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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 135.617 

this section does not apply, if the dis-
tance from the missed approach point 
to the landing area is 3 NM or less, the 
applicable VFR weather minimums 

(i) For Day Operations: No less than 

a 600-foot ceiling and 2 statute miles 
flight visibility; 

(ii) For Night Operations: No less 

than a 600-foot ceiling and 3 statute 
miles flight visibility; or 

(3) For all instrument approaches, in-

cluding PinS, if the distance from the 
missed approach point to the landing 
area is greater than 3 NM, the VFR 
weather minimums required by the 
class of airspace. 



For transitions from 

VFR to IFR upon departure— 

(1) The VFR weather minimums of 

paragraph (a) of this section apply if— 

(i) An FAA-approved obstacle depar-

ture procedure is followed; and 

(ii) An IFR clearance is obtained on 

or before reaching a predetermined lo-
cation that is not more than 3 NM from 
the departure location. 

(2) If the departure does not meet the 

requirements of paragraph (b)(1) of this 
section, the VFR weather minimums 
required by the class of airspace apply. 

§ 135.615 VFR flight planning. 



Prior to conducting 

VFR operations, the pilot in command 

(1) Determine the minimum safe 

cruise altitude by evaluating the ter-
rain and obstacles along the planned 
route of flight; 

(2) Identify and document the highest 

obstacle along the planned route of 
flight; and 

(3) Using the minimum safe cruise al-

titudes in paragraphs (b)(1)–(2) of this 
section, determine the minimum re-
quired ceiling and visibility to conduct 
the planned flight by applying the 
weather minimums appropriate to the 
class of airspace for the planned flight. 



While conducting VFR 

operations, the pilot in command must 
ensure that all terrain and obstacles 
along the route of flight are cleared 
vertically by no less than the fol-

(1) 300 feet for day operations. 
(2) 500 feet for night operations. 


Rerouting the planned flight path. 

pilot in command may deviate from 
the planned flight path for reasons 
such as weather conditions or oper-
ational considerations. Such deviations 
do not relieve the pilot in command of 
the weather requirements or the re-
quirements for terrain and obstacle 
clearance contained in this part and in 
part 91 of this chapter. Rerouting, 
change in destination, or other changes 
to the planned flight that occur while 
the helicopter is on the ground at an 
intermediate stop require evaluation of 
the new route in accordance with para-
graph (a) of this section. 


Operations manual. 

Each certifi-

cate holder must document its VFR 
flight planning procedures in its oper-
ations manual. 

§ 135.617 Pre-flight risk analysis. 

(a) Each certificate holder con-

ducting helicopter air ambulance oper-
ations must establish, and document in 
its operations manual, an FAA-ap-
proved preflight risk analysis that in-
cludes at least the following— 

(1) Flight considerations, to include 

obstacles and terrain along the planned 
route of flight, landing zone conditions, 
and fuel requirements; 

(2) Human factors, such as crew fa-

tigue, life events, and other stressors; 

(3) Weather, including departure, en 

route, destination, and forecasted; 

(4) A procedure for determining 

whether another helicopter air ambu-
lance operator has refused or rejected a 
flight request; and 

(5) Strategies and procedures for 

mitigating identified risks, including 
procedures for obtaining and docu-
menting approval of the certificate 
holder’s management personnel to re-
lease a flight when a risk exceeds a 
level predetermined by the certificate 

(b) Each certificate holder must de-

velop a preflight risk analysis work-
sheet to include, at a minimum, the 
items in paragraph (a) of this section. 

(c) Prior to the first leg of each heli-

copter air ambulance operation, the 
pilot in command must conduct a pre-
flight risk analysis and complete the 
preflight risk analysis worksheet in ac-
cordance with the certificate holder’s 
FAA-approved procedures. The pilot in