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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 136.13 

§ 136.13 Performance plan. 

(a) Each operator that uses a rotor-

craft must complete a performance 
plan before each commercial air tour 
or flight operated under § 91.146 or 
§ 91.147 of this chapter. The pilot in 
command must review for accuracy 
and comply with the performance plan 
on the day the flight occurs. The per-
formance plan must be based on infor-
mation in the approved aircraft flight 
manual for that aircraft taking into 
consideration the maximum density al-
titude for which the operation is 
planned, in order to determine: 

(1) Maximum gross weight and center 

of gravity (CG) limitations for hov-
ering in ground effect; 

(2) Maximum gross weight and CG 

limitations for hovering out of ground 
effect; and 

(3) Maximum combination of weight, 

altitude, and temperature for which 
height/velocity information in the ap-
proved aircraft flight manual is valid. 

(b) Except for the approach to and 

transition from a hover for the purpose 
of takeoff and landing, or during take-
off and landing, the pilot in command 
must make a reasonable plan to oper-
ate the rotorcraft outside of the cau-
tion/warning/avoid area of the limiting 
height/velocity diagram. 

(c) Except for the approach to and 

transition from a hover for the purpose 
of takeoff and landing, during takeoff 
and landing, or when necessary for 
safety of flight, the pilot in command 
must operate the rotorcraft in compli-
ance with the plan described in para-
graph (b) of this section. 

[Docket No. FAA–2022–1563; Amdt. No. 136–2, 
88 FR 48091, July 26, 2023] 

§§ 136.15–136.29 [Reserved] 

Subpart B—National Parks Air Tour 




: Docket No. FAA–1998–4521, 72 FR 

6912, Feb. 13, 2007, unless otherwise noted. 

§ 136.31 Applicability. 

(a) This part restates and para-

phrases several sections of the Na-
tional Parks Air Tour Management Act 
of 2000, including section 803 (codified 
at 49 U.S.C. 40128) and sections 806 and 

809. This subpart clarifies the require-
ments for the development of an air 
tour management plan for each park in 
the national park system where com-
mercial air tour operations are flown. 

(b) Except as provided in paragraph 

(c) of this section, this subpart applies 
to each commercial air tour operator 
who conducts a commercial air tour 
operation over— 

(1) A unit of the national park sys-


(2) Tribal lands as defined in this sub-

part; or 

(3) Any area within one-half mile 

outside the boundary of any unit of the 
national park system. 

(c) This subpart does not apply to a 

commercial air tour operator con-
ducting a commercial air tour oper-

(1) Over the Grand Canyon National 


(2) Over that portion of tribal lands 

within or abutting the Grand Canyon 
National Park; 

(3) Over any land or waters located in 

the State of Alaska; or 

(4) While flying over or near the Lake 

Mead Recreation Area, solely as a 
transportation route, to conduct a 
commercial air tour over the Grand 
Canyon National Park. 

[Doc. No. FAA–2001–8690, 67 FR 65667, Oct. 25, 
2002. Redesignated and amended by Amdt. 
136–1, 72 FR 6912, Feb. 13, 2007] 

§ 136.33 Definitions. 

For purposes of this subpart— 

Commercial air tour operator 


any person who conducts a commercial 
air tour operation. 


Existing commercial air tour oper-


means a commercial air tour oper-

ator that was actively engaged in the 
business of providing commercial air 
tour operations over a national park at 
any time during the 12-month period 
ending on April 5, 2000. 


New entrant commercial air tour op-


means a commercial air tour op-

erator that— 

(1) Applies for operating authority as 

a commercial air tour operator for a 
national park or tribal lands; and 

(2) Has not engaged in the business of 

providing commercial air tour oper-
ations over the national park or tribal