Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 121.909
student to complete a segment of in-
struction (to include all instruction,
demonstration, practice, and evalua-
tion, as appropriate, to reach pro-
Qualification standard
means a state-
ment of a minimum required perform-
ance, applicable parameters, criteria,
applicable flight conditions, evaluation
strategy, evaluation media, and appli-
cable document references.
Qualification standards document
means a single document containing
all the qualification standards for an
AQP together with a prologue that pro-
vides a detailed description of all fac-
ets of the evaluation process.
Special tracking
means assigning a
person to an augmented schedule of
training, checking, or both.
Training session
means a contiguously
scheduled period devoted to training
activities at a facility approved by the
FAA for that purpose.
means a specifically config-
ured aircraft for which the FAA has
identified training and qualifications
that are significantly different from
those applicable to other aircraft of the
same make, model, and series.
§ 121.909 Approval of Advanced Quali-
fication Program.
Approval process.
Application for
approval of an AQP curriculum under
this subpart is made to the responsible
Flight Standards office.
Approval criteria.
Each AQP must
have separate curriculums for indoc-
trination, qualification, and continuing
qualification (including upgrade, tran-
sition, and requalification), as specified
in §§ 121.911, 121.913, and 121.915. All
AQP curriculums must be based on an
instructional systems development
methodology. This methodology must
incorporate a thorough analysis of the
certificate holder’s operations, air-
craft, line environment and job func-
tions. All AQP qualification and con-
tinuing qualification curriculums must
integrate the training and evaluation
of CRM and technical skills and knowl-
edge. An application for approval of an
AQP curriculum may be approved if
the program meets the following re-
(1) The program must meet all the re-
quirements of this subpart.
(2) Each indoctrination, qualifica-
tion, and continuing qualification
AQP, and derivatives must include the
following documentation:
(i) Initial application for AQP.
(ii) Initial job task listing.
(iii) Instructional systems develop-
ment methodology.
(iv) Qualification standards docu-
(v) Curriculum outline.
(vi) Implementation and operations
(3) Subject to approval by the FAA,
certificate holders may elect, where
appropriate, to consolidate informa-
tion about multiple programs within
any of the documents referenced in
paragraph (b)(2) of this section.
(4) The Qualification Standards Doc-
ument must indicate specifically the
requirements of the parts 61, 63, 65, 121,
or 135 of this chapter, as applicable,
that would be replaced by an AQP cur-
riculum. If a practical test require-
ment of parts 61, 63, 65, 121, or 135 of
this chapter is replaced by an AQP cur-
riculum, the certificate holder must es-
tablish an initial justification and a
continuing process approved by the
FAA to show how the AQP curriculum
provides an equivalent level of safety
for each requirement that is to be re-
Application and transition.
certificate holder that applies for one
or more advanced qualification cur-
riculums must include as part of its ap-
plication a proposed transition plan
(containing a calendar of events) for
moving from its present approved
training to the advanced qualification
program training.
Advanced Qualification Program re-
visions or rescissions of approval.
If after
a certificate holder begins training and
qualification under an AQP, the FAA
finds the certificate holder is not meet-
ing the provisions of its approved AQP,
the FAA may require the certificate
holder, pursuant to § 121.405(e), to make
revisions. Or if otherwise warranted,
the FAA may withdraw AQP approval
and require the certificate holder to
submit and obtain approval for a plan
(containing a schedule of events) that
the certificate holder must comply
with and use to transition to an ap-
proved training program under subpart
14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 121.911
N of this part or under subpart H of
part 135 of this chapter, as appropriate.
The certificate holder may also volun-
tarily submit and obtain approval for a
plan (containing a schedule of events)
to transition to an approved training
program under subpart N of this part
or under subpart H of part 135 of this
chapter, as appropriate.
Approval by the FAA.
Final ap-
proval of an AQP by the FAA indicates
the FAA has accepted the justification
provided under paragraph (b)(4) of this
section and the applicant’s initial jus-
tification and continuing process es-
tablish an equivalent level of safety for
each requirement of parts 61, 63, 65, 121,
and 135 of this chapter that is being re-
[Docket No. FAA–2005–20750, 70 FR 54815,
Sept. 16, 2005, as amended by Docket FAA–
2018–0119, Amdt. 121–380, 83 FR 9173, Mar. 5,
2018; Docket No. FAA–2022–1355; Amdt. 121–
387, 87 FR 75846, Dec. 9, 2022]
§ 121.911 Indoctrination curriculum.
Each indoctrination curriculum must
include the following:
(a) For newly hired persons being
trained under an AQP: The certificate
holder’s policies and operating prac-
tices and general operational knowl-
(b) For newly hired crewmembers and
aircraft dispatchers: General aero-
nautical knowledge appropriate to the
duty position.
(c) For instructors: The fundamental
principles of the teaching and learning
process; methods and theories of in-
struction; and the knowledge necessary
to use aircraft, flight training devices,
flight simulators, and other training
equipment in advanced qualification
curriculums, as appropriate.
(d) For evaluators: General evalua-
tion requirements of the AQP; methods
of evaluating crewmembers and air-
craft dispatchers and other operations
personnel, as appropriate, and policies
and practices used to conduct the kinds
of evaluations particular to an AQP
(e.g., LOE).
§ 121.913 Qualification curriculum.
Each qualification curriculum must
contain training, evaluation, and cer-
tification activities, as applicable for
specific positions subject to the AQP,
as follows:
(a) The certificate holder’s planned
hours of training, evaluation, and su-
pervised operating experience.
(b) For crewmembers, aircraft dis-
patchers, and other operations per-
sonnel, the following:
(1) Training, evaluation, and certifi-
cation activities that are aircraft- and
equipment-specific to qualify a person
for a particular duty position on, or du-
ties related to the operation of, a spe-
cific make, model, series, or variant
(2) A list of and text describing the
knowledge requirements, subject mate-
rials, job skills, and qualification
standards of each proficiency objective
to be trained and evaluated.
(3) The requirements of the certifi-
cate holder’s approved AQP program
that are in addition to or in place of,
the requirements of parts 61, 63, 65, 121
or 135 of this chapter, including any ap-
plicable practical test requirements.
(4) A list of and text describing oper-
ating experience, evaluation/remedi-
ation strategies, provisions for special
tracking, and how recency of experi-
ence requirements will be accom-
(c) For flight crewmembers: Initial
operating experience and line check.
(d) For instructors, the following as
(1) Training and evaluation activities
to qualify a person to conduct instruc-
tion on how to operate, or on how to
ensure the safe operation of a par-
ticular make, model, and series air-
craft (or variant).
(2) A list of and text describing the
knowledge requirements, subject mate-
rials, job skills, and qualification
standards of each procedure and pro-
ficiency objective to be trained and
(3) A list of and text describing eval-
uation/remediation strategies, stand-
ardization policies and recency require-
(e) For evaluators: The requirements
of paragraph (d)(1) of this section plus
the following, as appropriate:
(1) Training and evaluation activities
that are aircraft and equipment spe-
cific to qualify a person to assess the
performance of persons who operate or