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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 125.405 

approved limits. In those cases, an 
entry shall be made on the manifest in-
dicating that the center of gravity is 
within limits according to a loading 
schedule or other approved method: 

(6) The registration number of the 


(7) The origin and destination ; and 
(8) Names of passengers. 
(b) The pilot in command of an air-

plane for which a load manifest must 
be prepared shall carry a copy of the 
completed load manifest in the air-
plane to its destination. The certificate 
holder shall keep copies of completed 
load manifests for at least 30 days at 
its principal operations base, or at an-
other location used by it and approved 
by the Administrator. 

Subpart L—Records and Reports 

§ 125.401 Crewmember record. 

(a) Each certificate holder shall— 
(1) Maintain current records of each 

crewmember that show whether or not 
that crewmember complies with this 
chapter (e.g., proficiency checks, air-
plane qualifications, any required 
physical examinations, and flight time 
records); and 

(2) Record each action taken con-

cerning the release from employment 
or physical or professional disqualifica-
tion of any flight crewmember and 
keep the record for at least 6 months 

(b) Each certificate holder shall 

maintain the records required by para-
graph (a) of this section at its principal 
operations base, or at another location 
used by it and approved by the Admin-

(c) Computer record systems ap-

proved by the Administrator may be 
used in complying with the require-
ments of paragraph (a) of this section. 

§ 125.403 Flight release form. 

(a) The flight release may be in any 

form but must contain at least the fol-
lowing information concerning each 

(1) Company or organization name. 
(2) Make, model, and registration 

number of the airplane being used. 

(3) Date of flight. 
(4) Name and duty assignment of 

each crewmember. 

(5) Departure airport, destination air-

ports, alternate airports, and route. 

(6) Minimum fuel supply (in gallons 

or pounds). 

(7) A statement of the type of oper-

ation (e.g., IFR, VFR). 

(b) The airplane flight release must 

contain, or have attached to it, weath-
er reports, available weather forecasts, 
or a combination thereof. 

§ 125.405 Disposition of load manifest, 

flight release, and flight plans. 

(a) The pilot in command of an air-

plane shall carry in the airplane to its 
destination the original or a signed 
copy of the— 

(1) Load manifest required by 

§ 125.383; 

(2) Flight release; 
(3) Airworthiness release; and 
(4) Flight plan, including route. 
(b) If a flight originates at the prin-

cipal operations base of the certificate 
holder, it shall retain at that base a 
signed copy of each document listed in 
paragraph (a) of this section. 

(c) Except as provided in paragraph 

(d) of this section, if a flight originates 
at a place other than the principal op-
erations base of the certificate holder, 
the pilot in command (or another per-
son not aboard the airplane who is au-
thorized by the operator) shall, before 
or immediately after departure of the 
flight, mail signed copies of the docu-
ments listed in paragraph (a) of this 
section to the principal operations 

(d) If a flight originates at a place 

other than the principal operations 
base of the certificate holder and there 
is at that place a person to manage the 
flight departure for the operator who 
does not depart on the airplane, signed 
copies of the documents listed in para-
graph (a) of this section may be re-
tained at that place for not more than 
30 days before being sent to the prin-
cipal operations base of the certificate 
holder. However, the documents for a 
particular flight need not be further re-
tained at that place or be sent to the 
principal operations base, if the origi-
nals or other copies of them have been 
previously returned to the principal op-
erations base. 

(e) The certificate holder shall: