a
medical need for oxygen during flight,
no more than one relative or other in-
terested person for each of those per-
sons, and medical attendants.
(5) When a physician’s statement is
required by paragraph (a)(4) of this sec-
tion, the total quantity of oxygen car-
ried is equal to the maximum quantity
of oxygen needed each hour, as speci-
fied in the physician’s statement, mul-
tiplied by the number of hours used to
compute the amount of airplane fuel
required by this part.
(6) The pilot in command is advised
when the equipment is on board, and
when it is intended to be used.
(7) The equipment is stowed, and
each person using the equipment is
seated, so as not to restrict access to
or use of any required emergency, or
regular exit or of the aisle in the pas-
senger compartment.
(b) No person may smoke or create
an open flame and no certificate holder
may allow any person to smoke or cre-
ate an open flame within 10 feet of oxy-
gen storage and dispensing equipment
carried in accordance with paragraph
(a) of this section or a portable oxygen
concentrator carried and operated in
accordance with paragraph (e) of this
(c) No certificate holder may allow
any person to connect or disconnect
oxygen dispensing equipment, to or
from a gaseous oxygen cylinder while
any passenger is aboard the airplane.
(d) The requirements of this section
do not apply to the carriage of supple-
mental or first-aid oxygen and related
equipment required by this chapter.
Portable oxygen concentrators
Acceptance criteria.
A passenger may
carry or operate a portable oxygen con-
centrator for personal use on board an
aircraft and a certificate holder may
allow a passenger to carry or operate a
portable oxygen concentrator on board
an aircraft operated under this part
during all phases of flight if the port-
able oxygen concentrator satisfies all
of the requirements in this paragraph
(i) Is legally marketed in the United
States in accordance with Food and
Drug Administration requirements in
title 21 of the CFR;
(ii) Does not radiate radio frequency
emissions that interfere with aircraft
(iii) Generates a maximum oxygen
pressure of less than 200 kPa gauge
(29.0 psig/43.8 psia) at 20
C (68
(iv) Does not contain any hazardous
materials subject to the Hazardous Ma-
terials Regulations (49 CFR parts 171
through 180) except as provided in 49
CFR 175.10 for batteries used to power
portable electronic devices and that do
not require aircraft operator approval;
(v) Bears a label on the exterior of
the device applied in a manner that en-
sures the label will remain affixed for
the life of the device and containing
the following certification statement
in red lettering: ‘‘The manufacturer of
this POC has determined this device
conforms to all applicable FAA accept-
ance criteria for POC carriage and use
on board aircraft.’’ The label require-
ments in this paragraph (e)(1)(v) do not
apply to the following portable oxygen
concentrators approved by the FAA for
use on board aircraft prior to May 24,
(A) AirSep Focus;
(B) AirSep FreeStyle;
(C) AirSep FreeStyle 5;
(D) AirSep LifeStyle;
(E) Delphi RS–00400;
(F) DeVilbiss Healthcare iGo;
(G) Inogen One;
(H) Inogen One G2;
(I) Inogen One G3;
(J) Inova Labs LifeChoice;
(K) Inova Labs LifeChoice Activox;
(L) International Biophysics
(M) Invacare Solo2;
(N) Invacare XPO2;
(O) Oxlife Independence Oxygen Con-
(P) Oxus RS–00400;
14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 121.575
(Q) Precision Medical EasyPulse;
(R) Respironics EverGo;
(S) Respironics SimplyGo;
(T) SeQual Eclipse;
(U) SeQual eQuinox Oxygen System
(model 4000);
(V) SeQual Oxywell Oxygen System
(model 4000);
(W) SeQual SAROS; and
(X) VBox Trooper Oxygen Concen-
Operating requirements.
oxygen concentrators that satisfy the
acceptance criteria identified in para-
graph (e)(1) of this section may be car-
ried or operated by a passenger on an
aircraft provided the aircraft operator
ensures that all of the conditions in
this paragraph (e)(2) are satisfied:
Exit seats.
No person operating a
portable oxygen concentrator is per-
mitted to occupy an exit seat.
Stowage of device.
During move-
ment on the surface, takeoff and land-
ing, the device must be stowed under
the seat in front of the user, or in an-
other approved stowage location so
that it does not block the aisle way or
the entryway to the row. If the device
is to be operated by the user, it must
be operated only at a seat location that
does not restrict any passenger’s access
to, or use of, any required emergency
or regular exit, or the aisle(s) in the
passenger compartment.
[Doc. No. 12169, 39 FR 42677, Dec. 6, 1974, as
amended by Amdt. 121–159, 45 FR 41594, June
19, 1980; Docket FAA–2014–0554, Amdt. 121–
374, 81 FR 33118, May 24, 2016]
§ 121.575 Alcoholic beverages.
(a) No person may drink any alco-
holic beverage aboard an aircraft un-
less the certificate holder operating
the aircraft has served that beverage to
(b) No certificate holder may serve
any alcoholic beverage to any person
aboard any of its aircraft who—
(1) Appears to be intoxicated;
(2) Is escorting a person or being es-
corted in accordance with 49 CFR
1544.221; or
(3) Has a deadly or dangerous weapon
accessible to him while aboard the air-
craft in accordance with 49 CFR
1544.219, 1544.221, or 1544.223.
(c) No certificate holder may allow
any person to board any of its aircraft
if that person appears to be intoxi-
(d) Each certificate holder shall,
within five days after the incident, re-
port to the Administrator the refusal
of any person to comply with para-
graph (a) of this section, or of any dis-
turbance caused by a person who ap-
pears to be intoxicated aboard any of
its aircraft.
[Doc. No. 6258, 29 FR 19219, Dec. 31, 1964, as
amended by Amdt. 121–118, 40 FR 17552, Apr.
21, 1975; Amdt. 121–178, 47 FR 13316, Mar. 29,
1982; Amdt. 121–275, 67 FR 31932, May 10, 2002]
§ 121.576 Retention of items of mass in
passenger and crew compartments.
The certificate holder must provide
and use means to prevent each item of
galley equipment and each serving
cart, when not in use, and each item of
crew baggage, which is carried in a pas-
senger or crew compartment from be-
coming a hazard by shifting under the
appropriate load factors corresponding
to the emergency landing conditions
under which the airplane was type cer-
[Doc. No. 16383, 43 FR 22648, May 25, 1978]
§ 121.577 Stowage of food, beverage,
and passenger service equipment
during airplane movement on the
surface, takeoff, and landing.
(a) No certificate holder may move
an airplane on the surface, take off, or
land when any food, beverage, or table-
ware furnished by the certificate hold-
er is located at any passenger seat.
(b) No certificate holder may move
an airplane on the surface, take off, or
land unless each food and beverage
tray and seat back tray table is se-
cured in its stowed position.
(c) No certificate holder may permit
an airplane to move on the surface,
take off, or land unless each passenger
serving cart is secured in its stowed po-
(d) No certificate holder may permit
an airplane to move on the surface,
take off, or land unless each movie
screen that extends into an aisle is
(e) Each passenger shall comply with
instructions given by a crewmember