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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 125.49 

holder may submit written informa-
tion, views, and arguments concerning 
the proposed amendment. After consid-
eration of all relevant matter pre-
sented, the responsible Flight Stand-
ards office notifies the holder of any 
amendment adopted, or a rescission of 
the notice. That amendment becomes 
effective not less than 30 days after the 
holder receives notice of the adoption 
of the amendment, unless the holder 
petitions the Executive Director, 
Flight Standards Service, for reconsid-
eration of the amendment. In that 
case, the effective date of the amend-
ment is stayed pending a decision by 
the Executive Director. If the Execu-
tive Director finds there is an emer-
gency requiring immediate action as to 
safety in air commerce that makes the 
provisions of this paragraph impracti-
cable or contrary to the public inter-
est, the Executive Director notifies the 
certificate holder that the amendment 
is effective on the date of receipt, with-
out previous notice. 

[Doc. No. 19779, 45 FR 67235, Oct. 9, 1980, as 
amended by Amdt. 125–13, 54 FR 39294, Sept. 
25, 1989; Docket FAA–2018–0119, Amdt. 125–68, 
83 FR 9173, 9174, Mar. 5, 2018] 

§ 125.37 Duty period limitations. 

(a) Each flight crewmember and 

flight attendant must be relieved from 
all duty for at least 8 consecutive 
hours during any 24-hour period. 

(b) The Administrator may specify 

rest, flight time, and duty time limita-
tions in the operations specifications 
that are other than those specified in 
paragraph (a) of this section. 

[Doc. No. 19779, 45 FR 67235, Oct. 9, 1980, as 
amended by Amdt. 125–21, 59 FR 42993, Aug. 
19, 1994] 

§ 125.39 Carriage of narcotic drugs, 

marihuana, and depressant or stim-

ulant drugs or substances. 

If the holder of a certificate issued 

under this part permits any airplane 
owned or leased by that holder to be 
engaged in any operation that the cer-
tificate holder knows to be in violation 
of § 91.19(a) of this chapter, that oper-
ation is a basis for suspending or re-
voking the certificate. 

[Doc. No. 19779, 45 FR 67235, Oct. 9, 1980, as 
amended by Amdt. 125–12, 54 FR 34331, Aug. 
18, 1989] 

§ 125.41 Availability of certificate and 

operations specifications. 

Each certificate holder shall make 

its operating certificate and operations 
specifications available for inspection 
by the Administrator at its principal 
operations base. 

§ 125.43 Use of operations specifica-


(a) Each certificate holder shall keep 

each of its employees informed of the 
provisions of its operations specifica-
tions that apply to the employee’s du-
ties and responsibilities. 

(b) Each certificate holder shall 

maintain a complete and separate set 
of its operations specifications. In ad-
dition, each certificate holder shall in-
sert pertinent excerpts of its oper-
ations specifications, or reference 
thereto, in its manual in such a man-
ner that they retain their identity as 
operations specifications. 

§ 125.45 Inspection authority. 

Each certificate holder shall allow 

the Administrator, at any time or 
place, to make any inspections or tests 
to determine its compliance with the 
Federal Aviation Act of 1958, the Fed-
eral Aviation Regulations, its oper-
ating certificate and operations speci-
fications, its letter of deviation author-
ity, or its eligibililty to continue to 
hold its certificate or its letter of devi-
ation authority. 

§ 125.47 Change of address. 

Each certificate holder shall notify 

the responsible Flight Standards office 
charged with the overall inspection of 
its operations, in writing, at least 30 
days in advance, of any change in the 
address of its principal business office, 
its principal operations base, or its 
principal maintenance base. 

[Docket No. 19779, 45 FR 67235, Oct. 9, 1980, as 
amended by Docket FAA–2018–0119, Amdt. 
125–68, 83 FR 9173, Mar. 5, 2018] 

§ 125.49 Airport requirements. 

(a) No certificate holder may use any 

airport unless it is adequate for the 
proposed operation, considering such 
items as size, surface, obstructions, 
and lighting. 

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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 125.51 

(b) No pilot of an airplane carrying 

passengers at night may take off from, 
or land on, an airport unless— 

(1) That pilot has determined the 

wind direction from an illuminated 
wind direction indicator or local 
ground communications, or, in the case 
of takeoff, that pilot’s personal obser-
vations; and 

(2) The limits of the area to be used 

for landing or takeoff are clearly 
shown by boundary or runway marker 

(c) For the purposes of paragraph (b) 

of this section, if the area to be used 
for takeoff or landing is marked by 
flare pots or lanterns, their use must 
be approved by the Administrator. 

§ 125.51 En route navigation facilities. 

(a) Except as provided in paragraph 

(b) of this section, no certificate holder 
may conduct any operation over a 
route (including to any destination, re-
fueling or alternate airports) unless 
suitable navigation aids are available 
over the route to navigate the airplane 
along the route within the degree of ac-
curacy required for ATC. Navigation 
aids required for routes outside of con-
trolled airspace are listed in the cer-
tificate holder’s operations specifica-
tions except for those aids required for 
routes to alternate airports. 

(b) Navigation aids are not required 

for any of the following operations— 

(1) Day VFR operations that the cer-

tificate holder shows can be conducted 
safely by pilotage because of the char-
acteristics of the terrain; 

(2) Night VFR operations on routes 

that the certificate holder shows have 
reliably lighted landmarks adequate 
for safe operations; and 

(3) Other operations approved by the 

responsible Flight Standards office. 

[Doc. No. FAA–2002–14002, 72 FR 31682, June 7, 
2007, as amended by Docket FAA–2018–0119, 
Amdt. 125–68, 83 FR 9174, Mar. 5, 2018] 

§ 125.53 Flight locating requirements. 

(a) Each certificate holder must have 

procedures established for locating 
each flight for which an FAA flight 
plan is not filed that— 

(1) Provide the certificate holder 

with at least the information required 
to be included in a VFR flight plan; 

(2) Provide for timely notification of 

an FAA facility or search and rescue 
facility, if an airplane is overdue or 
missing; and 

(3) Provide the certificate holder 

with the location, date, and estimated 
time for reestablishing radio or tele-
phone communications, if the flight 
will operate in an area where commu-
nications cannot be maintained. 

(b) Flight locating information shall 

be retained at the certificate holder’s 
principal operations base, or at other 
places designated by the certificate 
holder in the flight locating proce-
dures, until the completion of the 

(c) Each certificate holder shall fur-

nish the representative of the Adminis-
trator assigned to it with a copy of its 
flight locating procedures and any 
changes or additions, unless those pro-
cedures are included in a manual re-
quired under this part. 

Subpart C—Manual Requirements 

§ 125.71 Preparation. 

(a) Each certificate holder shall pre-

pare and keep current a manual setting 
forth the certificate holder’s proce-
dures and policies acceptable to the 
Administrator. This manual must be 
used by the certificate holder’s flight, 
ground, and maintenance personnel in 
conducting its operations. However, 
the Administrator may authorize a de-
viation from this paragraph if the Ad-
ministrator finds that, because of the 
limited size of the operation, all or 
part of the manual is not necessary for 
guidance of flight, ground, or mainte-
nance personnel. 

(b) Each certificate holder shall 

maintain at least one copy of the man-
ual at its principal operations base. 

(c) The manual must not be contrary 

to any applicable Federal regulations, 
foreign regulation applicable to the 
certificate holder’s operations in for-
eign countries, or the certificate hold-
er’s operating certificate or operations 

(d) A copy of the manual, or appro-

priate portions of the manual (and 
changes and additions) shall be made 
available to maintenance and ground 
operations personnel by the certificate 
holder and furnished to—