14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 13.7
law, and may obtain a copy upon pay-
ing the cost of the copy.
§ 13.7
Records, documents, and re-
Each record, document, and report
that FAA regulations require to be
maintained, exhibited, or submitted to
the Administrator may be used in any
investigation conducted by the Admin-
istrator; and, except to the extent the
use may be specifically limited or pro-
hibited by the section which imposes
the requirement, the records, docu-
ments, and reports may be used in any
civil penalty action, certificate action,
or other legal proceeding.
Subpart B—Administrative Actions
: Docket No. FAA-2018-1051; Amdt.
No. 13-40, 86 FR 54527, Oct. 1, 2021, unless oth-
erwise noted.
§ 13.11
Administrative disposition of
certain violations.
(a) If, after an investigation, FAA
personnel determine that an apparent
violation of 49 U.S.C. subtitle VII, 49
U.S.C. chapter 51, or any rule, regula-
tion, or order issued under those stat-
utes, does not require legal enforce-
ment action, an appropriate FAA offi-
cial may take administrative action to
address the apparent violation.
(b) An administrative action under
this section does not constitute a for-
mal adjudication of the matter, and
may take the form of—
(1) A Warning Notice that recites
available facts and information about
the incident or condition and indicates
that it may have been a violation; or
(2) A Letter of Correction that states
the corrective action the apparent vio-
lator has taken or agrees to take. If
the apparent violator does not com-
plete the agreed corrective action, the
FAA may take legal enforcement ac-
Subpart C—Legal Enforcement
: Docket No. FAA-2018-1051; Amdt.
No. 13-40, 86 FR 54527, Oct. 1, 2021, unless oth-
erwise noted.
§ 13.13
Consent orders.
(a) The Chief Counsel, each Deputy
Chief Counsel, and the Assistant Chief
Counsel for Enforcement may issue a
consent order to resolve any matter
with a person that may be subject to
legal enforcement action.
(b) A person that may be subject to
legal enforcement action may propose
a consent order. The proposed consent
order must include—
(1) An admission of all jurisdictional
(2) An express waiver of the right to
further procedural steps and of all
rights to legal review in any forum;
(3) An express waiver of attorney’s
fees and costs;
(4) If a notice or order has been
issued prior to the proposed consent
order, an incorporation by reference of
the notice or order and an acknowledg-
ment that the notice or order may be
used to construe the terms of the con-
sent order; and
(5) If a request for hearing or appeal
is pending in any forum, a provision
that the person will withdraw the re-
quest for hearing or notice of appeal.
§ 13.14
§ 13.15
Civil penalties: Other than by
administrative assessment.
(a) The FAA uses the procedures in
this section when it seeks a civil pen-
alty other than by the administrative
assessment procedures in § 13.16 or
§ 13.18.
(b) The authority of the Adminis-
trator to seek a civil penalty, and the
ability to refer cases to the United
States Attorney General, or the dele-
gate of the Attorney General, for pros-
ecution of civil penalty actions sought
by the Administrator is delegated to
the Chief Counsel, each Deputy Chief
Counsel, and the Assistant Chief Coun-
sel for Enforcement. This delegation
applies to cases involving one or more
of the following:
(1) An amount in controversy in ex-
cess of:
(i) $400,000, if the violation was com-
mitted by a person other than an indi-
vidual or small business concern; or
(ii) $50,000, if the violation was com-
mitted by an individual or small busi-
ness concern.
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