Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 125.173
the shutoff means after it has been
§ 125.157 Lines and fittings.
(a) Each line, and its fittings, that is
located in a designated fire zone, if it
carries flammable fluids or gases under
pressure, or is attached directly to the
engine, or is subject to relative motion
between components (except lines and
fittings forming an integral part of the
engine), must be flexible and fire-re-
sistant with fire-resistant, factory-
fixed, detachable, or other approved
fire-resistant ends.
(b) Lines and fittings that are not
subject to pressure or to relative mo-
tion between components must be of
fire-resistant materials.
§ 125.159 Vent and drain lines.
All vent and drain lines, and their
fittings, that are located in a des-
ignated fire zone must, if they carry
flammable fluids or gases, comply with
§ 125.157, if the Administrator finds that
the rupture or breakage of any vent or
drain line may result in a fire hazard.
§ 125.161 Fire-extinguishing systems.
(a) Unless the certificate holder
shows that equivalent protection
against destruction of the airplane in
case of fire is provided by the use of
fireproof materials in the nacelle and
other components that would be sub-
jected to flame, fire-extinguishing sys-
tems must be provided to serve all des-
ignated fire zones.
(b) Materials in the fire-extin-
guishing system must not react chemi-
cally with the extinguishing agent so
as to be a hazard.
§ 125.163 Fire-extinguishing agents.
Only methyl bromide, carbon dioxide,
or another agent that has been shown
to provide equivalent extinguishing ac-
tion may be used as a fire-extin-
guishing agent. If methyl bromide or
any other toxic extinguishing agent is
used, provisions must be made to pre-
vent harmful concentrations of fluid or
fluid vapors from entering any per-
sonnel compartment either because of
leakage during normal operation of the
airplane or because of discharging the
fire extinguisher on the ground or in
flight when there is a defect in the ex-
tinguishing system. If a methyl bro-
mide system is used, the containers
must be charged with dry agent and
sealed by the fire-extinguisher manu-
facturer or some other person using
satisfactory recharging equipment. If
carbon dioxide is used, it must not be
possible to discharge enough gas into
the personnel compartments to create
a danger of suffocating the occupants.
§ 125.165 Extinguishing agent con-
tainer pressure relief.
Extinguishing agent containers must
be provided with a pressure relief to
prevent bursting of the container be-
cause of excessive internal pressures.
The discharge line from the relief con-
nection must terminate outside the
airplane in a place convenient for in-
spection on the ground. An indicator
must be provided at the discharge end
of the line to provide a visual indica-
tion when the container has dis-
§ 125.167 Extinguishing agent con-
tainer compartment temperature.
Precautions must be taken to ensure
that the extinguishing agent con-
tainers are installed in places where
reasonable temperatures can be main-
tained for effective use of the extin-
guishing system.
§ 125.169 Fire-extinguishing system
(a) Except as provided in paragraph
(b) of this section, each component of a
fire-extinguishing system that is in a
designated fire zone must be made of
fireproof materials.
(b) Connections that are subject to
relative motion between components of
the airplane must be made of flexible
materials that are at least fire-resist-
ant and be located so as to minimize
the probability of failure.
§ 125.171 Fire-detector systems.
Enough quick-acting fire detectors
must be provided in each designated
fire zone to assure the detection of any
fire that may occur in that zone.
§ 125.173 Fire detectors.
Fire detectors must be made and in-
stalled in a manner that assures their
14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 125.175
ability to resist, without failure, all vi-
bration, inertia, and other loads to
which they may be normally subjected.
Fire detectors must be unaffected by
exposure to fumes, oil, water, or other
fluids that may be present.
§ 125.175 Protection of other airplane
components against fire.
(a) Except as provided in paragraph
(b) of this section, all airplane surfaces
aft of the nacelles in the area of one
nacelle diameter on both sides of the
nacelle centerline must be made of ma-
terial that is at least fire resistant.
(b) Paragraph (a) of this section does
not apply to tail surfaces lying behind
nacelles unless the dimensional con-
figuration of the airplane is such that
the tail surfaces could be affected read-
ily by heat, flames, or sparks ema-
nating from a designated fire zone or
from the engine from a designated fire
zone or from the engine compartment
of any nacelle.
§ 125.177 Control of engine rotation.
(a) Except as provided in paragraph
(b) of this section, each airplane must
have a means of individually stopping
and restarting the rotation of any en-
gine in flight.
(b) In the case of turbine engine in-
stallations, a means of stopping rota-
tion need be provided only if the Ad-
ministrator finds that rotation could
jeopardize the safety of the airplane.
§ 125.179 Fuel system independence.
(a) Each airplane fuel system must be
arranged so that the failure of any one
component does not result in the irre-
coverable loss of power of more than
one engine.
(b) A separate fuel tank need not be
provided for each engine if the certifi-
cate holder shows that the fuel system
incorporates features that provide
equivalent safety.
§ 125.181 Induction system ice preven-
A means for preventing the malfunc-
tioning of each engine due to ice accu-
mulation in the engine air induction
system must be provided for each air-
§ 125.183 Carriage of cargo in pas-
senger compartments.
(a) Except as provided in paragraph
(b) or (c) of this section, no certificate
holder may carry cargo in the pas-
senger compartment of an airplane.
(b) Cargo may be carried aft of the
foremost seated passengers if it is car-
ried in an approved cargo bin that
meets the following requirements:
(1) The bin must withstand the load
factors and emergency landing condi-
tions applicable to the passenger seats
of the airplane in which the bin is in-
stalled, multiplied by a factor of 1.15,
using the combined weight of the bin
and the maximum weight of cargo that
may be carried in the bin.
(2) The maximum weight of cargo
that the bin is approved to carry and
any instructions necessary to ensure
proper weight distribution within the
bin must be conspicuously marked on
the bin.
(3) The bin may not impose any load
on the floor or other structure of the
airplane that exceeds the load limita-
tions of that structure.
(4) The bin must be attached to the
seat tracks or to the floor structure of
the airplane, and its attachment must
withstand the load factors and emer-
gency landing conditions applicable to
the passenger seats of the airplane in
which the bin is installed, multiplied
by either the factor 1.15 or the seat at-
tachment factor specified for the air-
plane, whichever is greater, using the
combined weight of the bin and the
maximum weight of cargo that may be
carried in the bin.
(5) The bin may not be installed in a
position that restricts access to or use
of any required emergency exit, or of
the aisle in the passenger compart-
(6) The bin must be fully enclosed
and made of material that is at least
(7) Suitable safeguards must be pro-
vided within the bin to prevent the
cargo from shifting under emergency
landing conditions.
(8) The bin may not be installed in a
position that obscures any passenger’s
view of the ‘‘seat belt’’ sign, ‘‘no smok-
ing’’ sign, or any required exit sign, un-
less an auxiliary sign or other approved