14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 121.584
such persons have been orally briefed
by the appropriate crewmember on—
(1) Smoking;
(2) The use of seat belts;
(3) The location and operation of
emergency exits;
(4) The use of oxygen and emergency
oxygen equipment; and
(5) For extended overwater oper-
ations, the location of life rafts, and
the location and operation of life pre-
servers including a demonstration of
the method of donning and inflating a
life preserver.
(d) Each certificate holder operating
an airplane carrying persons covered
by paragraph (a) of this section shall
incorporate procedures for the safe car-
riage of such persons into the certifi-
cate holder’s operations manual.
(e) The pilot in command may au-
thorize a person covered by paragraph
(a) of this section to be admitted to the
crew compartment of the airplane.
[Doc. No. 10580, 35 FR 14612, Sept. 18, 1970, as
amended by Amdt. 121–96, 37 FR 19608, Sept.
21, 1972; Amdt. 121–159, 45 FR 41594, June 19,
1980; Amdt. 121–232, 57 FR 48663, Oct. 27, 1992;
Amdt. 121–251, 60 FR 65935, Dec. 20, 1995;
Amdt. 121–253, 61 FR 2614, Jan. 26, 1996; Amdt.
121–298, 68 FR 41217, July 10, 2003; Amdt. 121–
357, 77 FR 403, Jan. 4, 2012; Amdt. 121–373, 80
FR 58586, Sept. 30, 2015]
§ 121.584 Requirement to view the
area outside the flightdeck door.
From the time the airplane moves in
order to initiate a flight segment
through the end of that flight segment,
no person may unlock or open the
flightdeck door unless:
(a) A person authorized to be on the
flightdeck uses an approved audio pro-
cedure and an approved visual device to
verify that:
(1) The area outside the flightdeck
door is secure, and;
(2) If someone outside the flightdeck
is seeking to have the flightdeck door
opened, that person is not under du-
ress, and;
(3) If the airplane is in flight, any in-
stalled physical secondary barrier
(IPSB) required by § 121.313(l) has been
deployed; and
(b) After the requirements of para-
graph (a) of this section have been sat-
isfactorily accomplished, the crew-
member in charge on the flightdeck au-
thorizes the door to be unlocked and
[Amdt. 121–334, 72 FR 45635, Aug. 15, 2007, as
amended by Amdt. No. 121–389, 88 FR 41308,
June 26, 2023]
§ 121.585 Exit seating.
(a)(1) Each certificate holder shall
determine, to the extent necessary to
perform the applicable functions of
paragraph (d) of this section, the suit-
ability of each person it permits to oc-
cupy an exit seat, in accordance with
this section. For the purpose of this
Exit seat
(A) Each seat having direct access to
an exit; and,
(B) Each seat in a row of seats
through which passengers would have
to pass to gain access to an exit, from
the first seat inboard of the exit to the
first aisle inboard of the exit.
(ii) A passenger seat having ‘‘direct
access’’ means a seat from which a pas-
senger can proceed directly to the exit
without entering an aisle or passing
around an obstruction.
(2) Each certificate holder shall make
the passenger exit seating determina-
tions required by this paragraph in a
non-discriminatory manner consistent
with the requirements of this section,
by persons designated in the certificate
holder’s required operations manual.
(3) Each certificate holder shall des-
ignate the exit seats for each passenger
seating configuration in its fleet in ac-
cordance with the definitions in this
paragraph and submit those designa-
tions for approval as part of the proce-
dures required to be submitted for ap-
proval under paragraphs (n) and (p) of
this section.
(b) No certificate holder may seat a
person in a seat affected by this section
if the certificate holder determines
that it is likely that the person would
be unable to perform one or more of
the applicable functions listed in para-
graph (d) of this section because—
(1) The person lacks sufficient mobil-
ity, strength, or dexterity in both arms
and hands, and both legs:
(i) To reach upward, sideways, and
downward to the location of emergency
exit and exit-slide operating mecha-
Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 121.585
(ii) To grasp and push, pull, turn, or
otherwise manipulate those mecha-
(iii) To push, shove, pull, or other-
wise open emergency exits;
(iv) To lift out, hold, deposit on near-
by seats, or maneuver over the
seatbacks to the next row objects the
size and weight of over-wing window
exit doors;
(v) To remove obstructions similar in
size and weight to over-wing exit doors;
(vi) To reach the emergency exit ex-
(vii) To maintain balance while re-
moving obstructions;
(viii) To exit expeditiously;
(ix) To stabilize an escape slide after
deployment; or
(x) To assist others in getting off an
escape slide;
(2) The person is less than 15 years of
age or lacks the capacity to perform
one or more of the applicable functions
listed in paragraph (d) of this section
without the assistance of an adult com-
panion, parent, or other relative;
(3) The person lacks the ability to
read and understand instructions re-
quired by this section and related to
emergency evacuation provided by the
certificate holder in printed or graphic
form or the ability to understand oral
crew commands.
