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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 121.903 

(3) In airplanes for which a flight at-

tendant is required, an approved emer-
gency medical kit as modified effective 
April 12, 2004. 

(4) In airplanes for which a flight at-

tendant is required and with a max-
imum payload capacity of more than 
7,500 pounds, an approved automated 
external defibrillator as of April 12, 

§ 121.805 Crewmember training for in- 

flight medical events. 

(a) Each training program must pro-

vide the instruction set forth in this 
section with respect to each airplane 
type, model, and configuration, each 
required crewmember, and each kind of 
operation conducted, insofar as appro-
priate for each crewmember and the 
certificate holder. 

(b) Training must provide the fol-


(1) Instruction in emergency medical 

event procedures, including coordina-
tion among crewmembers. 

(2) Instruction in the location, func-

tion, and intended operation of emer-
gency medical equipment. 

(3) Instruction to familiarize crew-

members with the content of the emer-
gency medical kit. 

(4) Instruction to familiarize crew-

members with the content of the emer-
gency medical kit as modified on April 
12, 2004. 

(5) For each flight attendant— 
(i) Instruction, to include perform-

ance drills, in the proper use of auto-
mated external defibrillators. 

(ii) Instruction, to include perform-

ance drills, in cardiopulmonary resus-

(iii) Recurrent training, to include 

performance drills, in the proper use of 
an automated external defibrillators 
and in cardiopulmonary resuscitation 
at least once every 24 months. 

(c) The crewmember instruction, per-

formance drills, and recurrent training 
required under this section are not re-
quired to be equivalent to the expert 
level of proficiency attained by profes-
sional emergency medical personnel. 

Subpart Y—Advanced 

Qualification Program 



: Docket No. FAA–2005–20750, 70 FR 

54815, Sept. 16, 2005, unless otherwise noted. 

§ 121.901 Purpose and eligibility. 

(a) Contrary provisions of parts 61, 63, 

65, 121, 135, and 142 of this chapter not-
withstanding, this subpart provides for 
approval of an alternative method 
(known as ‘‘Advanced Qualification 
Program’’ or ‘‘AQP’’) for qualifying, 
training, certifying, and otherwise en-
suring competency of crewmembers, 
aircraft dispatchers, other operations 
personnel, instructors, and evaluators 
who are required to be trained under 
parts 121 and 135 of this chapter. 

(b) A certificate holder is eligible 

under this subpart if the certificate 
holder is required or elects to have an 
approved training program under 
§§ 121.401, 135.3(c), or 135.341 of this 

(c) A certificate holder obtains ap-

proval of each proposed curriculum 
under this AQP as specified in § 121.909. 

§ 121.903 General requirements for Ad-

vanced Qualification Programs. 

(a) A curriculum approved under an 

AQP may include elements of existing 
training programs under part 121 and 
part 135 of this chapter. Each cur-
riculum must specify the make, model, 
series or variant of aircraft and each 
crewmember position or other posi-
tions to be covered by that curriculum. 
Positions to be covered by the AQP 
must include all flight crewmember po-
sitions, flight instructors, and eval-
uators and may include other posi-
tions, such as flight attendants, air-
craft dispatchers, and other operations 

(b) Each certificate holder that ob-

tains approval of an AQP under this 
subpart must comply with all the re-
quirements of the AQP and this sub-
part instead of the corresponding pro-
visions of parts 61, 63, 65, 121, or 135 of 
this chapter. However, each applicable 
requirement of parts 61, 63, 65, 121, or 
135 of this chapter, including but not 
limited to practical test requirements, 
that is not specifically addressed in the 
AQP continues to apply to the certifi-
cate holder and to the individuals