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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 135.115 

passengers under IFR unless there is a 
second in command in the aircraft. 

[Doc. No. 28743, 62 FR 42374, Aug. 6, 1997] 

§ 135.103 [Reserved] 

§ 135.105 Exception to second in com-

mand requirement: Approval for 
use of autopilot system. 

(a) Except as provided in §§ 135.99 and 

135.111, unless two pilots are required 
by this chapter for operations under 
VFR, a person may operate an aircraft 
without a second in command, if it is 
equipped with an operative approved 
autopilot system and the use of that 
system is authorized by appropriate op-
erations specifications. No certificate 
holder may use any person, nor may 
any person serve, as a pilot in com-
mand under this section of an aircraft 
operated in a commuter operation, as 
defined in part 119 of this chapter un-
less that person has at least 100 hours 
pilot in command flight time in the 
make and model of aircraft to be flown 
and has met all other applicable re-
quirements of this part. 

(b) The certificate holder may apply 

for an amendment of its operations 
specifications to authorize the use of 
an autopilot system in place of a sec-
ond in command. 

(c) The Administrator issues an 

amendment to the operations specifica-
tions authorizing the use of an auto-
pilot system, in place of a second in 
command, if— 

(1) The autopilot is capable of oper-

ating the aircraft controls to maintain 
flight and maneuver it about the three 
axes; and 

(2) The certificate holder shows, to 

the satisfaction of the Administrator, 
that operations using the autopilot 
system can be conducted safely and in 
compliance with this part. 

The amendment contains any condi-

tions or limitations on the use of the 
autopilot system that the Adminis-
trator determines are needed in the in-
terest of safety. 

[Doc. No. 16097, 43 FR 46783, Oct. 10, 1978, as 
amended by Amdt. 135–3, 45 FR 7542, Feb. 4, 
1980; Amdt. 135–58, 60 FR 65939, Dec. 20, 1995] 

§ 135.107 Flight attendant crew-

member requirement. 

No certificate holder may operate an 

aircraft that has a passenger seating 
configuration, excluding any pilot seat, 
of more than 19 unless there is a flight 
attendant crewmember on board the 

§ 135.109 Pilot in command or second 

in command: Designation required. 

(a) Each certificate holder shall des-

ignate a— 

(1) Pilot in command for each flight; 


(2) Second in command for each 

flight requiring two pilots. 

(b) The pilot in command, as des-

ignated by the certificate holder, shall 
remain the pilot in command at all 
times during that flight. 

§ 135.111 Second in command required 

in Category II operations. 

No person may operate an aircraft in 

a Category II operation unless there is 
a second in command of the aircraft. 

§ 135.113 Passenger occupancy of pilot 


No certificate holder may operate an 

aircraft type certificated after October 
15, 1971, that has a passenger seating 
configuration, excluding any pilot seat, 
of more than eight seats if any person 
other than the pilot in command, a sec-
ond in command, a company check air-
man, or an authorized representative of 
the Administrator, the National Trans-
portation Safety Board, or the United 
States Postal Service occupies a pilot 

§ 135.115 Manipulation of controls. 

No pilot in command may allow any 

person to manipulate the flight con-
trols of an aircraft during flight con-
ducted under this part, nor may any 
person manipulate the controls during 
such flight unless that person is— 

(a) A pilot employed by the certifi-

cate holder and qualified in the air-
craft; or 

(b) An authorized safety representa-

tive of the Administrator who has the 
permission of the pilot in command, is 
qualified in the aircraft, and is check-
ing flight operations.