(4) The person lacks sufficient visual
capacity to perform one or more of the
applicable functions in paragraph (d) of
this section without the assistance of
visual aids beyond contact lenses or
(5) The person lacks sufficient aural
capacity to hear and understand in-
structions shouted by flight attend-
ants, without assistance beyond a hear-
ing aid;
(6) The person lacks the ability ade-
quately to impart information orally
to other passengers; or,
(7) The person has:
(i) A condition or responsibilities,
such as caring for small children, that
might prevent the person from per-
forming one or more of the applicable
functions listed in paragraph (d) of this
section; or
(ii) A condition that might cause the
person harm if he or she performs one
or more of the applicable functions
listed in paragraph (d) of this section.
(c) Each passenger shall comply with
instructions given by a crewmember or
other authorized employee of the cer-
tificate holder implementing exit seat-
ing restrictions established in accord-
ance with this section.
(d) Each certificate holder shall in-
clude on passenger information cards,
presented in the language in which
briefings and oral commands are given
by the crew, at each exit seat affected
by this section, information that, in
the event of an emergency in which a
crewmember is not available to assist,
a passenger occupying an exit seat may
use if called upon to perform the fol-
lowing functions:
(1) Locate the emergency exit;
(2) Recognize the emergency exit
opening mechanism;
(3) Comprehend the instructions for
operating the emergency exit;
(4) Operate the emergency exit;
(5) Assess whether opening the emer-
gency exit will increase the hazards to
which passengers may be exposed;
(6) Follow oral directions and hand
signals given by a crewmember;
(7) Stow or secure the emergency exit
door so that it will not impede use of
the exit;
(8) Assess the condition of an escape
slide, activate the slide, and stabilize
the slide after deployment to assist
others in getting off the slide;
(9) Pass expeditiously through the
emergency exit; and
(10) Assess, select, and follow a safe
path away from the emergency exit.
(e) Each certificate holder shall in-
clude on passenger information cards,
at each exit seat—
(1) In the primary language in which
emergency commands are given by the
crew, the selection criteria set forth in
paragraph (b) of this section, and a re-
quest that a passenger identify himself
or herself to allow reseating if he or
(i) Cannot meet the selection criteria
set forth in paragraph (b) of this sec-
(ii) Has a nondiscernible condition
that will prevent him or her from per-
forming the applicable functions listed
in paragraph (d) of this section;
(iii) May suffer bodily harm as the re-
sult of performing one or more of those
functions; or
14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 121.585
(iv) Does not wish to perform those
functions; and
(2) In each language used by the cer-
tificate holder for passenger informa-
tion cards, a request that a passenger
identify himself or herself to allow re-
seating if he or she lacks the ability to
read, speak, or understand the lan-
guage or the graphic form in which in-
structions required by this section and
related to emergency evacuation are
provided by the certificate holder, or
the ability to understand the specified
language in which crew commands will
be given in an emergency.
(3) May suffer bodily harm as the re-
sult of performing one or more of those
functions; or,
(4) Does not wish to perform those
A certificate holder shall not require
the passenger to disclose his or her rea-
son for needing reseating.
(f) Each certificate holder shall make
available for inspection by the public
at all passenger loading gates and tick-
et counters at each airport where it
conducts passenger operations, written
procedures established for making de-
terminations in regard to exit row
(g) No certificate holder may allow
taxi or pushback unless at least one re-
quired crewmember has verified that
no exit seat is occupied by a person the
crewmember determines is likely to be
unable to perform the applicable func-
tions listed in paragraph (d) of this sec-
(h) Each certificate holder shall in-
clude in its passenger briefings a ref-
erence to the passenger information
cards, required by paragraphs (d) and
(e), the selection criteria set forth in
paragraph (b), and the functions to be
performed, set forth in paragraph (d) of
this section.
(i) Each certificate holder shall in-
clude in its passenger briefings a re-
quest that a passenger identify himself
or herself to allow reseating if he or
(1) Cannot meet the selection criteria
set forth in paragraph (b) of this sec-
(2) Has a nondiscernible condition
that will prevent him or her from per-
forming the applicable functions listed
in paragraph (d) of this section;
(3) May suffer bodily harm as the re-
sult of performing one or more of those
functions listed in paragraph (d) of this
section; or,
(4) Does not wish to perform those
functions listed in paragraph (d) of this
A certificate holder shall not require
the passenger to disclose his or her rea-
son for needing reseating.
(j) [Reserved]
(k) In the event a certificate holder
determines in accordance with this sec-
tion that it is likely that a passenger
assigned to an exit seat would be un-
able to perform the functions listed in
paragraph (d) of this section or a pas-
senger requests a non-exit seat, the
certificate holder shall expeditiously
relocate the passenger to a non-exit
(l) In the event of full booking in the
non-exit seats and if necessary to ac-
commodate a passenger being relocated
from an exit seat, the certificate hold-
er shall move a passenger who is will-
ing and able to assume the evacuation
functions that may be required, to an
exit seat.
