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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 13.47 


If delivery is via U.S. mail, or U.S. 

certified or registered mail. Federal Avia-
tion Administration, 800 Independence 
Avenue SW, Washington, DC 20591; At-
tention: FAA Hearing Docket, AGC–70, 
Wilbur Wright Building—Suite 2W100. 


Contact information. The FAA Of-

fice of Adjudication will make avail-
able on its website an email address 
and fax number for the FAA Hearing 
Docket, as well as other contact infor-


Requirement to file an original docu-

ment and number of copies. A party must 
file an original document and one copy 
when filing by personal delivery or by 
mail. Only one copy must be filed if fil-
ing is accomplished by email or fax. 


Filing by email. A document that is 

filed by email must be attached as a 
Portable Document Format (PDF) file 
to an email. The document must be 
signed in accordance with § 13.207. The 
email message does not constitute a 
submission, but serves only to deliver 
the attached PDF file to the FAA 
Hearing Docket. 


Methods of service—(1)  General.  

person may serve any document by 
email, personal delivery, expedited or 
overnight courier express service, mail, 
or fax. 


Service by email. Service of docu-

ments by email is voluntary and re-
quires the prior consent of the person 
to be served by email. A person may re-
tract consent to be served by email by 
filing and serving a written retraction. 
A document that is served by email 
must be attached as a PDF file to an 
email message. 


Certificate of service. A certificate 

of service must accompany all docu-
ments filed with the FAA Hearing 
Docket. The certificate of service must 
be signed, describe the method of serv-
ice, and state the date of service. 


Date of filing and service. If a docu-

ment is sent by fax or email, the date 
of filing and service is the date the 
email or fax is sent. If a document is 
sent by personal delivery or by expe-
dited or overnight express courier serv-
ice, the date of filing and service is the 
date that delivery is accomplished. If a 
document is mailed, the date of filing 
and service is the date shown on the 
certificate of service, the date shown 
on the postmark if there is no certifi-

cate of service, or the mailing date 
shown by other evidence if there is no 
certificate of service or postmark. 

§ 13.44


§ 13.45

Computation of time and exten-

sion of time. 

(a) In computing any period of time 

prescribed or allowed by this subpart, 
the date of the act, event, default, no-
tice, or order is not to be included in 
the computation. The last day of the 
period so computed is to be included 
unless it is a Saturday, Sunday, or 
Federal holiday, in which event the pe-
riod runs until the end of the next day 
that is not a Saturday, Sunday, or a 
Federal holiday. 

(b) Whenever a party must respond 

within a prescribed period after service 
by mail, 5 days are added to the pre-
scribed period. 

(c) The parties may agree to extend 

the time for filing any document re-
quired by this subpart with the consent 

(1) The Director of the Office of Adju-

dication prior to the designation of a 
hearing officer; 

(2) The hearing officer prior to the 

filing of a notice of appeal; or 

(3) The Director of the Office of Adju-

dication after the filing of a notice of 

(d) If the parties do not agree, a 

party may make a written request to 
extend the time for filing to the appro-
priate official identified in paragraph 
(c) of this section. The appropriate offi-
cial may grant the request for good 
cause shown. 

§ 13.47

Withdrawal or amendment of 

the complaint, answer, or other fil-


Withdrawal.  At any time before 

the hearing, the complainant may 
withdraw the complaint, and the re-
spondent may withdraw the request for 


Amendments.  At any time more 

than 10 days before the date of hearing, 
any party may amend its complaint, 
answer, or other pleading, by filing the 
amendment with the FAA Hearing 
Docket and serving a copy of it on 
every other party. After that time, 
amendment requires approval of the 
hearing officer. If an initial pleading is 

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