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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 129.24 

§ 129.24 Cockpit voice recorders. 

No person may operate an aircraft 

under this part that is registered in the 
United States unless it is equipped 
with an approved cockpit voice re-
corder that meets the standards of 
TSO–C123a, or later revision. The cock-
pit voice recorder must record the in-
formation that would be required to be 
recorded if the aircraft were operated 
under part 121, 125, or 135 of this chap-
ter, and must be installed by the com-
pliance times required by that part, as 
applicable to the aircraft. 

[Doc. No. FAA–2005–20245, 73 FR 12570, Mar. 7, 

§ 129.25 Airplane security. 

Foreign air carriers conducting oper-

ations under this part must comply 
with the applicable security require-
ments in 49 CFR chapter XII. 

[67 FR 8350, Feb. 22, 2002] 

§ 129.28 Flightdeck security. 

(a) After August 20, 2002, except for a 

newly manufactured airplane on a non- 
revenue delivery flight, no foreign air 
carrier covered by § 129.1(a), may oper-

(1) A passenger carrying transport 

category airplane within the United 
States, except for overflights, unless 
the airplane is equipped with a door be-
tween the passenger and pilot compart-
ment that incorporates features to re-
strict the unwanted entry of persons 
into the flightdeck that are operable 
from the flightdeck only; or 

(2) A transport category all-cargo 

airplane within the United States, ex-
cept for overflights, that has a door in-
stalled between the pilot compartment 
and any other occupied compartment 
on or after June 21, 2002, unless the 
door incorporates features to restrict 
the unwanted entry of persons into the 
flightdeck that are operable from the 
flightdeck only. 

(b) To the extent necessary to meet 

the requirements of paragraph (a) of 
this section, the requirements of 
§ 129.13(a) to maintain airworthiness 
certification are waived until April 9, 
2003. After that date, the requirements 
of § 129.13(a) apply in full. 

(c) After April 9, 2003, except for a 

newly manufactured airplane on a non- 

revenue delivery flight, no foreign air 
carrier covered by § 129.1(a) may oper-
ate a passenger carrying transport cat-
egory airplane, or a transport category 
all-cargo airplane that has a door in-
stalled between the pilot compartment 
and any other occupied compartment 
on or after June 21, 2002, within the 
United States, except for overflights, 
unless the airplane’s flightdeck door 
installation meets the requirements of 
paragraphs (c)(1) and(2) of this section 
or an alternative standard found ac-
ceptable to the Administrator. 

(1) Except for a newly manufactured 

airplane on a non-revenue delivery 
flight, no foreign air carrier covered by 
§ 129.1(a) may operate: 

(i) After April 9, 2003, a passenger 

carrying transport category airplane 
within the United States, except on 
overflights, unless the airplane’s 
flightdeck door installation meets the 
requirements of paragraphs (c)(2) and 
(c)(3) of this section or an alternative 
standard found acceptable to the Ad-

(ii) After October 1, 2003, a transport 

category all-cargo airplane that had a 
door installed between the pilot com-
partment and any other occupied com-
partment on or after June 21, 2002, 
within the United States, except on 
overflights, unless the airplane’s 
flightdeck door installation meets the 
requirements of paragraphs (c)(2) and 
(c)(3) of this section or an alternative 
standard found acceptable to the Ad-
ministrator; or the operator must im-
plement a security program approved 
by the Transportation Security Admin-
istration (TSA) for the operation of all 
airplanes in that operator’s fleet. 

(2) The door must resist forcible in-

trusion by unauthorized persons and be 
capable of withstanding impacts of 300 
joules (221.3 foot-pounds) at the critical 
locations on the door, as well as a 1,113- 
newton (250 pounds) constant tensile 
load on the knob or handle, and 

(3) The door must resist penetration 

by small arms fire and fragmentation 
devices to a level equivalent to Level 
IIIa of the National Institute of Justice 
Standard (NIJ) 0101.04. 

(d) After August 20, 2002, no foreign 

air carrier covered by § 129.1 may oper-
ate a passenger carrying transport cat-
egory airplane, or a transport category