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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 121.713 

(b) The airworthiness release or log 

entry required by paragraph (a) of this 
section must— 

(1) Be prepared in accordance with 

the procedures set forth in the certifi-
cate holder’s manual; 

(2) Include a certification that— 
(i) The work was performed in ac-

cordance with the requirements of the 
certificate holder’s manual; 

(ii) All items required to be inspected 

were inspected by an authorized person 
who determined that the work was sat-
isfactorily completed; 

(iii) No known condition exists that 

would make the airplane unairworthy; 

(iv) So far as the work performed is 

concerned, the aircraft is in condition 
for safe operation; and 

(3) Be signed by an authorized certifi-

cated mechanic or repairman except 
that a certificated repairman may sign 
the release or entry only for the work 
for which he is employed and certifi-

(c) Notwithstanding paragraph (b)(3) 

of this section, after maintenance, pre-
ventive maintenance, or alterations 
performed by a repair station that is 
located outside the United States, the 
airworthiness release or log entry re-
quired by paragraph (a) of this section 
may be signed by a person authorized 
by that repair station. 

(d) When an airworthiness release 

form is prepared the certificate holder 
must give a copy to the pilot in com-
mand and must keep a record thereof 
for at least 2 months. 

(e) Instead of restating each of the 

conditions of the certification required 
by paragraph (b) of this section, the air 
carrier may state in its manual that 
the signature of an authorized certifi-
cated mechanic or repairman con-
stitutes that certification. 

[Doc. No. 6258, 29 FR 19226, Dec. 31, 1964, as 
amended by Amdt. 121–6, 30 FR 6432, May 8, 
1965; Amdt. 121–21, 31 FR 10613, Aug. 9, 1966; 
Amdt. 121–286, 66 FR 41116, Aug. 6, 2001] 

§ 121.711 Communication records: Do-

mestic and flag operations. 

(a) Each certificate holder con-

ducting domestic or flag operations 
must record each en route communica-
tion between the certificate holder and 

its pilots using a communication sys-
tem as required by § 121.99 of this part. 

(b) For purposes of this section the 

term en route means from the time the 
aircraft pushes back from the depart-
ing gate until the time the aircraft 
reaches the arrival gate at its destina-

(c) The record required in paragraph 

(a) of this section must contain at least 
the following information: 

(1) The date and time of the contact; 
(2) The flight number; 
(3) Aircraft registration number; 
(4) Approximate position of the air-

craft during the contact; 

(5) Call sign; and 
(6) Narrative of the contact. 
(d) The record required in paragraph 

(a) of this section must be kept for at 
least 30 days. 

[Doc. No. FAA–2008–0677, 78 FR 67841, Nov. 12, 

§ 121.713 Retention of contracts and 

amendments: Commercial operators 
who conduct intrastate operations 
for compensation or hire. 

(a) Each commercial operator who 

conducts intrastate operations for 
compensation or hire shall keep a copy 
of each written contract under which it 
provides services as a commercial oper-
ator for a period of at least 1 year after 
the date of execution of the contract. 
In the case of an oral contract, it shall 
keep a memorandum stating its ele-
ments, and of any amendments to it, 
for a period of at least one year after 
the execution of that contract or 

(b) Each commercial operator who 

conducts intrastate operations for 
compensation or hire shall submit a fi-
nancial report for the first 6 months of 
each fiscal year and another financial 
report for each complete fiscal year. If 
that person’s operating certificate is 
suspended for more than 29 days, that 
person shall submit a financial report 
as of the last day of the month in 
which the suspension is terminated. 
The report required to be submitted by 
this section shall be submitted within 
60 days of the last day of the period 
covered by the report and must in-

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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 121.721 

(1) A balance sheet that shows assets, 

liabilities, and net worth on the last 
day of the reporting period; 

(2) The information required by 

§ 119.36 (e)(2), (e)(7), and (e)(8) of this 

(3) An itemization of claims in litiga-

tion against the applicant, if any, as of 
the last day of the period covered by 
the report; 

(4) A profit and loss statement with 

the separation of items relating to the 
applicant’s commercial operator ac-
tivities from his other business activi-
ties, if any; and 

(5) A list of each contract that gave 

rise to operating income on the profit 
and loss statement, including the 
names and addresses of the contracting 
parties and the nature, scope, date, and 
duration of each contract. 

[Doc. No. 28154, 60 FR 65936, Dec. 20, 1995, as 
amended by Amdt. 121–262, 62 FR 13257, Mar. 
19, 1997] 

Subpart W—Crewmember 

Certificate: International 

§ 121.721 Applicability. 

This section describes the certifi-

cates that were issued to United States 
citizens who were employed by air car-
riers at the time of issuance as flight 
crewmembers on United States reg-
istered aircraft engaged in inter-
national air commerce. The purpose of 
the certificate is to facilitate the entry 
and clearance of those crewmembers 
into ICAO contracting states. They 
were issued under Annex 9, as amended, 
to the Convention on International 
Civil Aviation. 

[Doc. No. 28154, 61 FR 30435, June 14, 1996] 

§ 121.723 Surrender of international 

crewmember certificate. 

The holder of a certificate issued 

under this section, or the air carrier by 
whom the holder is employed, shall 
surrender the certificate for cancella-
tion at the responsible Flight Stand-
ards office at the termination of the 
holder’s employment with that air car-

[Doc. No. 28154, 61 FR 30435, June 14, 1996, as 
amended by Docket FAA–2018–0119, Amdt. 
121–380, 83 FR 9173, Mar. 5, 2018] 

Subpart X—Emergency Medical 

Equipment and Training 



: Docket No. FAA–2000–7119, 66 FR 

19044, Apr. 12, 2001, unless otherwise noted. 

§ 121.801 Applicability. 

This subpart prescribes the emer-

gency medical equipment and training 
requirements applicable to all certifi-
cate holders operating passenger-car-
rying airplanes under this part. Noth-
ing in this subpart is intended to re-
quire certificate holders or its agents 
to provide emergency medical care or 
to establish a standard of care for the 
provision of emergency medical care. 

§ 121.803 Emergency medical equip-


(a) No person may operate a pas-

senger-carrying airplane under this 
part unless it is equipped with the 
emergency medical equipment listed in 
this section. 

(b) Each equipment item listed in 

this section— 

(1) Must be inspected regularly in ac-

cordance with inspection periods estab-
lished in the operations specifications 
to ensure its condition for continued 
serviceability and immediate readiness 
to perform its intended emergency pur-

(2) Must be readily accessible to the 

crew and, with regard to equipment lo-
cated in the passenger compartment, 
to passengers; 

(3) Must be clearly identified and 

clearly marked to indicate its method 
of operation; and 

(4) When carried in a compartment or 

container, must be carried in a com-
partment or container marked as to 
contents and the compartment or con-
tainer, or the item itself, must be 
marked as to date of last inspection. 

(c) For treatment of injuries, medical 

events, or minor accidents that might 
occur during flight time each airplane 
must have the following equipment 
that meets the specifications and re-
quirements of appendix A of this part: 

(1) Approved first-aid kits. 
(2) In airplanes for which a flight at-

tendant is required, an approved emer-
gency medical kit.