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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 125.293 

check must include the procedures and 
maneuvers for a commercial pilot cer-
tificate with an instrument rating and, 
if required, for the appropriate type 

(2) The instrument proficiency check 

must be given by an authorized check 
airman or by the Administrator. 

(d) If the pilot in command is as-

signed to pilot only one type of air-
plane, that pilot must take the instru-
ment proficiency check required by 
paragraph (a) of this section in that 
type of airplane. 

(e) If the pilot in command is as-

signed to pilot more than one type of 
airplane, that pilot must take the in-
strument proficiency check required by 
paragraph (a) of this section in each 
type of airplane to which that pilot is 
assigned, in rotation, but not more 
than one flight check during each pe-
riod described in paragraph (a) of this 

(f) Portions of a required flight check 

may be given in an airplane simulator 
or other appropriate training device, if 
approved by the Administrator. 

(g) The Administrator or authorized 

check airman issues a letter of com-
petency to each pilot who passes the 
instrument proficiency check. The let-
ter of competency contains a list of the 
types of instrument approach proce-
dures and facilities authorized. 

§ 125.293 Crewmember: Tests and 

checks, grace provisions, accepted 


(a) If a crewmember who is required 

to take a test or a flight check under 
this part completes the test or flight 
check in the calendar month before or 
after the calendar month in which it is 
required, that crewmember is consid-
ered to have completed the test or 
check in the calendar month in which 
it is required. 

(b) If a pilot being checked under this 

subpart fails any of the required ma-
neuvers, the person giving the check 
may give additional training to the 
pilot during the course of the check. In 
addition to repeating the maneuvers 
failed, the person giving the check may 
require the pilot being checked to re-
peat any other maneuvers that are nec-
essary to determine the pilot’s pro-
ficiency. If the pilot being checked is 

unable to demonstrate satisfactory 
performance to the person conducting 
the check, the certificate holder may 
not use the pilot, nor may the pilot 
serve, in the capacity for which the 
pilot is being checked in operations 
under this part until the pilot has sat-
isfactorily completed the check. 

§ 125.295 Check airman authorization: 

Application and issue. 

Each certificate holder desiring FAA 

approval of a check airman shall sub-
mit a request in writing to the respon-
sible Flight Standards office charged 
with the overall inspection of the cer-
tificate holder. The Administrator may 
issue a letter of authority to each 
check airman if that airman passes the 
appropriate oral and flight test. The 
letter of authority lists the tests and 
checks in this part that the check air-
man is qualified to give, and the cat-
egory, class and type airplane, where 
appropriate, for which the check air-
man is qualified. 

[Docket No. 19779, 45 FR 67235, Oct. 9, 1980, as 
amended by Docket FAA–2018–0119, Amdt. 
125–68, 83 FR 9173, Mar. 5, 2018] 

§ 125.296 Training, testing, and check-

ing conducted by training centers: 
Special rules. 

A crewmember who has successfully 

completed training, testing, or check-
ing in accordance with an approved 
training program that meets the re-
quirements of this part and that is con-
ducted in accordance with an approved 
course conducted by a training center 
certificated under part 142 of this chap-
ter, is considered to meet applicable re-
quirements of this part. 

[Doc. No. 26933, 61 FR 34561, July 2, 1996] 

§ 125.297 Approval of flight simulators 

and flight training devices. 

(a) Flight simulators and flight 

training devices approved by the Ad-
ministrator may be used in training, 
testing, and checking required by this 

(b) Each flight simulator and flight 

training device that is used in training, 
testing, and checking required under 
this subpart must be used in accord-
ance with an approved training course