Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 135.443
the records specified in paragraph (a)(1)
of this section shall be retained until
the work is repeated or superseded by
other work or for one year after the
work is performed.
(2) The records of the last complete
overhaul of each airframe, engine, pro-
peller, rotor, and appliance shall be re-
tained until the work is superseded by
work of equivalent scope and detail.
(3) The records specified in paragraph
(a)(2) of this section shall be retained
and transferred with the aircraft at the
time the aircraft is sold.
(c) The certificate holder shall make
all maintenance records required to be
kept by this section available for in-
spection by the Administrator or any
representative of the National Trans-
portation Safety Board.
[Doc. No. 16097, 43 FR 46783, Oct. 10, 1978; 43
FR 49975, Oct. 26, 1978]
§ 135.441 Transfer of maintenance
Each certificate holder who sells a
United States registered aircraft shall
transfer to the purchaser, at the time
of the sale, the following records of
that aircraft, in plain language form or
in coded form which provides for the
preservation and retrieval of informa-
tion in a manner acceptable to the Ad-
(a) The records specified in
§ 135.439(a)(2).
(b) The records specified in
§ 135.439(a)(1) which are not included in
the records covered by paragraph (a) of
this section, except that the purchaser
may allow the seller to keep physical
custody of such records. However, cus-
tody of records by the seller does not
relieve the purchaser of its responsi-
bility under § 135.439(c) to make the
records available for inspection by the
Administrator or any representative of
the National Transportation Safety
§ 135.443 Airworthiness release or air-
craft maintenance log entry.
(a) No certificate holder may operate
an aircraft after maintenance, preven-
tive maintenance, or alterations are
performed on the aircraft unless the
certificate holder prepares, or causes
the person with whom the certificate
holder arranges for the performance of
the maintenance, preventive mainte-
nance, or alterations, to prepare—
(1) An airworthiness release; or
(2) An appropriate entry in the air-
craft maintenance log.
(b) The airworthiness release or log
entry required by paragraph (a) of this
section must—
(1) Be prepared in accordance with
the procedure in the certificate hold-
er’s manual;
(2) Include a certification that—
(i) The work was performed in ac-
cordance with the requirements of the
certificate holder’s manual;
(ii) All items required to be inspected
were inspected by an authorized person
who determined that the work was sat-
isfactorily completed;
(iii) No known condition exists that
would make the aircraft unairworthy;
(iv) So far as the work performed is
concerned, the aircraft is in condition
for safe operation; and
(3) Be signed by an authorized certifi-
cated mechanic or repairman, except
that a certificated repairman may sign
the release or entry only for the work
for which that person is employed and
for which that person is certificated.
(c) Notwithstanding paragraph (b)(3)
of this section, after maintenance, pre-
ventive maintenance, or alterations
performed by a repair station located
outside the United States , the air-
worthiness release or log entry re-
quired by paragraph (a) of this section
may be signed by a person authorized
by that repair station.
(d) Instead of restating each of the
conditions of the certification required
by paragraph (b) of this section, the
certificate holder may state in its
manual that the signature of an au-
thorized certificated mechanic or re-
pairman constitutes that certification.
[Doc. No. 16097, 43 FR 46783, Oct. 10, 1978, as
amended by Amdt. 135–29, 53 FR 47375, Nov.
22, 1988; Amdt. 135–82, 66 FR 41117, Aug. 6,
Subpart K—Hazardous Materials
Training Program
: Docket No. FAA–2003–15085, 70 FR
58829, Oct. 7, 2005, unless otherwise noted.