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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 135.501 

§ 135.501 Applicability and definitions. 

(a) This subpart prescribes the re-

quirements applicable to each certifi-
cate holder for training each crew-
member and person performing or di-
rectly supervising any of the following 
job functions involving any item for 
transport on board an aircraft: 

(1) Acceptance; 
(2) Rejection; 
(3) Handling; 
(4) Storage incidental to transport; 
(5) Packaging of company material; 


(6) Loading. 


For purposes of this 

subpart, the following definitions 


Company material (COMAT)


rial owned or used by a certificate 


Initial hazardous materials train-


—The basic training required for 

each newly hired person, or each per-
son changing job functions, who per-
forms or directly supervises any of the 
job functions specified in paragraph (a) 
of this section. 


Recurrent hazardous materials 


—The training required every 

24 months for each person who has sat-
isfactorily completed the certificate 
holder’s approved initial hazardous ma-
terials training program and performs 
or directly supervises any of the job 
functions specified in paragraph (a) of 
this section. 

§ 135.503 Hazardous materials train-

ing: General. 

(a) Each certificate holder must es-

tablish and implement a hazardous ma-
terials training program that: 

(1) Satisfies the requirements of Ap-

pendix O of part 121 of this part; 

(2) Ensures that each person per-

forming or directly supervising any of 
the job functions specified in § 135.501(a) 
is trained to comply with all applicable 
parts of 49 CFR parts 171 through 180 
and the requirements of this subpart; 

(3) Enables the trained person to rec-

ognize items that contain, or may con-
tain, hazardous materials regulated by 
49 CFR parts 171 through 180. 

(b) Each certificate holder must pro-

vide initial hazardous materials train-
ing and recurrent hazardous materials 

training to each crewmember and per-
son performing or directly supervising 
any of the job functions specified in 
§ 135.501(a). 

(c) Each certificate holder’s haz-

ardous materials training program 
must be approved by the FAA prior to 

§ 135.505 Hazardous materials training 



Training requirement. 

Except as 

provided in paragraphs (b), (c) and (f) of 
this section, no certificate holder may 
use any crewmember or person to per-
form any of the job functions or direct 
supervisory responsibilities, and no 
person may perform any of the job 
functions or direct supervisory respon-
sibilities, specified in § 135.501(a) unless 
that person has satisfactorily com-
pleted the certificate holder’s FAA-ap-
proved initial or recurrent hazardous 
materials training program within the 
past 24 months. 


New hire or new job function. 

A per-

son who is a new hire and has not yet 
satisfactorily completed the required 
initial hazardous materials training, or 
a person who is changing job functions 
and has not received initial or recur-
rent training for a job function involv-
ing storage incidental to transport, or 
loading of items for transport on an 
aircraft, may perform those job func-
tions for not more than 30 days from 
the date of hire or a change in job func-
tion, if the person is under the direct 
visual supervision of a person who is 
authorized by the certificate holder to 
supervise that person and who has suc-
cessfully completed the certificate 
holder’s FAA-approved initial or recur-
rent training program within the past 
24 months. 


Persons who work for more than one 

certificate holder. 

A certificate holder 

that uses or assigns a person to per-
form or directly supervise a job func-
tion specified in § 135.501(a), when that 
person also performs or directly super-
vises the same job function for another 
certificate holder, need only train that 
person in its own policies and proce-
dures regarding those job functions, if 
all of the following are met: 

(1) The certificate holder using this 

exception receives written verification 
from the person designated to hold the