Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 139.201
(2) Information, views, or arguments
provided under paragraph (b)(1) of this
section shall include the following in-
formation pertaining to the airport for
which the Airport Operating Certifi-
cate is held:
(i) An itemized cost to comply with
the requirement from which the ex-
emption is sought;
(ii) Current staffing levels;
(iii) The current annual financial re-
port, such as a single audit report or
FAA Form 5100–127, Operating and Fi-
nancial Summary;
(iv) Annual passenger enplanement
data for the previous 12 calendar
(v) The type and frequency of air car-
rier operations served;
(vi) A history of air carrier service;
(vii) Anticipated changes to air car-
rier service;
(c) Each petition filed under this sec-
tion must be submitted in duplicate to
(1) Regional Airports Division Man-
ager and
(2) Federal Docket Management Sys-
tem, as specified under 14 CFR part 11.
[Doc. No. FAA–2000–7479, 69 FR 6424, Feb. 10,
2004; 72 FR 68475, Dec. 5, 2007]
§ 139.113 Deviations.
In emergency conditions requiring
immediate action for the protection of
life or property, the certificate holder
may deviate from any requirement of
subpart D of this part, or the Airport
Certification Manual, to the extent re-
quired to meet that emergency. Each
certificate holder who deviates from a
requirement under this section must,
within 14 days after the emergency, no-
tify the Regional Airports Division
Manager of the nature, extent, and du-
ration of the deviation. When requested
by the Regional Airports Division Man-
ager, the certificate holder must pro-
vide this notification in writing.
§ 139.115 Falsification, reproduction,
or alteration of applications, certifi-
cates, reports, or records.
(a) No person shall make or cause to
be made:
(1) Any fraudulent or intentionally
false statement on any application for
a certificate or approval under this
(2) Any fraudulent or intentionally
false entry in any record or report that
is required to be made, kept, or used to
show compliance with any requirement
under this part.
(3) Any reproduction, for a fraudulent
purpose, of any certificate or approval
issued under this part.
(4) Any alteration, for a fraudulent
purpose, of any certificate or approval
issued under this part.
(b) The commission by any owner,
operator, or other person acting on be-
half of a certificate holder of an act
prohibited under paragraph (a) of this
section is a basis for suspending or re-
voking any certificate or approval
issued under this part and held by that
certificate holder and any other certifi-
cate issued under this title and held by
the person committing the act.
[Doc. No. FAA–2010–0247, 78 FR 3316, Jan. 16,
Subpart C—Airport Certification
§ 139.201 General requirements.
(a) No person may operate an airport
subject to this part unless that person
adopts and complies with an Airport
Certification Manual, as required under
this part, that—
(1) Has been approved by the Admin-
(2) Contains only those items author-
ized by the Administrator;
(3) Is in printed form and signed by
the certificate holder acknowledging
the certificate holder’s responsibility
to operate the airport in compliance
with the Airport Certification Manual
approved by the Administrator; and
(4) Is in a form that is easy to revise
and organized in a manner helpful to
the preparation, review, and approval
processes, including a revision log. In
addition, each page or attachment
must include the date of the Adminis-
trator’s initial approval or approval of
the latest revision.
(b) Each holder of an Airport Oper-
ating Certificate must—
(1) Keep its Airport Certification
Manual current at all times;