14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 135.337
§ 135.337 Qualifications: Check airmen
(aircraft) and check airmen (simu-
(a) For the purposes of this section
and § 135.339:
(1) A check airman (aircraft) is a per-
son who is qualified to conduct flight
checks in an aircraft, in a flight simu-
lator, or in a flight training device for
a particular type aircraft.
(2) A check airman (simulator) is a
person who is qualified to conduct
flight checks, but only in a flight simu-
lator, in a flight training device, or
both, for a particular type aircraft.
(3) Check airmen (aircraft) and check
airmen (simulator) are those check air-
men who perform the functions de-
scribed in §§ 135.321 (a) and 135.323(a)(4)
and (c).
(b) No certificate holder may use a
person, nor may any person serve as a
check airman (aircraft) in a training
program established under this subpart
unless, with respect to the aircraft
type involved, that person—
(1) Holds the airman certificates and
ratings required to serve as a pilot in
command in operations under this
(2) Has satisfactorily completed the
training phases for the aircraft, includ-
ing recurrent training, that are re-
quired to serve as a pilot in command
in operations under this part;
(3) Has satisfactorily completed the
proficiency or competency checks that
are required to serve as a pilot in com-
mand in operations under this part;
(4) Has satisfactorily completed the
applicable training requirements of
§ 135.339;
(5) Holds at least a Class III medical
certificate unless serving as a required
crewmember, in which case holds a
Class I or Class II medical certificate
as appropriate.
(6) Has satisfied the recency of expe-
rience requirements of § 135.247; and
(7) Has been approved by the Admin-
istrator for the check airman duties in-
(c) No certificate holder may use a
person, nor may any person serve as a
check airman (simulator) in a training
program established under this subpart
unless, with respect to the aircraft
type involved, that person meets the
provisions of paragraph (b) of this sec-
tion, or—
(1) Holds the applicable airman cer-
tificates and ratings, except medical
certificate, required to serve as a pilot
in command in operations under this
(2) Has satisfactorily completed the
appropriate training phases for the air-
craft, including recurrent training,
that are required to serve as a pilot in
command in operations under this
(3) Has satisfactorily completed the
appropriate proficiency or competency
checks that are required to serve as a
pilot in command in operations under
this part;
(4) Has satisfactorily completed the
applicable training requirements of
§ 135.339; and
(5) Has been approved by the Admin-
istrator for the check airman (simu-
lator) duties involved.
(d) Completion of the requirements
in paragraphs (b) (2), (3), and (4) or (c)
(2), (3), and (4) of this section, as appli-
cable, shall be entered in the individ-
ual’s training record maintained by the
certificate holder.
(e) Check airmen who do not hold an
appropriate medical certificate may
function as check airmen (simulator),
but may not serve as flightcrew mem-
bers in operations under this part.
(f) A check airman (simulator) must
accomplish the following—
(1) Fly at least two flight segments
as a required crewmember for the type,
class, or category aircraft involved
within the 12-month preceding the per-
formance of any check airman duty in
a flight simulator; or
(2) Satisfactorily complete an ap-
proved line-observation program with-
in the period prescribed by that pro-
gram and that must precede the per-
formance of any check airman duty in
a flight simulator.
(g) The flight segments or line-obser-
vation program required in paragraph
(f) of this section are considered to be
completed in the month required if
completed in the calendar month be-
fore or the calendar month after the
month in which they are due.
[Doc. No. 28471, 61 FR 30744, June 17, 1996]