14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 125.7
§ 125.7 Display of certificate.
(a) The certificate holder must dis-
play a true copy of the certificate in
each of its aircraft.
(b) Each operator holding a Letter of
Deviation Authority issued under this
part must carry a true copy in each of
its airplanes.
§ 125.9 Definitions.
(a) For the purposes of this part,
imum payload capacity
(1) For an airplane for which a max-
imum zero fuel weight is prescribed in
FAA technical specifications, the max-
imum zero fuel weight, less empty
weight, less all justifiable airplane
equipment, and less the operating load
(consisting of minimum flightcrew,
foods and beverages and supplies and
equipment related to foods and bev-
erages, but not including disposable
fuel or oil):
(2) For all other airplanes, the max-
imum certificated takeoff weight of an
airplane, less the empty weight, less all
justifiable airplane equipment, and less
the operating load (consisting of min-
imum fuel load, oil, and flightcrew).
The allowance for the weight of the
crew, oil, and fuel is as follows:
(i) Crew—200 pounds for each crew-
member required under this chapter
(ii) Oil—350 pounds.
(iii) Fuel—the minimum weight of
fuel required under this chapter for a
flight between domestic points 174 nau-
tical miles apart under VFR weather
conditions that does not involve ex-
tended overwater operations.
(b) For the purposes of this part,
empty weight
means the weight of the
airframe, engines, propellers, and fixed
equipment. Empty weight excludes the
weight of the crew and payload, but in-
cludes the weight of all fixed ballast,
unusable fuel supply, undrainable oil,
total quantity of engine coolant, and
total quantity of hydraulic fluid.
(c) For the purposes of this part,
imum zero fuel weight
means the max-
imum permissible weight of an air-
plane with no disposable fuel or oil.
The zero fuel weight figure may be
found in either the airplane type cer-
tificate data sheet or the approved Air-
plane Flight Manual, or both.
(d) For the purposes of this section,
justifiable airplane equipment
means any
equipment necessary for the operation
of the airplane. It does not include
equipment or ballast specifically in-
stalled, permanently or otherwise, for
the purpose of altering the empty
weight of an airplane to meet the max-
imum payload capacity.
§ 125.11 Certificate eligibility and pro-
hibited operations.
(a) No person is eligible for a certifi-
cate or operations specifications under
this part if the person holds the appro-
priate operating certificate and/or op-
erations specifications necessary to
conduct operations under part 121, 129
or 135 of this chapter.
(b) No certificate holder may conduct
any operation which results directly or
indirectly from any person’s holding
out to the public to furnish transpor-
(c) No person holding operations
specifications under this part may op-
erate or list on its operations specifica-
tions any aircraft listed on any oper-
ations specifications or other required
aircraft listing under part 121, 129, or
135 of this chapter.
[Doc. No. 19779, 45 FR 67235, Oct. 9, 1980, as
amended by Amdt. 125–9, 52 FR 20028, May 28,
Subpart B—Certification Rules and
Miscellaneous Requirements
§ 125.21 Application for operating cer-
(a) Each applicant for the issuance of
an operating certificate must submit
an application in a form and manner
prescribed by the Administrator to the
responsible Flight Standards office in
whose area the applicant proposes to
establish or has established its prin-
cipal operations base. The application
must be submitted at least 60 days be-
fore the date of intended operations.
(b) Each application submitted under
paragraph (a) of this section must con-
tain a signed statement showing the
(1) The name and address of each di-
rector and each officer or person em-
ployed or who will be employed in a
management position described in
§ 125.25.