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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 13.235 

§ 13.234

Petition to reconsider or mod-

ify a final decision and order of the 
FAA decisionmaker on appeal. 


General.  Any party may petition 

the FAA decisionmaker to reconsider 
or modify a final decision and order 
issued by the FAA decisionmaker on 
appeal from an initial decision. A party 
must file a petition to reconsider or 
modify in accordance with § 13.210 not 
later than 30 days after service of the 
FAA decisionmaker’s final decision 
and order on appeal and must serve a 
copy of the petition on each party in 
accordance with § 13.211. A party is not 
required to serve any documents under 
this section on the administrative law 
judge. The FAA decisionmaker will not 
reconsider or modify an initial decision 
and order issued by an administrative 
law judge that has not been appealed 
by any party to the FAA decision-


Number of copies. The parties must 

file the original plus one copy of the 
petition or the reply to the petition, 
but only one copy if filing by email or 
fax, as provided in § 13.210. 


Contents. A party must state brief-

ly and specifically the alleged errors in 
the final decision and order on appeal, 
the relief sought by the party, and the 
grounds that support the petition to re-
consider or modify. 

(1) If the petition is based, in whole 

or in part, on allegations regarding the 
consequences of the FAA decision-
maker’s decision, the party must de-
scribe these allegations and must de-
scribe, and support, the basis for the 

(2) If the petition is based, in whole 

or in part, on new material not pre-
viously raised in the proceedings, the 
party must set forth the new material 
and include affidavits of prospective 
witnesses and authenticated docu-
ments that would be introduced in sup-
port of the new material. The party 
must explain, in detail, why the new 
material was not discovered through 
due diligence prior to the hearing. 


Repetitious and frivolous petitions. 

The FAA decisionmaker will not con-
sider repetitious or frivolous petitions. 
The FAA decisionmaker may sum-
marily dismiss repetitious or frivolous 
petitions to reconsider or modify. 


Reply petitions. Any party replying 

to a petition to reconsider or modify 
must file the reply in accordance with 
§ 13.210 no later than 10 days after serv-
ice of the petition on that party, and 
must also serve a copy of the reply on 
each party in accordance with § 13.211. 


Effect of filing petition. The filing 

of a timely petition under this section 
will stay the effective date of the FAA 
decisionmaker’s decision and order on 
appeal until final disposition of the pe-
tition by the FAA decisionmaker. 


FAA decisionmaker’s decision on pe-

tition.  The FAA decisionmaker has dis-
cretion to grant or deny a petition to 
reconsider. The FAA decisionmaker 
will grant or deny a petition to recon-
sider within a reasonable time after re-
ceipt of the petition or receipt of the 
reply petition, if any. The FAA deci-
sionmaker may affirm, modify, or re-
verse the final decision and order on 
appeal, or may remand the case for any 
proceedings that the FAA decision-
maker determines may be necessary. 

§ 13.235

Judicial review of a final deci-

sion and order. 

(a) In cases under the Federal avia-

tion statute, a party may seek judicial 
review of a final decision and order of 
the Administrator, as provided in 49 
U.S.C. 46110(a), and, as applicable, in 49 
U.S.C. 46301(d)(7)(D)(iii), 46301(g), or 

(b) In cases under the Federal haz-

ardous materials transportation stat-
ute, a party may seek judicial review 
of a final decision and order of the Ad-
ministrator, as provided in 49 U.S.C. 

(c) A party seeking judicial review of 

a final order issued by the Adminis-
trator may file a petition for review in 
the United States Court of Appeals for 
the District of Columbia Circuit or in 
the United States Court of Appeals for 
the circuit in which the party resides 
or has its principal place of business. 

(d) The party must file the petition 

for review no later than 60 days after 
service of the Administrator’s final de-
cision and order. 

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