Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 135.21
must have at least 75 hours of flight
time in that aircraft make or model
and, if a type rating is required, for
that type aircraft, either as pilot in
command or second in command.
(b) The Administrator may authorize
deviations from paragraphs (a)(2)(i) or
(a)(4) of this section if the responsible
Flight Standards office that issued the
certificate holder’s operations speci-
fications finds that the crewmember
has comparable experience, and can ef-
fectively perform the functions associ-
ated with the position in accordance
with the requirements of this chapter.
The Administrator may, at any time,
terminate any grant of deviation au-
thority issued under this paragraph.
Grants of deviation under this para-
graph may be granted after consider-
ation of the size and scope of the oper-
ation, the qualifications of the in-
tended personnel and the following cir-
(1) A newly authorized certificate
holder does not employ any pilots who
meet the minimum requirements of
paragraphs (a)(2)(i) or (a)(4) of this sec-
(2) An existing certificate holder adds
to its fleet a new category and class
aircraft not used before in its oper-
(3) An existing certificate holder es-
tablishes a new base to which it assigns
pilots who will be required to become
qualified on the aircraft operated from
that base.
(c) An eligible on-demand operation
may comply with alternative require-
ments specified in §§ 135.225(b),
135.385(f), and 135.387(b) instead of the
requirements that apply to other on-
demand operations.
[Doc. No. FAA–2001–10047, 68 FR 54585, Sept.
17, 2003, as amended by Docket FAA–2018–
0119, Amdt. 135–139, 83 FR 9175, Mar. 5, 2018]
§ 135.7 Applicability of rules to unau-
thorized operators.
The rules in this part which apply to
a person certificated under part 119 of
this chapter also apply to a person who
engages in any operation governed by
this part without an appropriate cer-
tificate and operations specifications
required by part 119 of this chapter.
[Doc. No. 16097, 43 FR 46783, Oct. 10, 1978, as
amended by Amdt. 135–58, 60 FR 65939, Dec.
20, 1995]
§ 135.12 Previously trained crew-
A certificate holder may use a crew-
member who received the certificate
holder’s training in accordance with
subparts E, G, and H of this part before
March 19, 1997 without complying with
initial training and qualification re-
quirements of subparts N and O of part
121 of this chapter. The crewmember
must comply with the applicable recur-
rent training requirements of part 121
of this chapter.
[Doc. No. 27993, 60 FR 65950, Dec. 20, 1995]
§ 135.19 Emergency operations.
(a) In an emergency involving the
safety of persons or property, the cer-
tificate holder may deviate from the
rules of this part relating to aircraft
and equipment and weather minimums
to the extent required to meet that
(b) In an emergency involving the
safety of persons or property, the pilot
in command may deviate from the
rules of this part to the extent required
to meet that emergency.
(c) Each person who, under the au-
thority of this section, deviates from a
rule of this part shall, within 10 days,
excluding Saturdays, Sundays, and
Federal holidays, after the deviation,
send to the responsible Flight Stand-
ards office charged with the overall in-
spection of the certificate holder a
complete report of the aircraft oper-
ation involved, including a description
of the deviation and reasons for it.
[Docket No. 16097, 43 FR 46783, Oct. 10, 1978,
as amended by Docket FAA–2018–0119, Amdt.
135–139, 83 FR 9175, Mar. 5, 2018]
§ 135.21 Manual requirements.
(a) Each certificate holder, other
than one who uses only one pilot in the
certificate holder’s operations, shall
prepare and keep current a manual set-
ting forth the certificate holder’s pro-
cedures and policies acceptable to the
Administrator. This manual must be
used by the certificate holder’s flight,