Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 121.693
under an interchange agreement may
be incorporated by reference.
[Doc. No. 28154, 61 FR 2615, Jan. 26, 1996, as
amended by Docket FAA–2018–0119, Amdt.
121–380, 83 FR 9172, Mar. 5, 2018]
§ 121.687 Dispatch release: Flag and
domestic operations.
(a) The dispatch release may be in
any form but must contain at least the
following information concerning each
(1) Identification number of the air-
(2) Trip number.
(3) Departure airport, intermediate
stops, destination airports, and alter-
nate airports.
(4) A statement of the type of oper-
ation (e.g., IFR, VFR).
(5) Minimum fuel supply.
(6) For each flight dispatched as an
ETOPS flight, the ETOPS diversion
time for which the flight is dispatched.
(b) The dispatch release must con-
tain, or have attached to it, weather
reports, available weather forecasts, or
a combination thereof, for the destina-
tion airport, intermediate stops, and
alternate airports, that are the latest
available at the time the release is
signed by the pilot in command and
dispatcher. It may include any addi-
tional available weather reports or
forecasts that the pilot in command or
the aircraft dispatcher considers nec-
essary or desirable.
[Doc. No. 6258, 29 FR 19226, Dec. 31, 1964, as
amended by Amdt. 121–329, 72 FR 1883, Jan.
16, 2007]
§ 121.689 Flight release form: Supple-
mental operations.
(a) Except as provided in paragraph
(c) of this section, the flight release
may be in any form but must contain
at least the following information con-
cerning each flight:
(1) Company or organization name.
(2) Make, model, and registration
number of the aircraft being used.
(3) Flight or trip number, and date of
(4) Name of each flight crewmember,
flight attendant, and pilot designated
as pilot in command.
(5) Departure airport, destination air-
ports, alternate airports, and route.
(6) Minimum fuel supply (in gallons
or pounds).
(7) A statement of the type of oper-
ation (e.g., IFR, VFR).
(8) For each flight released as an
ETOPS flight, the ETOPS diversion
time for which the flight is released.
(b) The aircraft flight release must
contain, or have attached to it, weath-
er reports, available weather forecasts,
or a combination thereof, for the des-
tination airport, and alternate air-
ports, that are the latest available at
the time the release is signed. It may
include any additional available weath-
er reports or forecasts that the pilot in
command considers necessary or desir-
(c) Each certificate holder con-
ducting domestic or flag operations
under the rules of this part applicable
to supplemental operations shall com-
ply with the dispatch or flight release
forms required for scheduled operations
under this subpart.
[Doc. No. 6258, 29 FR 19226, Dec. 31, 1964, as
amended by Amdt. 121–253, 61 FR 2615, Jan.
26, 1996; Amdt. 121–329, 72 FR 1883, Jan. 16,
§ 121.691 [Reserved]
§ 121.693 Load manifest: All certificate
The load manifest must contain the
following information concerning the
loading of the airplane at takeoff time:
(a) The weight of the aircraft, fuel
and oil, cargo and baggage, passengers
and crewmembers.
(b) The maximum allowable weight
for that flight that must not exceed
the least of the following weights:
(1) Maximum allowable takeoff
weight for the runway intended to be
used (including corrections for altitude
and gradient, and wind and tempera-
ture conditions existing at the takeoff
(2) Maximum takeoff weight consid-
ering anticipated fuel and oil consump-
tion that allows compliance with appli-
cable en route performance limita-
(3) Maximum takeoff weight consid-
ering anticipated fuel and oil consump-
tion that allows compliance with the
maximum authorized design landing