Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 135.3
(A) Section 121.305(j), Third attitude
(B) Section 121.311(f), Safety belts
and shoulder harnesses.
(ii) Manufactured on or after Decem-
ber 20, 1997: Section 121.317(a), Fasten
seat belt light.
(iii) Manufactured on or after Decem-
ber 20, 1999: Section 121.293, Takeoff
warning system.
(iv) Manufactured on or after March
12, 1999: Section 121.310(b)(1), Interior
emergency exit locating sign.
(2) For transport category turbo-
propeller powered airplanes that have a
passenger seat configuration of 20–30
seats manufactured on or after March
20, 1997: Section 121.305(j), Third atti-
tude indicator.
New type certification requirements.
No person may operate an airplane for
which the application for a type cer-
tificate was filed after March 29, 1995,
in 14 CFR part 121 operations unless
that airplane is type certificated under
part 25 of this chapter.
Transition plan.
Before March 19,
1996 each certificate holder described in
paragraph (a)(1) of this section must
submit to the FAA a transition plan
(containing a calendar of events) for
moving from conducting its scheduled
operations under the commuter re-
quirements of part 135 of this chapter
to the requirements for domestic or
flag operations under part 121 of this
chapter. Each transition plan must
contain details on the following:
(1) Plans for obtaining new oper-
ations specifications authorizing do-
mestic or flag operations;
(2) Plans for being in compliance
with the applicable requirements of
part 121 of this chapter on or before
March 20, 1997; and
(3) Plans for complying with the com-
pliance date schedules contained in
paragraphs (d) and (e) of this section.
[Doc. No. 28154, 60 FR 65938, Dec. 20, 1995, as
amended by Amdt. 135–65, 61 FR 30435, June
14, 1996; Amdt. 135–66, 62 FR 13257, Mar. 19,
§ 135.3 Rules applicable to operations
subject to this part.
(a) Each person operating an aircraft
in operations under this part shall—
(1) While operating inside the United
States, comply with the applicable
rules of this chapter; and
(2) While operating outside the
United States, comply with Annex 2,
Rules of the Air, to the Convention on
International Civil Aviation or the reg-
ulations of any foreign country, which-
ever applies, and with any rules of
parts 61 and 91 of this chapter and this
part that are more restrictive than
that Annex or those regulations and
that can be complied with without vio-
lating that Annex or those regulations.
Annex 2 is incorporated by reference in
§ 91.703(b) of this chapter.
(b) Each certificate holder that con-
ducts commuter operations under this
part with airplanes in which two pilots
are required by the type certification
rules of this chapter shall comply with
subparts N and O of part 121 of this
chapter instead of the requirements of
subparts E, G, and H of this part. Not-
withstanding the requirements of this
paragraph, a pilot serving under this
part as second in command in a com-
muter operation with airplanes in
which two pilots are required by the
type certification rules of this chapter
may meet the requirements of § 135.245
instead of the requirements of § 121.436.
(c) If authorized by the Adminis-
trator upon application, each certifi-
cate holder that conducts operations
under this part to which paragraph (b)
of this section does not apply, may
comply with the applicable sections of
subparts N and O of part 121 instead of
the requirements of subparts E, G, and
H of this part, except that those au-
thorized certificate holders may choose
to comply with the operating experi-
ence requirements of § 135.244, instead
of the requirements of § 121.434 of this
chapter. Notwithstanding the require-
ments of this paragraph, a pilot serving
under this part as second in command
may meet the requirements of § 135.245
instead of the requirements of § 121.436.
(d) Additional limitations applicable
to certificate holders that are required
by paragraph (b) of this section or au-
thorized in accordance with paragraph
(c) of this section, to comply with part
121, subparts N and O of this chapter
instead of subparts E, G, and H of this
14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 135.4
Upgrade training.
(i) Each certifi-
cate holder must include in upgrade
ground training for pilots, instruction
in at least the subjects identified in
§ 121.419(a) of this chapter, as applicable
to their assigned duties; and, for pilots
serving in crews of two or more pilots,
beginning on April 27, 2022, instruction
and facilitated discussion in the sub-
jects identified in § 121.419(c) of this
(ii) Each certificate holder must in-
clude in upgrade flight training for pi-
lots, flight training for the maneuvers
and procedures required in § 121.424(a),
(c), (e), and (f) of this chapter; and, for
pilots serving in crews of two or more
pilots, beginning on April 27, 2022, the
flight training required in § 121.424(b) of
this chapter.
Initial and recurrent leadership and
command and mentoring training.
tificate holders are not required to in-
clude leadership and command training
in §§ 121.409(b)(2)(ii)(B)(
), 121.419(c)(1),
121.424(b) and 121.427(d)(1) of this chap-
ter and mentoring training in
§§ 121.419(c)(2) and 121.427(d)(1) of this
chapter in initial and recurrent train-
ing for pilots in command who serve in
operations that use only one pilot.
One-time leadership and command
and mentoring training.
Section 121.429
of this chapter does not apply to cer-
tificate holders conducting operations
under this part when those operations
use only one pilot.
[Doc. No. 27993, 60 FR 65949, Dec. 20, 1995, as
amended by Amdt. 135–65, 61 FR 30435, June
14, 1996; Amdt. 135–127A, 78 FR 77574, Dec. 24,
2013; Docket FAA–2010–0100, Amdt. 135–127B,
81 FR 2, Jan. 4, 2016; Amdt. 135–142, 85 FR
10935, Feb. 25, 2020]
§ 135.4 Applicability of rules for eligi-
ble on-demand operations.
(a) An ‘‘eligible on-demand oper-
ation’’ is an on-demand operation con-
ducted under this part that meets the
following requirements:
Two-pilot crew.
The flightcrew
must consist of at least two qualified
pilots employed or contracted by the
certificate holder.
Flight crew experience.
The crew-
members must have met the applicable
requirements of part 61 of this chapter
and have the following experience and
(i) Total flight time for all pilots:
(A) Pilot in command—A minimum
of 1,500 hours.
(B) Second in command—A minimum
of 500 hours.
(ii) For multi-engine turbine-powered
fixed-wing and powered-lift aircraft,
the following FAA certification and
ratings requirements:
(A) Pilot in command—Airline trans-
port pilot and applicable type ratings.
(B) Second in command—Commercial
pilot and instrument ratings.
(iii) For all other aircraft, the fol-
lowing FAA certification and rating re-
(A) Pilot in command—Commercial
pilot and instrument ratings.
(B) Second in command—Commercial
pilot and instrument ratings.
Pilot operating limitations.
If the
second in command of a fixed-wing air-
craft has fewer than 100 hours of flight
time as second in command flying in
the aircraft make and model and, if a
type rating is required, in the type air-
craft being flown, and the pilot in com-
mand is not an appropriately qualified
check pilot, the pilot in command shall
make all takeoffs and landings in any
of the following situations:
(i) Landings at the destination air-
port when a Destination Airport Anal-
ysis is required by § 135.385(f); and
(ii) In any of the following condi-
(A) The prevailing visibility for the
airport is at or below
(B) The runway visual range for the
runway to be used is at or below 4,000
(C) The runway to be used has water,
snow, slush, ice, or similar contamina-
tion that may adversely affect aircraft
(D) The braking action on the run-
way to be used is reported to be less
than ‘‘good.’’
(E) The crosswind component for the
runway to be used is in excess of 15
(F) Windshear is reported in the vi-
cinity of the airport.
(G) Any other condition in which the
pilot in command determines it to be
prudent to exercise the pilot in com-
mand’s authority.
Crew pairing.
Either the pilot in
command or the second in command