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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 121.925 

(1) The applicant must have a cur-

riculum for the qualification and con-
tinuing qualification of each instructor 
and evaluator used by the applicant. 

(2) The applicant’s facilities must be 

found by the FAA to be adequate for 
any planned training, qualification, or 
evaluation for a certificate holder op-
erating under part 121 or part 135 of 
this chapter. 

(3) Except for indoctrination curricu-

lums, the curriculum, curriculum seg-
ment, or portion of a curriculum seg-
ment must identify the specific make, 
model, and series aircraft (or variant) 
and crewmember or other positions for 
which it is designed. 

(c) A certificate holder who wants ap-

proval to use a training provider’s pro-
visionally approved curriculum, cur-
riculum segment, or portion of a cur-
riculum segment in its AQP, must 
show the following requirements are 

(1) Each instructor or evaluator used 

by the training provider must meet all 
the qualification and continuing quali-
fication requirements that apply to 
employees of the certificate holder 
that has arranged for the training, in-
cluding knowledge of the certificate 
holder’s operations. 

(2) Each provisionally approved cur-

riculum, curriculum segment, or por-
tion of a curriculum segment must be 
approved by the FAA for use in the cer-
tificate holder’s AQP. The FAA will ei-
ther provide approval or require modi-
fications to ensure that each cur-
riculum, curriculum segment, or por-
tion of a curriculum segment is appli-
cable to the certificate holder’s AQP. 

[Docket No. FAA–2005–20750, 70 FR 54815, 
Sept. 16, 2005, as amended by Docket FAA– 
2018–0119, Amdt. 121–380, 83 FR 9173, Mar. 5, 
2018; Doc. No. FAA–2022–1355; Amdt. 121–387; 
87 FR 75846, Dec. 9, 2022] 

§ 121.925 Recordkeeping requirements. 

Each certificate holder conducting 

an approved AQP must establish and 
maintain records in sufficient detail to 
demonstrate the certificate holder is in 
compliance with all the requirements 
of the AQP and this subpart. 

Subpart Z—Hazardous Materials 

Training Program 



: Docket No. FAA–2003–15085, 70 FR 

58823, Oct. 7, 2005, unless otherwise noted. 

§ 121.1001 Applicability and defini-


(a) This subpart prescribes the re-

quirements applicable to each certifi-
cate holder for training each crew-
member and person performing or di-
rectly supervising any of the following 
job functions involving any item for 
transport on board an aircraft: 

(1) Acceptance; 
(2) Rejection; 
(3) Handling; 
(4) Storage incidental to transport; 
(5) Packaging of company material; 


(6) Loading. 


For purposes of this 

subpart, the following definitions 


Company material (COMAT)


rial owned or used by a certificate 


Initial hazardous materials train-


—The basic training required for 

each newly hired person, or each per-
son changing job functions, who per-
forms or directly supervises any of the 
job functions specified in paragraph (a) 
of this section. 


Recurrent hazardous materials 


—The training required every 

24 months for each person who has sat-
isfactorily completed the certificate 
holder’s approved initial hazardous ma-
terials training program and performs 
or directly supervises any of the job 
functions specified in paragraph (a) of 
this section. 

§ 121.1003 Hazardous materials train-

ing: General. 

(a) Each certificate holder must es-

tablish and implement a hazardous ma-
terials training program that: 

(1) Satisfies the requirements of Ap-

pendix O of this part; 

(2) Ensures that each person per-

forming or directly supervising any of 
the job functions specified in 
§ 121.1001(a) is trained to comply with 
all applicable parts of 49 CFR parts 171 
through 180 and the requirements of 
this subpart; and