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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–21 Edition) 

§ 13.21 

Administrator within 20 days after the 
date of issuance of the order. 

(h) If a notice of appeal is not filed 

from the order issued by a Hearing Of-
ficer, such order is the final agency 

(i) Any person filing an appeal au-

thorized by paragraph (g) of this sec-
tion shall file an appeal brief with the 
Administrator within 40 days after the 
date of issuance of the order, and serve 
a copy on the other party. A reply brief 
must be filed within 20 days after serv-
ice of the appeal brief and a copy 
served on the appellant. 

(j) On appeal the Administrator re-

views the available record of the pro-
ceeding, and issues an order dismissing, 
reversing, modifying or affirming the 
order. The Administrator’s order in-
cludes the reasons for the Administra-
tor’s action. 

(k) For good cause shown, requests 

for extensions of time to file any docu-
ment under this section may be grant-
ed by— 

(1) The official who issued the order, 

if the request is filed prior to the des-
ignation of a Hearing Officer; or 

(2) The Hearing Officer, if the request 

is filed prior to the filing of a notice of 
appeal; or 

(3) The Administrator, if the request 

is filed after the filing of a notice of ap-

(l) Except in the case of an appeal 

from the decision of a Hearing Officer, 
the authority of the Administrator 
under this section is also exercised by 
the Chief Counsel, Deputy Chief Coun-
sel, each Assistant Chief Counsel, each 
Regional Counsel, and the Aero-
nautical Center Counsel (as to matters 
under Title V of the Federal Aviation 
Act of 1958). 

(m) Filing and service of documents 

under this section shall be accom-
plished in accordance with § 13.43; and 
the periods of time specified in this 
section shall be computed in accord-
ance with § 13.44. 

[Doc. No. 18884, 44 FR 63723, Nov. 5, 1979, as 
amended by Amdt. 13–17, 53 FR 33783, Aug. 31, 
1988; Amdt. 13–19, 54 FR 39290, Sept. 25, 1989; 
Amdt. 13–29, 62 FR 46865, Sept. 4, 1997; Amdt. 
13–36, 79 FR 46967, Aug. 12, 2014] 

§ 13.21

Military personnel. 

If a report made under this part indi-

cates that, while performing official 
duties, a member of the Armed Forces, 
or a civilian employee of the Depart-
ment of Defense who is subject to the 
Uniform Code of Military Justice (10 
U.S.C. Ch. 47), has violated the Federal 
Aviation Act of 1958, or a regulation or 
order issued under it, the Chief Coun-
sel, the Assistant Chief Counsel, En-
forcement, the Assistant Chief Counsel, 
Regulations, the Assistant Chief Coun-
sel, Europe, Africa, and Middle East 
Area Office, each Regional Counsel, 
and the Aeronautical Center Counsel 
send a copy of the report to the appro-
priate military authority for such dis-
ciplinary action as that authority con-
siders appropriate and a report to the 
Administrator thereon. 

[Doc. No. 18884, 44 FR 63723, Nov. 5, 1979, as 
amended by Amdt. 13–19, 54 FR 39290, Sept. 
25, 1989; Amdt. 13–29, 62 FR 46866, Sept. 4, 

§ 13.23

Criminal penalties. 

(a) Sections 902 and 1203 of the Fed-

eral Aviation Act of 1958 (49 U.S.C. 1472 
and 1523), provide criminal penalties 
for any person who knowingly and will-
fully violates specified provisions of 
that Act, or any regulation or order 
issued under those provisions. Section 
110(b) of the Hazardous Materials 
Transportation Act (49 U.S.C. 1809(b)) 
provides for a criminal penalty of a 
fine of not more than $25,000, imprison-
ment for not more than five years, or 
both, for any person who willfully vio-
lates a provision of that Act or a regu-
lation or order issued under it. 

(b) If an inspector or other employee 

of the FAA becomes aware of a possible 
violation of any criminal provision of 
the Federal Aviation Act of 1958 (ex-
cept a violation of section 902 (i) 
through (m) which is reported directly 
to the Federal Bureau of Investiga-
tion), or of the Hazardous Materials 
Transportation Act, relating to the 
transportation or shipment by air of 
hazardous materials, he or she shall re-
port it to the Office of the Chief Coun-
sel or the Regional Counsel or Assist-
ant Chief Counsel for the region or area 
concerned. If appropriate, that office 
refers the report to the Department of 
Justice for criminal prosecution of the 

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