(m) A certificate holder may deny
transportation to any passenger under
this section only because—
(1) The passenger refuses to comply
with instructions given by a crew-
member or other authorized employee
of the certificate holder implementing
exit seating restrictions established in
accordance with this section, or
(2) The only seat that will physically
accommodate the person’s handicap is
an exit seat.
(n) In order to comply with this sec-
tion certificate holders shall—
(1) Establish procedures that address:
(i) The criteria listed in paragraph
(b) of this section;
(ii) The functions listed in paragraph
(d) of this section;
(iii) The requirements for airport in-
formation, passenger information
cards, crewmember verification of ap-
propriate seating in exit seats, pas-
senger briefings, seat assignments, and
denial of transportation as set forth in
this section;
(iv) How to resolve disputes arising
from implementation of this section,
including identification of the certifi-
cate holder employee on the airport to
Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 121.589
whom complaints should be addressed
for resolution; and,
(2) Submit their procedures for pre-
liminary review and approval to the
principal operations inspectors as-
signed to them at the responsible
Flight Standards office.
(o) Certificate holders shall assign
seats prior to boarding consistent with
the criteria listed in paragraph (b) and
the functions listed in paragraph (d) of
this section, to the maximum extent
(p) The procedures required by para-
graph (n) of this section will not be-
come effective until final approval is
granted by the Executive Director,
Flight Standards Service, Washington,
DC. Approval will be based solely upon
the safety aspects of the certificate
holder’s procedures.
[Doc. No. 25821, 55 FR 8072, Mar. 6, 1990, as
amended by Amdt. 121–232, 57 FR 48663, Oct.
27, 1992; Amdt. 121–253, 61 FR 2614, Jan. 26,
1996; Docket FAA–2018–0119, Amdt. 121–380, 83
FR 9172, 9173, Mar. 5, 2018]
§ 121.586 Authority to refuse transpor-
(a) No certificate holder may refuse
transportation to a passenger on the
basis that, because the passenger may
need the assistance of another person
to move expeditiously to an exit in the
event of an emergency, his transpor-
tation would or might be inimical to
safety of flight unless—
(1) The certificate holder has estab-
lished procedures (including reasonable
notice requirements) for the carriage
of passengers who may need the assist-
ance of another person to move expedi-
tiously to an exit in the event of an
emergency; and
(2) At least one of the following con-
ditions exist:
(i) The passenger fails to comply with
the notice requirements in the certifi-
cate holder’s procedures.
(ii) The passenger cannot be carried
in accordance with the certificate hold-
er’s procedures.
(b) Each certificate holder shall pro-
vide the responsible Flight Standards
office with a copy of each procedure it
establishes in accordance with para-
graph (a)(2) of this section.
(c) Whenever the Administrator finds
that revisions in the procedures de-
scribed in paragraph (a)(2) of this sec-
tion are necessary in the interest of
safety or in the public interest, the cer-
tificate holder, after notification by
the Administrator, shall make those
revisions in its procedures. Within 30
days after the certificate holder re-
ceives such notice, it may file a peti-
tion to reconsider the notice with the
responsible Flight Standards office.
The filing of a petition to reconsider
stays the notice pending a decision by
the Administrator. However, if the Ad-
ministrator finds that there is an
emergency that requires immediate ac-
tion in the interest of safety in air
commerce, he may, upon a statement
of the reasons, require a change effec-
tive without stay.
(d) Each certificate holder shall
make available to the public at each
airport it serves a copy of each proce-
dure it establishes in accordance with
paragraph (a)(1) of this section.
[Doc. No. 12881, 42 FR 18394, Apr. 7, 1977, as
amended by Amdt. 121–174, 46 FR 38051, July
23, 1981; Amdt. 121–207, 54 FR 39293, Sept. 25,
1989; Amdt. 121–253, 61 FR 2614, Jan. 26, 1996;
Docket FAA–2018–0119, Amdt. 121–380, 83 FR
9172, Mar. 5, 2018]
§ 121.587 Closing and locking of
flightcrew compartment door.
(a) Except as provided in paragraph
(b) of this section, a pilot in command
of an airplane that has a lockable
flightcrew compartment door in ac-
cordance with § 121.313 and that is car-
rying passengers shall ensure that the
door separating the flightcrew com-
partment from the passenger compart-
ment is closed and locked at all times
when the aircraft is being operated.
(b) The provisions of paragraph (a) of
this section do not apply at any time
when it is necessary to permit access
and egress by persons authorized in ac-
cordance with § 121.547 and provided the
part 119 operator complies with FAA
approved procedures regarding the
opening, closing and locking of the
flightdeck doors.
[Doc. No. FAA–2001–11032, 67 FR 2128, Jan. 15,
§ 121.589 Carry-on baggage.
(a) No certificate holder may allow
the boarding of carry-on baggage on an