Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 121.589
whom complaints should be addressed
for resolution; and,
(2) Submit their procedures for pre-
liminary review and approval to the
principal operations inspectors as-
signed to them at the responsible
Flight Standards office.
(o) Certificate holders shall assign
seats prior to boarding consistent with
the criteria listed in paragraph (b) and
the functions listed in paragraph (d) of
this section, to the maximum extent
(p) The procedures required by para-
graph (n) of this section will not be-
come effective until final approval is
granted by the Executive Director,
Flight Standards Service, Washington,
DC. Approval will be based solely upon
the safety aspects of the certificate
holder’s procedures.
[Doc. No. 25821, 55 FR 8072, Mar. 6, 1990, as
amended by Amdt. 121–232, 57 FR 48663, Oct.
27, 1992; Amdt. 121–253, 61 FR 2614, Jan. 26,
1996; Docket FAA–2018–0119, Amdt. 121–380, 83
FR 9172, 9173, Mar. 5, 2018]
§ 121.586 Authority to refuse transpor-
(a) No certificate holder may refuse
transportation to a passenger on the
basis that, because the passenger may
need the assistance of another person
to move expeditiously to an exit in the
event of an emergency, his transpor-
tation would or might be inimical to
safety of flight unless—
(1) The certificate holder has estab-
lished procedures (including reasonable
notice requirements) for the carriage
of passengers who may need the assist-
ance of another person to move expedi-
tiously to an exit in the event of an
emergency; and
(2) At least one of the following con-
ditions exist:
(i) The passenger fails to comply with
the notice requirements in the certifi-
cate holder’s procedures.
(ii) The passenger cannot be carried
in accordance with the certificate hold-
er’s procedures.
(b) Each certificate holder shall pro-
vide the responsible Flight Standards
office with a copy of each procedure it
establishes in accordance with para-
graph (a)(2) of this section.
(c) Whenever the Administrator finds
that revisions in the procedures de-
scribed in paragraph (a)(2) of this sec-
tion are necessary in the interest of
safety or in the public interest, the cer-
tificate holder, after notification by
the Administrator, shall make those
revisions in its procedures. Within 30
days after the certificate holder re-
ceives such notice, it may file a peti-
tion to reconsider the notice with the
responsible Flight Standards office.
The filing of a petition to reconsider
stays the notice pending a decision by
the Administrator. However, if the Ad-
ministrator finds that there is an
emergency that requires immediate ac-
tion in the interest of safety in air
commerce, he may, upon a statement
of the reasons, require a change effec-
tive without stay.
(d) Each certificate holder shall
make available to the public at each
airport it serves a copy of each proce-
dure it establishes in accordance with
paragraph (a)(1) of this section.
[Doc. No. 12881, 42 FR 18394, Apr. 7, 1977, as
amended by Amdt. 121–174, 46 FR 38051, July
23, 1981; Amdt. 121–207, 54 FR 39293, Sept. 25,
1989; Amdt. 121–253, 61 FR 2614, Jan. 26, 1996;
Docket FAA–2018–0119, Amdt. 121–380, 83 FR
9172, Mar. 5, 2018]
§ 121.587 Closing and locking of
flightcrew compartment door.
(a) Except as provided in paragraph
(b) of this section, a pilot in command
of an airplane that has a lockable
flightcrew compartment door in ac-
cordance with § 121.313 and that is car-
rying passengers shall ensure that the
door separating the flightcrew com-
partment from the passenger compart-
ment is closed and locked at all times
when the aircraft is being operated.
(b) The provisions of paragraph (a) of
this section do not apply at any time
when it is necessary to permit access
and egress by persons authorized in ac-
cordance with § 121.547 and provided the
part 119 operator complies with FAA
approved procedures regarding the
opening, closing and locking of the
flightdeck doors.
[Doc. No. FAA–2001–11032, 67 FR 2128, Jan. 15,
§ 121.589 Carry-on baggage.
(a) No certificate holder may allow
the boarding of carry-on baggage on an