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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 135.324 

completed it in the calendar month in 
which it was required. 

(c) Each instructor, supervisor, or 

check airman who is responsible for a 
particular ground training subject, seg-
ment of flight training, course of train-
ing, flight check, or competence check 
under this part shall certify as to the 
proficiency and knowledge of the crew-
member, flight instructor, or check 
airman concerned upon completion of 
that training or check. That certifi-
cation shall be made a part of the crew-
member’s record. When the certifi-
cation required by this paragraph is 
made by an entry in a computerized 
recordkeeping system, the certifying 
instructor, supervisor, or check air-
man, must be identified with that 
entry. However, the signature of the 
certifying instructor, supervisor, or 
check airman, is not required for com-
puterized entries. 

(d) Training subjects that apply to 

more than one aircraft or crewmember 
position and that have been satisfac-
torily completed during previous train-
ing while employed by the certificate 
holder for another aircraft or another 
crewmember position, need not be re-
peated during subsequent training 
other than recurrent training. 

(e) Aircraft simulators and other 

training devices may be used in the 
certificate holder’s training program if 
approved by the Administrator. 

[Doc. No. 16097, 43 FR 46783, Oct. 10, 1978, as 
amended by Amdt. 135–101, 70 FR 58829, Oct. 
7, 2005] 

§ 135.324 Training program: Special 


(a) Other than the certificate holder, 

only another certificate holder certifi-
cated under this part or a training cen-
ter certificated under part 142 of this 
chapter is eligible under this subpart 
to conduct training, testing, and 
checking under contract or other ar-
rangement to those persons subject to 
the requirements of this subpart. 

(b) A certificate holder may contract 

with, or otherwise arrange to use the 
services of, a training center certifi-
cated under part 142 of this chapter to 
conduct training, testing, and checking 
required by this part only if the train-
ing center— 

(1) Holds applicable training speci-

fications issued under part 142 of this 

(2) Has facilities, training equipment, 

and courseware meeting the applicable 
requirements of part 142 of this chap-

(3) Has approved curriculums, cur-

riculum segments, and portions of cur-
riculum segments applicable for use in 
training courses required by this sub-
part; and 

(4) Has sufficient instructor and 

check airmen qualified under the appli-
cable requirements of §§ 135.337 through 
135.340 to provide training, testing, and 
checking to persons subject to the re-
quirements of this subpart. 

[Doc. No. 26933, 61 FR 34562, July 2, 1996, as 
amended by Amdt. 135–67, 62 FR 13791, Mar. 
21, 1997; Amdt. 135–91, 68 FR 54588, Sept. 17, 

§ 135.325 Training program and revi-

sion: Initial and final approval. 

(a) To obtain initial and final ap-

proval of a training program, or a revi-
sion to an approved training program, 
each certificate holder must submit to 
the Administrator— 

(1) An outline of the proposed or re-

vised curriculum, that provides enough 
information for a preliminary evalua-
tion of the proposed training program 
or revision; and 

(2) Additional relevant information 

that may be requested by the Adminis-

(b) If the proposed training program 

or revision complies with this subpart, 
the Administrator grants initial ap-
proval in writing after which the cer-
tificate holder may conduct the train-
ing under that program. The Adminis-
trator then evaluates the effectiveness 
of the training program and advises the 
certificate holder of deficiencies, if 
any, that must be corrected. 

(c) The Administrator grants final 

approval of the proposed training pro-
gram or revision if the certificate hold-
er shows that the training conducted 
under the initial approval in paragraph 
(b) of this section ensures that each 
person who successfully completes the 
training is adequately trained to per-
form that person’s assigned duties. 

(d) Whenever the Administrator finds 

that revisions are necessary for the