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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 135.145 

part does not require the duplication of 
any equipment required by this chap-

§ 135.143 General requirements. 

(a) No person may operate an aircraft 

under this part unless that aircraft and 
its equipment meet the applicable reg-
ulations of this chapter. 

(b) Except as provided in § 135.179, no 

person may operate an aircraft under 
this part unless the required instru-
ments and equipment in it have been 
approved and are in an operable condi-

(c) ATC transponder equipment in-

stalled within the time periods indi-
cated below must meet the perform-
ance and environmental requirements 
of the following TSO’s: 


Through January 1, 1992: 

(i) Any 

class of TSO-C74b or any class of TSO- 
C74c as appropriate, provided that the 
equipment was manufactured before 
January 1, 1990; or 

(ii) The appropriate class of TSO-C112 

(Mode S). 


After January 1, 1992: 

The appro-

priate class of TSO-C112 (Mode S). For 
purposes of paragraph (c)(2) of this sec-
tion, ‘‘installation’’ does not include— 

(i) Temporary installation of TSO- 

C74b or TSO-C74c substitute equip-
ment, as appropriate, during mainte-
nance of the permanent equipment; 

(ii) Reinstallation of equipment after 

temporary removal for maintenance; or 

(iii) For fleet operations, installation 

of equipment in a fleet aircraft after 
removal of the equipment for mainte-
nance from another aircraft in the 
same operator’s fleet. 

[Doc. No. 16097, 43 FR 46783, Oct. 10, 1978, as 
amended by Amdt. 135–22, 52 FR 3392, Feb. 3, 

§ 135.144 Portable electronic devices. 

(a) Except as provided in paragraph 

(b) of this section, no person may oper-
ate, nor may any operator or pilot in 
command of an aircraft allow the oper-
ation of, any portable electronic device 
on any U.S.-registered civil aircraft op-
erating under this part. 

(b) Paragraph (a) of this section does 

not apply to— 

(1) Portable voice recorders; 
(2) Hearing aids; 
(3) Heart pacemakers; 

(4) Electric shavers; 
(5) Portable oxygen concentrators 

that comply with the requirements in 
§ 135.91; or 

(6) Any other portable electronic de-

vice that the part 119 certificate holder 
has determined will not cause inter-
ference with the navigation or commu-
nication system of the aircraft on 
which it is to be used. 

(c). The determination required by 

paragraph (b)(6) of this section shall be 
made by that part 119 certificate holder 
operating the aircraft on which the 
particular device is to be used. 

[Doc. No. FAA–1998–4954, 64 FR 1080, Jan. 7, 
1999, as amended by Docket FAA–2014–0554, 
Amdt. 135–133, 81 FR 33120, May 24, 2016] 

§ 135.145 Aircraft proving and valida-

tion tests. 

(a) No certificate holder may operate 

an aircraft, other than a turbojet air-
craft, for which two pilots are required 
by this chapter for operations under 
VFR, if it has not previously proved 
such an aircraft in operations under 
this part in at least 25 hours of proving 
tests acceptable to the Administrator 

(1) Five hours of night time, if night 

flights are to be authorized; 

(2) Five instrument approach proce-

dures under simulated or actual condi-
tions, if IFR flights are to be author-
ized; and 

(3) Entry into a representative num-

ber of en route airports as determined 
by the Administrator. 

(b) No certificate holder may operate 

a turbojet airplane if it has not pre-
viously proved a turbojet airplane in 
operations under this part in at least 25 
hours of proving tests acceptable to the 
Administrator including— 

(1) Five hours of night time, if night 

flights are to be authorized; 

(2) Five instrument approach proce-

dures under simulated or actual condi-
tions, if IFR flights are to be author-
ized; and 

(3) Entry into a representative num-

ber of en route airports as determined 
by the Administrator. 

(c) No certificate holder may carry 

passengers in an aircraft during prov-
ing tests, except those needed to make 
the tests and those designated by the 
Administrator to observe the tests.