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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 13.37 

(4) The filing of a request for hearing 

under subpart D of this part does not 
stay the effectiveness of the 80-day im-
mediately effective order issued under 
this section. 


Delegation of authority. The au-

thority of the Administrator under this 
section is delegated to the Chief Coun-
sel, each Deputy Chief Counsel, and the 
Assistant Chief Counsel for Enforce-

§§ 13.21 –13.29


Subpart D—Rules of Practice for 

FAA Hearings 



: Docket No. FAA-2018-1051; Amdt. 

No. 13-40, 86 FR 54532, Oct. 1, 2021, unless oth-
erwise noted. 

§ 13.31


This subpart applies to proceedings 

in which a hearing has been requested 
in accordance with § 13.20 or § 13.75. 
Hearings under this subpart are consid-
ered informal and are provided through 
the Office of Adjudication. 

§ 13.33

Parties, representatives, and 

notice of appearance. 


Parties.  Parties to proceedings 

under this subpart include the fol-
lowing: Complainant, respondent, and 
where applicable, intervenor. 

(1) Complainant is the FAA Office 

that issued the notice of proposed ac-
tion under the authorities listed in 
§ 13.31. 

(2) Respondent is the party filing a 

request for hearing. 

(3) Intervenor is a person permitted 

to participate as a party under § 13.51. 


Representatives.  Any party to a 

proceeding under this subpart may ap-
pear and be heard in person or by a rep-
resentative. A representative is an at-
torney, or another representative des-
ignated by the party. 


Notice of appearance—(1)  Content. 

The representative of a party must file 
a notice of appearance that includes 
the representative’s name, address, 
telephone number, and, if available, fax 
number, and email address. 


Filing. A notice of appearance may 

be incorporated into an initial filing in 
a proceeding. A notice of appearance by 
additional representatives or sub-

stitutes after an initial filing in a pro-
ceeding must be filed independently. 

§ 13.35

Request for hearing, complaint, 

and answer. 


Initial filing and service. A request 

for hearing must be filed with the FAA 
Hearing Docket, and a copy must be 
served on the official who issued the 
notice of proposed action, in accord-
ance with the requirements in § 13.43 
for filing and service of documents. 
The request for hearing must be in 
writing and describe the action pro-
posed by the FAA, and must contain a 
statement that a hearing is requested 
under this subpart. 


Complaint.  Within 20 days after 

service of the copy of the request for 
hearing, the official who issued the no-
tice of proposed action must forward a 
copy of that notice, which serves as the 
complaint, to the FAA Hearing Docket. 


Answer. Within 30 days after serv-

ice of the copy of the complaint, the 
Respondent must file an answer to the 
complaint. All allegations in the com-
plaint not specifically denied in the an-
swer are deemed admitted. 

§ 13.37

Hearing officer: Assignment 

and powers. 

As soon as practicable after the filing 

of the complaint, the Director of the 
Office of Adjudication will assign a 
hearing officer to preside over the mat-
ter. The hearing officer may— 

(a) Give notice concerning, and hold, 

prehearing conferences and hearings; 

(b) Administer oaths and affirma-


(c) Examine witnesses; 
(d) Adopt procedures for the submis-

sion of evidence in written form; 

(e) Issue subpoenas; 
(f) Rule on offers of proof; 
(g) Receive evidence; 
(h) Regulate the course of pro-

ceedings, including but not limited to 
discovery, motions practice, imposi-
tion of sanctions, and the hearing; 

(i) Hold conferences, before and dur-

ing the hearing, to settle and simplify 
issues by consent of the parties; 

(j) Dispose of procedural requests and 

similar matters; 

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