14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 121.652
following visual references for the in-
tended runway is distinctly visible and
identifiable to the pilot:
(i) The approach light system, except
that the pilot may not descend below
100 feet above the touchdown zone ele-
vation using the approach lights as a
reference unless the red terminating
bars or the red side row bars are also
distinctly visible and identifiable.
(ii) The threshold.
(iii) The threshold markings.
(iv) The threshold lights.
(v) The runway end identifier lights.
(vi) The visual approach slope indi-
(vii) The touchdown zone or touch-
down zone markings.
(viii) The touchdown zone lights.
(ix) The runway or runway markings.
(x) The runway lights.
(e) A pilot may begin the final ap-
proach segment of an instrument ap-
proach procedure, or continue that ap-
proach procedure, at an airport when
the visibility is reported to be less than
the visibility minimums prescribed for
that procedure if the pilot uses an op-
erable EFVS in accordance with § 91.176
of this chapter and the certificate hold-
er’s operations specifications for EFVS
(f) For the purpose of this section,
the final approach segment begins at
the final approach fix or facility pre-
scribed in the instrument approach
procedure. When a final approach fix is
not prescribed for a procedure that in-
cludes a procedure turn, the final ap-
proach segment begins at the point
where the procedure turn is completed
and the aircraft is established inbound
toward the airport on the final ap-
proach course within the distance pre-
scribed in the procedure.
(g) Unless otherwise authorized in
the certificate holder’s operations
specifications, each pilot making an
IFR takeoff, approach, or landing at a
foreign airport shall comply with the
applicable instrument approach proce-
dures and weather minimums pre-
scribed by the authority having juris-
diction over the airport.
[Doc. No. 20060, 46 FR 2291, Jan. 8, 1981, as
amended by Amdt. 121–303, 69 FR 1641, Jan. 9,
2004; Amdt. 121–333, 72 FR 31682, June 7, 2007;
Docket FAA–2013–0485, Amdt. 121–376, 81 FR
90175, Dec. 13, 2016]
§ 121.652 Landing weather minimums:
IFR: All certificate holders.
(a) If the pilot in command of an air-
plane has not served 100 hours as pilot
in command in operations under this
part in the type of airplane he is oper-
ating, the MDA or DA/DH and visi-
bility landing minimums in the certifi-
cate holder’s operations specification
for regular, provisional, or refueling
airports are increased by 100 feet and
one-half mile (or the RVR equivalent).
The MDA or DA/DH and visibility
minimums need not be increased above
those applicable to the airport when
used as an alternate airport, but in no
event may the landing minimums be
less than 300 and 1. However, a Pilot in
command employed by a certificate
holder conducting operations in large
aircraft under part 135 of this chapter,
may credit flight time acquired in op-
erations conducted for that operator
under part 91 in the same type airplane
for up to 50 percent of the 100 hours of
pilot in command experience required
by this paragraph.
(b) The 100 hours of pilot in command
experience required by paragraph (a) of
this section may be reduced (not to ex-
ceed 50 percent) by substituting one
landing in operations under this part in
the type of airplane for 1 required hour
of pilot in command experience, if the
pilot has at least 100 hours as pilot in
command of another type airplane in
operations under this part.
(c) Category II minimums and the
sliding scale when authorized in the
certificate holder’s operations speci-
fications do not apply until the pilot in
command subject to paragraph (a) of
this section meets the requirements of
that paragraph in the type of airplane
he is operating.
[Doc. No. 7594, 33 FR 10843, July 31, 1968, as
amended by Amdt. 121–143, 43 FR 22642, May
25, 1978; Amdt. 121–253, 61 FR 2615, Jan. 26,
1996; Amdt. 121–333, 72 FR 31682, June 7, 2007]
§ 121.653 [Reserved]
§ 121.655 Applicability of reported
weather minimums.
In conducting operations under
§§ 121.649 through 121.653, the ceiling
and visibility values in the main body
of the latest weather report control for
VFR and IFR takeoffs and landings and