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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 13.201 

§ 13.201


This subpart applies to all civil pen-

alty actions initiated under § 13.16 in 
which a hearing has been requested. 

§ 13.202


For this subpart only, the following 

definitions apply: 

Administrative law judge means an ad-

ministrative law judge appointed pur-
suant to the provisions of 5 U.S.C. 3105. 

Agency attorney means the Deputy 

Chief Counsel or the Assistant Chief 
Counsel responsible for the prosecution 
of enforcement-related matters under 
this subpart, or attorneys who are su-
pervised by those officials or are as-
signed to prosecute a particular en-
forcement-related matter under this 
subpart. Agency attorney does not in-
clude the Chief Counsel or anyone from 
the Office of Adjudication. 

Complaint  means a document issued 

by an agency attorney alleging a viola-
tion of a provision of the Federal avia-
tion statute listed in the first sentence 
of 49 U.S.C. 46301(d)(2) or in 49 U.S.C. 
47531, or of the Federal hazardous ma-
terials transportation statute, 49 
U.S.C. 5121–5128, or a rule, regulation, 
or order issued under those statutes, 
that has been filed with the FAA Hear-
ing Docket after a hearing has been re-
quested under § 13.16(f)(3) or (g)(2)(ii). 

Complainant  means the FAA office 

that issued the notice of proposed civil 
penalty under § 13.16. 

FAA decisionmaker means the Admin-

istrator of the Federal Aviation Ad-
ministration, acting in the capacity of 
the decisionmaker on appeal, or any 
person to whom the Administrator has 
delegated the Administrator’s decision-
making authority in a civil penalty ac-
tion. As used in this subpart, the FAA 
decisionmaker is the official author-
ized to issue a final decision and order 
of the Administrator in a civil penalty 

Mail includes U.S. mail, U.S. certified 

mail, U.S. registered mail, or use of an 
expedited or overnight express courier 
service, but does not include email. 

Office of Adjudication means the Fed-

eral Aviation Administration Office of 
Adjudication, including the FAA Hear-
ing Docket, the Director of the Office 
of Adjudication and legal personnel, or 
any subsequently designated office (in-

cluding its head and any legal per-
sonnel) that advises the FAA decision-
maker regarding appeals of initial deci-
sions and orders to the FAA decision-

Order assessing civil penalty means a 

document that contains a finding of a 
violation of a provision of the Federal 
aviation statute listed in the first sen-
tence of 49 U.S.C. 46301(d)(2) or in 49 
U.S.C. 47531, or of the Federal haz-
ardous materials transportation stat-
ute, 49 U.S.C. 5121–5128, or a rule, regu-
lation, or order issued under those 
statutes, and may direct payment of a 
civil penalty. Unless an appeal is filed 
with the FAA decisionmaker in a time-
ly manner, an initial decision or order 
of an administrative law judge is con-
sidered an order assessing civil penalty 
if an administrative law judge finds 
that an alleged violation occurred and 
determines that a civil penalty, in an 
amount found appropriate by the ad-
ministrative law judge, is warranted. 
Unless a petition for review is filed 
with a U.S. Court of Appeals in a time-
ly manner, a final decision and order of 
the Administrator is considered an 
order assessing civil penalty if the FAA 
decisionmaker finds that an alleged 
violation occurred and a civil penalty 
is warranted. 

Party  means the Respondent, the 

complainant and any intervenor. 

Personal delivery includes hand-deliv-

ery or use of a contract or express mes-
senger service. ‘‘Personal delivery’’ 
does not include the use of Federal 
Government interoffice mail service. 

Pleading  means a complaint, an an-

swer, and any amendment of these doc-
uments permitted under this subpart. 

Properly addressed means a document 

that shows an address contained in 
agency records; a residential, business, 
or other address submitted by a person 
on any document provided under this 
subpart; or any other address shown by 
other reasonable and available means. 

Respondent  means a person named in 

a complaint. 

Writing or written includes paper or 

electronic documents that are filed or 
served by email, mail, personal deliv-
ery, or fax. 

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