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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 135.507 

training records representing the other 
certificate holder that the person has 
satisfactorily completed hazardous ma-
terials training for the specific job 
function under the other certificate 
holder’s FAA approved hazardous ma-
terial training program under appendix 
O of part 121 of this chapter; and 

(2) The certificate holder who trained 

the person has the same operations 
specifications regarding the accept-
ance, handling, and transport of haz-
ardous materials as the certificate 
holder using this exception. 


Recurrent hazardous materials 

training—Completion date. 

A person who 

satisfactorily completes recurrent haz-
ardous materials training in the cal-
endar month before, or the calendar 
month after, the month in which the 
recurrent training is due, is considered 
to have taken that training during the 
month in which it is due. If the person 
completes this training earlier than 
the month before it is due, the month 
of the completion date becomes his or 
her new anniversary month. 


Repair stations. 

A certificate hold-

er must ensure that each repair station 
performing work for, or on the certifi-
cate holder’s behalf is notified in writ-
ing of the certificate holder’s policies 
and operations specification authoriza-
tion permitting or prohibition against 
the acceptance, rejection, handling, 
storage incidental to transport, and 
transportation of hazardous materials, 
including company material. This noti-
fication requirement applies only to re-
pair stations that are regulated by 49 
CFR parts 171 through 180. 


Certificate holders operating at for-

eign locations. 

This exception applies if 

a certificate holder operating at a for-
eign location where the country re-
quires the certificate holder to use per-
sons working in that country to load 
aircraft. In such a case, the certificate 
holder may use those persons even if 
they have not been trained in accord-
ance with the certificate holder’s FAA 
approved hazardous materials training 
program. Those persons, however, must 
be under the direct visual supervision 
of someone who has successfully com-
pleted the certificate holder’s approved 
initial or recurrent hazardous mate-
rials training program in accordance 
with this part. This exception applies 

only to those persons who load air-

§ 135.507 Hazardous materials training 



General requirement. 

Each certifi-

cate holder must maintain a record of 
all training required by this part re-
ceived within the preceding three years 
for each person who performs or di-
rectly supervises a job function speci-
fied in § 135.501(a). The record must be 
maintained during the time that the 
person performs or directly supervises 
any of those job functions, and for 90 
days thereafter. These training records 
must be kept for direct employees of 
the certificate holder, as well as inde-
pendent contractors, subcontractors, 
and any other person who performs or 
directly supervises these job functions 
for the certificate holder. 


Location of records. 

The certificate 

holder must retain the training records 
required by paragraph (a) of this sec-
tion for all initial and recurrent train-
ing received within the preceding 3 
years for all persons performing or di-
rectly supervising the job functions 
listed in Appendix O of part 121 of this 
chapter at a designated location. The 
records must be available upon request 
at the location where the trained per-
son performs or directly supervises the 
job function specified in § 135.501(a). 
Records may be maintained electroni-
cally and provided on location elec-
tronically. When the person ceases to 
perform or directly supervise a haz-
ardous materials job function, the cer-
tificate holder must retain the haz-
ardous materials training records for 
an additional 90 days and make them 
available upon request at the last loca-
tion where the person worked. 


Content of records. 

Each record 

must contain the following: 

(1) The individual’s name; 
(2) The most recent training comple-

tion date; 

(3) A description, copy or reference to 

training materials used to meet the 
training requirement; 

(4) The name and address of the orga-

nization providing the training; and 

(5) A copy of the certification issued 

when the individual was trained, which 
shows that a test has been completed 

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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 135.601 


New hire or new job function. 


certificate holder using a person under 
the exception in § 135.505(b) must main-
tain a record for that person. The 
records must be available upon request 
at the location where the trained per-
son performs or directly supervises the 
job function specified in § 135.501(a). 
Records may be maintained electroni-
cally and provided on location elec-
tronically. The record must include the 

(1) A signed statement from an au-

thorized representative of the certifi-
cate holder authorizing the use of the 
person in accordance with the excep-

(2) The date of hire or change in job 


(3) The person’s name and assigned 

job function; 

(4) The name of the supervisor of the 

job function; and 

(5) The date the person is to complete 

hazardous materials training in accord-
ance with Appendix O of part 121 of this 

Subpart L—Helicopter Air Ambu-

lance Equipment, Operations, 
and Training Requirements 



: Docket No. FAA–2010–0982, 79 FR 

9975, Feb. 21, 2014, unless otherwise noted. 

§ 135.601 Applicability and definitions. 



This subpart pre-

scribes the requirements applicable to 
each certificate holder conducting heli-
copter air ambulance operations. 



For purposes of this 

subpart, the following definitions 


Helicopter air ambulance operation 

means a flight, or sequence of flights, 
with a patient or medical personnel on 
board, for the purpose of medical trans-
portation, by a part 135 certificate 
holder authorized by the Administrator 
to conduct helicopter air ambulance 
operations. A helicopter air ambulance 
operation includes, but is not limited 

(i) Flights conducted to position the 

helicopter at the site at which a pa-
tient or donor organ will be picked up. 

(ii) Flights conducted to reposition 

the helicopter after completing the pa-
tient, or donor organ transport. 

(iii) Flights initiated for the trans-

port of a patient or donor organ that 
are terminated due to weather or other 


Medical personnel 

means a person 

or persons with medical training, in-
cluding but not limited to flight physi-
cians, flight nurses, or flight para-
medics, who are carried aboard a heli-
copter during helicopter air ambulance 
operations in order to provide medical 



means designated 

mountainous areas as listed in part 95 
of this chapter. 



means areas 

other than mountainous areas as listed 
in part 95 of this chapter. 

§ 135.603 Pilot-in-command instrument 


After April 24, 2017, no certificate 

holder may use, nor may any person 
serve as, a pilot in command of a heli-
copter air ambulance operation unless 
that person meets the requirements of 
§ 135.243 and holds a helicopter instru-
ment rating or an airline transport 
pilot certificate with a category and 
class rating for that aircraft, that is 
not limited to VFR. 

§ 135.605 Helicopter terrain awareness 

and warning system (HTAWS). 

(a) After April 24, 2017, no person may 

operate a helicopter in helicopter air 
ambulance operations unless that heli-
copter is equipped with a helicopter 
terrain awareness and warning system 
(HTAWS) that meets the requirements 
in TSO–C194 and Section 2 of RTCA 

(b) The certificate holder’s Rotor-

craft Flight Manual must contain ap-
propriate procedures for— 

(1) The use of the HTAWS; and 
(2) Proper flight crew response to 

HTAWS audio and visual warnings. 

(c) Certificate holders with HTAWS 

required by this section with an ap-
proved deviation under § 21.618 of this 
chapter are in compliance with this 

(d) The standards required in this 

section are incorporated by reference 
into this section with the approval of 
the Director of the Federal Register 
under 5 U.S.C. 552(a) and 1 CFR part 51. 
To enforce any edition other than that