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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§§ 135.249–135.255 

§§ 135.249–135.255 [Reserved] 

Subpart F—Crewmember Flight 

Time and Duty Period Limita-
tions and Rest Requirements 



: Docket No. 23634, 50 FR 29320, July 

18, 1985, unless otherwise noted. 

§ 135.261 Applicability. 

Sections 135.263 through 135.273 of 

this part prescribe flight time limita-
tions, duty period limitations, and rest 
requirements for operations conducted 
under this part as follows: 

(a) Section 135.263 applies to all oper-

ations under this subpart. 

(b) Section 135.265 applies to: 
(1) Scheduled passenger-carrying op-

erations except those conducted solely 
within the state of Alaska. ‘‘Scheduled 
passenger-carrying operations’’ means 
passenger-carrying operations that are 
conducted in accordance with a pub-
lished schedule which covers at least 
five round trips per week on at least 
one route between two or more points, 
includes dates or times (or both), and is 
openly advertised or otherwise made 
readily available to the general public, 

(2) Any other operation under this 

part, if the operator elects to comply 
with § 135.265 and obtains an appro-
priate operations specification amend-

(c) Sections 135.267 and 135.269 apply 

to any operation that is not a sched-
uled passenger-carrying operation and 
to any operation conducted solely 
within the State of Alaska, unless the 
operator elects to comply with § 135.265 
as authorized under paragraph (b)(2) of 
this section. 

(d) Section 135.271 contains special 

daily flight time limits for operations 
conducted under the helicopter emer-
gency medical evacuation service 

(e) Section 135.273 prescribes duty pe-

riod limitations and rest requirements 
for flight attendants in all operations 
conducted under this part. 

[Doc. No. 23634, 50 FR 29320, July 18, 1985, as 
amended by Amdt. 135–52, 59 FR 42993, Aug. 
19, 1994] 

§ 135.263 Flight time limitations and 

rest requirements: All certificate 


(a) A certificate holder may assign a 

flight crewmember and a flight crew-
member may accept an assignment for 
flight time only when the applicable 
requirements of §§ 135.263 through 
135.271 are met. 

(b) No certificate holder may assign 

any flight crewmember to any duty 
with the certificate holder during any 
required rest period. 

(c) Time spent in transportation, not 

local in character, that a certificate 
holder requires of a flight crewmember 
and provides to transport the crew-
member to an airport at which he is to 
serve on a flight as a crewmember, or 
from an airport at which he was re-
lieved from duty to return to his home 
station, is not considered part of a rest 

(d) A flight crewmember is not con-

sidered to be assigned flight time in ex-
cess of flight time limitations if the 
flights to which he is assigned nor-
mally terminate within the limita-
tions, but due to circumstances beyond 
the control of the certificate holder or 
flight crewmember (such as adverse 
weather conditions), are not at the 
time of departure expected to reach 
their destination within the planned 
flight time. 

§ 135.265 Flight time limitations and 

rest requirements: Scheduled oper-


(a) No certificate holder may sched-

ule any flight crewmember, and no 
flight crewmember may accept an as-
signment, for flight time in scheduled 
operations or in other commercial fly-
ing if that crewmember’s total flight 
time in all commercial flying will ex-

(1) 1,200 hours in any calendar year. 
(2) 120 hours in any calendar month. 
(3) 34 hours in any 7 consecutive days. 
(4) 8 hours during any 24 consecutive 

hours for a flight crew consisting of 
one pilot. 

(5) 8 hours between required rest peri-

ods for a flight crew consisting of two 
pilots qualified under this part for the 
operation being conducted. 

(b) Except as provided in paragraph 

(c) of this section, no certificate holder 

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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 135.267 

may schedule a flight crewmember, 
and no flight crewmember may accept 
an assignment, for flight time during 
the 24 consecutive hours preceding the 
scheduled completion of any flight seg-
ment without a scheduled rest period 
during that 24 hours of at least the fol-

(1) 9 consecutive hours of rest for less 

than 8 hours of scheduled flight time. 

(2) 10 consecutive hours of rest for 8 

or more but less than 9 hours of sched-
uled flight time. 

(3) 11 consecutive hours of rest for 9 

or more hours of scheduled flight time. 

(c) A certificate holder may schedule 

a flight crewmember for less than the 
rest required in paragraph (b) of this 
section or may reduce a scheduled rest 
under the following conditions: 

(1) A rest required under paragraph 

(b)(1) of this section may be scheduled 
for or reduced to a minimum of 8 hours 
if the flight crewmember is given a rest 
period of at least 10 hours that must 
begin no later than 24 hours after the 
commencement of the reduced rest pe-

(2) A rest required under paragraph 

(b)(2) of this section may be scheduled 
for or reduced to a minimum of 8 hours 
if the flight crewmember is given a rest 
period of at least 11 hours that must 
begin no later than 24 hours after the 
commencement of the reduced rest pe-

(3) A rest required under paragraph 

(b)(3) of this section may be scheduled 
for or reduced to a minimum of 9 hours 
if the flight crewmember is given a rest 
period of at least 12 hours that must 
begin no later than 24 hours after the 
commencement of the reduced rest pe-

(d) Each certificate holder shall re-

lieve each flight crewmember engaged 
in scheduled air transportation from 
all further duty for at least 24 consecu-
tive hours during any 7 consecutive 

§ 135.267 Flight time limitations and 

rest requirements: Unscheduled 

one- and two-pilot crews. 

(a) No certificate holder may assign 

any flight crewmember, and no flight 
crewmember may accept an assign-
ment, for flight time as a member of a 
one- or two-pilot crew if that crew-

member’s total flight time in all com-
mercial flying will exceed— 

(1) 500 hours in any calendar quarter. 
(2) 800 hours in any two consecutive 

calendar quarters. 

(3) 1,400 hours in any calendar year. 
(b) Except as provided in paragraph 

(c) of this section, during any 24 con-
secutive hours the total flight time of 
the assigned flight when added to any 
other commercial flying by that flight 
crewmember may not exceed— 

(1) 8 hours for a flight crew con-

sisting of one pilot; or 

(2) 10 hours for a flight crew con-

sisting of two pilots qualified under 
this part for the operation being con-

(c) A flight crewmember’s flight time 

may exceed the flight time limits of 
paragraph (b) of this section if the as-
signed flight time occurs during a regu-
larly assigned duty period of no more 
than 14 hours and— 

(1) If this duty period is immediately 

preceded by and followed by a required 
rest period of at least 10 consecutive 
hours of rest; 

(2) If flight time is assigned during 

this period, that total flight time when 
added to any other commercial flying 
by the flight crewmember may not ex-

(i) 8 hours for a flight crew consisting 

of one pilot; or 

(ii) 10 hours for a flight crew con-

sisting of two pilots; and 

(3) If the combined duty and rest pe-

riods equal 24 hours. 

(d) Each assignment under paragraph 

(b) of this section must provide for at 
least 10 consecutive hours of rest dur-
ing the 24-hour period that precedes 
the planned completion time of the as-

(e) When a flight crewmember has ex-

ceeded the daily flight time limitations 
in this section, because of cir-
cumstances beyond the control of the 
certificate holder or flight crew-
member (such as adverse weather con-
ditions), that flight crewmember must 
have a rest period before being assigned 
or accepting an assignment for flight 
time of at least— 

(1) 11 consecutive hours of rest if the 

flight time limitation is exceeded by 
not more than 30 minutes;