14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 125.509
have been developed in accordance
with the applicable provisions of SFAR
88 of this chapter or § 25.1529 and part
25, Appendix H, of this chapter, in ef-
fect on June 6, 2001 (including those de-
veloped for auxiliary fuel tanks, if any,
installed under supplemental type cer-
tificates or other design approval) and
that have been approved by the respon-
sible Aircraft Certification Service of-
(e) After December 16, 2008, before re-
turning an aircraft to service after any
alteration for which fuel tank ICA are
developed under SFAR 88, or under
§ 25.1529 in effect on June 6, 2001, the
certificate holder must include in the
inspection program for the airplane in-
spections and procedures for the fuel
tank system based on those ICA.
(f) The fuel tank system inspection
program changes identified in para-
graphs (d) and (e) of this section and
any later fuel tank system revisions
must be submitted to the Principal In-
spector for review and approval.
(g) This section does not apply to the
following airplane models:
(1) Bombardier CL–44
(2) Concorde
(3) deHavilland D.H. 106 Comet 4C
(4) VFW–Vereinigte Flugtechnische
Werk VFW–614
(5) Illyushin Aviation IL 96T
(6) Bristol Aircraft Britannia 305
(7) Handley Page Herald Type 300
(8) Avions Marcel Dassault—Breguet
Aviation Mercure 100C
(9) Airbus Caravelle
(10) Lockheed L–300
[Amdt. 125–53, 72 FR 63412, Nov. 8, 2007, as
amended by Docket FAA–2018–0119, Amdt.
125–68, 83 FR 9174, Mar. 5, 2018]
§ 125.509 Flammability reduction
Except as provided
in paragraph (m) of this section, this
section applies to transport category,
turbine-powered airplanes with a type
certificate issued after January 1, 1958,
that, as a result of original type cer-
tification or later increase in capacity
(1) A maximum type-certificated pas-
senger capacity of 30 or more, or
(2) A maximum payload capacity of
7,500 pounds or more.
New Production Airplanes.
in accordance with § 125.201, no person
may operate an airplane identified in
Table 1 of this section (including all-
cargo airplanes) for which the State of
Manufacture issued the original certifi-
cate of airworthiness or export air-
worthiness approval after December 27,
2010 unless an Ignition Mitigation
Means (IMM) or Flammability Reduc-
tion Means (FRM) meeting the require-
ments of § 26.33 of this chapter is oper-
747 Series
A318, A319, A320, A321 Series
737 Series
A330, A340 Series
777 Series
767 Series
Auxiliary Fuel Tanks.
After the ap-
plicable date stated in paragraph (e) of
this section, no person may operate
any airplane subject to § 26.33 of this
chapter that has an Auxiliary Fuel
Tank installed pursuant to a field ap-
proval, unless the following require-
ments are met:
(1) The person complies with 14 CFR
26.35 by the applicable date stated in
that section.
(2) The person installs Flammability
Impact Mitigation Means (FIMM), if
applicable, that is approved by the re-
sponsible Aircraft Certification Service
(3) Except in accordance with
§ 125.201, the FIMM, if applicable, are
Except as provided in
paragraph (j) of this section, after the
dates specified in paragraph (e) of this
section, no person may operate an air-
plane to which this section applies un-
less the requirements of paragraphs
(d)(1) and (d)(2) of this section are met.
(1) Ignition Mitigation Means (IMM),
Flammability Reduction Means (FRM),
or FIMM, if required by §§ 26.33, 26.35, or
26.37 of this chapter, that are approved
by the responsible Aircraft Certifi-
cation Service office, are installed
within the compliance times specified
in paragraph (e) of this section.
(2) Except in accordance with § 125.201
of this part, the IMM, FRM or FIMM,
as applicable, are operational.
Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 125.509
Compliance Times.
The installa-
tions required by paragraph (d) of this
section must be accomplished no later
than the applicable dates specified in
paragraph (e)(1), (e)(2) or (e)(3) of this
(1) Fifty percent of each person’s
fleet of airplanes subject to paragraph
(d)(1) of this section must be modified
no later than December 26, 2014.
(2) One hundred percent of each per-
son’s fleet of airplanes subject to para-
graph (d)(1) of this section must be
modified no later than December 26,
(3) For those persons that have only
one airplane of a model identified in
Table 1 of this section, the airplane
must be modified no later than Decem-
ber 26, 2017.
Compliance after Installation.
cept in accordance with § 125.201, no
person may—
(1) Operate an airplane on which IMM
or FRM has been installed before the
dates specified in paragraph (e) of this
section unless the IMM or FRM is oper-
ational, or
(2) Deactivate or remove an IMM or
FRM once installed unless it is re-
placed by a means that complies with
paragraph (d) of this section.
Inspection Program Revisions.
person may operate an airplane for
which airworthiness limitations have
been approved by the responsible Air-
craft Certification Service office in ac-
cordance with §§ 26.33, 26.35, or 26.37 of
this chapter after the airplane is modi-
fied in accordance with paragraph (d)
of this section unless the inspection
program for that airplane is revised to
include those applicable airworthiness
(h) After the inspection program is
revised as required by paragraph (g) of
this section, before returning an air-
plane to service after any alteration
for which airworthiness limitations are
required by §§ 25.981, 26.33, 26.35, or 26.37
of this chapter, the person must revise
the inspection program for the airplane
to include those airworthiness limita-
(i) The inspection program changes
identified in paragraphs (g) and (h) of
this section must be submitted to the
operator’s assigned Flight Standards
office responsible for review and ap-
proval prior to incorporation.
(j) The requirements of paragraph (d)
of this section do not apply to air-
planes operated in all-cargo service,
but those airplanes are subject to para-
graph (f) of this section.
(k) After the date by which any per-
son is required by this section to mod-
ify 100 percent of the affected fleet, no
person may operate in passenger serv-
ice any airplane model specified in
Table 2 of this section unless the air-
plane has been modified to comply
with § 26.33(c) of this chapter.
747 Series ..................
A318, A319, A320, A321 Series.
737 Series ..................
A300, A310 Series.
777 Series ..................
A330, A340 Series.
767 Series.
757 Series.
(l) No person may operate any air-
plane on which an auxiliary fuel tank
is installed after December 26, 2017 un-
less the FAA has certified the tank as
compliant with § 25.981 of this chapter,
in effect on December 26, 2008.
The requirements of
this section do not apply to the fol-
lowing airplane models:
(1) Convair CV–240, 340, 440, including
turbine powered conversions.
(2) Lockheed L–188 Electra.
(3) Vickers VC–10.
(4) Douglas DC–3, including turbine
powered conversions.
(5) Bombardier CL–44.
(6) Mitsubishi YS–11.
(7) BAC 1–11.
(8) Concorde.
(9) deHavilland D.H. 106 Comet 4C.
(10) VFW—Vereinigte Flugtechnische
(11) Illyushin Aviation IL 96T.
(12) Bristol Aircraft Britannia 305.
(13) Handley Page Herald Type 300.
(14) Avions Marcel Dassault—Breguet
Aviation Mercure 100C.
(15) Airbus Caravelle.
(16) Fokker F–27/Fairchild Hiller FH–
(17) Lockheed L–300.
[Doc. No. FAA–2005–22997, 73 FR 42502, July
21, 2008, as amended by Amdt. 125–57, 74 FR
31619, July 2, 2009; Docket FAA–2018–0119,
Amdt. 125–68, 83 FR 9174, Mar. 5, 2018]