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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 135.336 

§ 135.335 Approval of aircraft simula-

tors and other training devices. 

(a) Training courses using aircraft 

simulators and other training devices 
may be included in the certificate hold-
er’s training program if approved by 
the Administrator. 

(b) Each aircraft simulator and other 

training device that is used in a train-
ing course or in checks required under 
this subpart must meet the following 

(1) It must be specifically approved 


(i) The certificate holder; and 
(ii) The particular maneuver, proce-

dure, or crewmember function in-

(2) It must maintain the perform-

ance, functional, and other character- 
istics that are required for approval. 

(3) Additionally, for aircraft simula-

tors, it must be— 

(i) Approved for the type aircraft 

and, if applicable, the particular vari-
ation within type for which the train-
ing or check is being conducted; and 

(ii) Modified to conform with any 

modification to the aircraft being sim-
ulated that changes the performance, 
functional, or other characteristics re-
quired for approval. 

(c) A particular aircraft simulator or 

other training device may be used by 
more than one certificate holder. 

(d) In granting initial and final ap-

proval of training programs or revi-
sions to them, the Administrator con-
siders the training devices, methods 
and procedures listed in the certificate 
holder’s curriculum under § 135.327. 

[Doc. No. 16907, 43 FR 46783, Oct. 10, 1978, as 
amended by Amdt. 135–1, 44 FR 26738, May 7, 

§ 135.336 Airline transport pilot certifi-

cation training program. 

(a) A certificate holder may obtain 

approval to establish and implement a 
training program to satisfy the re-
quirements of § 61.156 of this chapter. 
The training program must be separate 
from the air carrier training program 
required by this part. 

(b) No certificate holder may use a 

person nor may any person serve as an 
instructor in a training program ap-
proved to meet the requirements of 

§ 61.156 of this chapter unless the in-

(1) Holds an airline transport pilot 

certificate with an airplane category 
multiengine class rating; 

(2) Has at least 2 years of experience 

as a pilot in command in operations 
conducted under § 91.1053(a)(2)(i) of this 
chapter, § 135.243(a)(1) of this part, or as 
a pilot in command or second in com-
mand in any operation conducted 
under part 121 of this chapter; 

(3) Except for the holder of a flight 

instructor certificate, receives initial 
training on the following topics: 

(i) The fundamental principles of the 

learning process; 

(ii) Elements of effective teaching, 

instruction methods, and techniques; 

(iii) Instructor duties, privileges, re-

sponsibilities, and limitations; 

(iv) Training policies and procedures; 


(v) Evaluation. 
(4) If providing training in a flight 

simulation training device, holds an 
aircraft type rating for the aircraft 
represented by the flight simulation 
training device utilized in the training 
program and have received training 
and evaluation within the preceding 12 
months from the certificate holder on: 

(i) Proper operation of flight simu-

lator and flight training device con-
trols and systems; 

(ii) Proper operation of environ-

mental and fault panels; 

(iii) Data and motion limitations of 


(iv) Minimum equipment require-

ments for each curriculum; and 

(v) The maneuvers that will be dem-

onstrated in the flight simulation 
training device. 

(c) A certificate holder may not issue 

a graduation certificate to a student 
unless that student has completed all 
the curriculum requirements of the 

(d) A certificate holder must conduct 

evaluations to ensure that training 
techniques, procedures, and standards 
are acceptable to the Administrator. 

[Doc. No. FAA–2010–0100, 78 FR 42379, July 15, 