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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 125.27 

(2) A list of flight crewmembers with 

the type of airman certificate held, in-
cluding ratings and certificate num-

[Docket No. 19779, 45 FR 67235, Oct. 9, 1980, as 
amended by Docket FAA–2018–0119, Amdt. 
125–68, 83 FR 9173, Mar. 5, 2018] 

§ 125.23 Rules applicable to operations 

subject to this part. 

Each person operating an aircraft in 

operations under this part shall— 

(a) While operating inside the United 

States, comply with the applicable 
rules in part 91 of this chapter; and 

(b) While operating outside the 

United States, comply with Annex 2, 
Rules of the Air, to the Convention on 
International Civil Aviation or the reg-
ulations of any foreign country, which-
ever applies, and with any rules of 
parts 61 and 91 of this chapter and this 
part that are more restrictive than 
that Annex or those regulations and 
that can be complied with without vio-
lating that Annex or those regulations. 
Annex 2 is incorporated by reference in 
§ 91.703(b) of this chapter. 

[Doc. No. 19779, 45 FR 67235, Oct. 9, 1980, as 
amended by Amdt. 125–12, 54 FR 34331, Aug. 
18, 1989; Docket No. FAA–2022–1563; Amdt. 
No. 125–74, 88 FR 48090, July 26, 2023] 

§ 125.25 Management personnel re-


(a) Each applicant for a certificate 

under this part must show that it has 
enough management personnel, includ-
ing at least a director of operations, to 
assure that its operations are con-
ducted in accordance with the require-
ments of this part. 

(b) Each applicant shall— 
(1) Set forth the duties, responsibil-

ities, and authority of each of its man-
agement personnel in the general pol-
icy section of its manual; 

(2) List in the manual the names and 

addresses of each of its management 

(3) Designate a person as responsible 

for the scheduling of inspections re-
quired by the manual and for the up-
dating of the approved weight and bal-
ance system on all airplanes. 

(c) Each certificate holder shall no-

tify the responsible Flight Standards 
office charged with the overall inspec-
tion of the certificate holder of any 

change made in the assignment of per-
sons to the listed positions within 10 
days, excluding Saturdays, Sundays, 
and Federal holidays, of such change. 

[Docket No. 19779, 45 FR 67235, Oct. 9, 1980, as 
amended by Docket FAA–2018–0119, Amdt. 
125–68, 83 FR 9173, Mar. 5, 2018] 

§ 125.26 Employment of former FAA 


(a) Except as specified in paragraph 

(c) of this section, no certificate holder 
may knowingly employ or make a con-
tractual arrangement which permits an 
individual to act as an agent or rep-
resentative of the certificate holder in 
any matter before the Federal Aviation 
Administration if the individual, in the 
preceding 2 years— 

(1) Served as, or was directly respon-

sible for the oversight of, a Flight 
Standards Service aviation safety in-
spector; and 

(2) Had direct responsibility to in-

spect, or oversee the inspection of, the 
operations of the certificate holder. 

(b) For the purpose of this section, an 

individual shall be considered to be 
acting as an agent or representative of 
a certificate holder in a matter before 
the agency if the individual makes any 
written or oral communication on be-
half of the certificate holder to the 
agency (or any of its officers or em-
ployees) in connection with a par-
ticular matter, whether or not involv-
ing a specific party and without regard 
to whether the individual has partici-
pated in, or had responsibility for, the 
particular matter while serving as a 
Flight Standards Service aviation safe-
ty inspector. 

(c) The provisions of this section do 

not prohibit a certificate holder from 
knowingly employing or making a con-
tractual arrangement which permits an 
individual to act as an agent or rep-
resentative of the certificate holder in 
any matter before the Federal Aviation 
Administration if the individual was 
employed by the certificate holder be-
fore October 21, 2011. 

[Doc. No. FAA–2008–1154, 76 FR 52235, Aug. 22, 

§ 125.27 Issue of certificate. 

(a) An applicant for a certificate 

under this subpart is entitled to a cer-
tificate if the Administrator finds that