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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 125.5 

passengers or cargo under part 91 for 
training, ferrying, positioning, or 
maintenance purposes; 

(4) They are being operated under 

part 91 of this chapter by an operator 
certificated to operate those aircraft 
under the rules of part 121, 135, or 137 of 
this chapter, they are being operated 
under the applicable rules of part 121 or 
135 of this chapter by an applicant for 
a certificate under part 119 of this 
chapter or they are being operated by a 
foreign air carrier or a foreign person 
engaged in common carriage solely 
outside the United States under part 91 
of this chapter; 

(5) They are being operated under a 

deviation authority issued under § 125.3; 

(6) They are being operated under 

part 91, subpart K by a fractional 
owner as defined in § 91.1001 of this 
chapter; or 

(7) They are being operated by a frac-

tional ownership program manager as 
defined in § 91.1001 of this chapter, for 
training, ferrying, positioning, mainte-
nance, or demonstration purposes 
under part 91 of this chapter and with-
out carrying passengers or cargo for 
compensation or hire except as per-
mitted for demonstration flights under 
§ 91.501(b)(3) of this chapter. 

(c) This part, except § 125.247, does 

not apply to the operation of aircraft 
specified in paragraph (a) of this sec-
tion when they are operated outside 
the United States by a person who is 
not a citizen of the United States. 

(d) The provisions of this part apply 

to each person on board an aircraft 
being operated under this part, unless 
otherwise specified. 

(e) This part also establishes require-

ments for operators to take actions to 
support the continued airworthiness of 
each aircraft. 

[Doc. No. 19779, 45 FR 67235, Oct. 9, 1980, as 
amended by Amdt. 125–4, 47 FR 44719, Oct. 12, 
1982; Amdt. 125–5, 49 FR 34816, Sept. 4, 1984; 
Amdt. 125–6, 51 FR 873, Jan. 8, 1986; Amdt. 
125–9, 52 FR 20028, May 28, 1987; Amdt. 121–251, 
60 FR 65937, Dec. 20, 1995; Amdt. 125–31, 64 FR 
1080, Jan. 7, 1999; Amdt. 125–44, 68 FR 54585, 
Sept. 17, 2003; Amdt. 125–53, 72 FR 63412, Nov. 
8, 2007; Docket No. FAA–2022–1563; Amdt. No. 
125–74, 88 FR 48090, July 26, 2023] 

§ 125.3 Deviation authority. 

(a) The Administrator may, upon 

consideration of the circumstances of a 

particular operation, issue deviation 
authority providing relief from speci-
fied sections of part 125. This deviation 
authority will be issued as a Letter of 
Deviation Authority. 

(b) A Letter of Deviation Authority 

may be terminated or amended at any 
time by the Administrator. 

(c) A request for deviation authority 

must be submitted to the responsible 
Flight Standards office, not less than 
60 days prior to the date of intended 
operations. A request for deviation au-
thority must contain a complete state-
ment of the circumstances and jus-
tification for the deviation requested. 

(d) After February 2, 2012, no devi-

ation authority from the flight data re-
corder requirements of this part will be 
granted. Any previously issued devi-
ation from the flight data recorder re-
quirements of this part is no longer 

[Doc. No. 19779, 45 FR 67235, Oct. 9, 1980, as 
amended by Amdt. 125–13, 54 FR 39294, Sept. 
25, 1989; Amdt. 125–56, 73 FR 73179, Dec. 2, 
2008; Docket FAA–2018–0119, Amdt. 125–68, 83 
FR 9173, Mar. 5, 2018] 

§ 125.5 Operating certificate and oper-

ations specifications required. 

(a) After February 3, 1981, no person 

may engage in operations governed by 
this part unless that person holds a 
certificate and operations specification 
or appropriate deviation authority. 

(b) Applicants who file an application 

before June 1, 1981 shall continue to op-
erate under the rules applicable to 
their operations on February 2, 1981 
until the application for an operating 
certificate required by this part has 
been denied or the operating certificate 
and operations specifications required 
by this part have been issued. 

(c) The rules of this part which apply 

to a certificate holder also apply to 
any person who engages in any oper-
ation governed by this part without an 
appropriate certificate and operations 
specifications required by this part or a 
Letter of Deviation Authority issued 
under § 125.3. 

[Doc. No. 19779, 45 FR 67235, Oct. 9, 1980, as 
amended by Amdt. 125–1A, 46 FR 10903, Feb. 
5, 1981]