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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 139.203 

(2) Maintain at least one complete 

and current copy of its approved Air-
port Certification Manual on the air-
port, which will be available for inspec-
tion by the Administrator; and 

(3) Furnish the applicable portions of 

the approved Airport Certification 
Manual to airport personnel respon-
sible for its implementation. 

(c) Each certificate holder must en-

sure that the Regional Airports Divi-
sion Manager is provided a complete 
copy of its most current approved Air-
port Certification Manual, as specified 
under paragraph (b)(2) of this section, 
including any amendments approved 
under § 139.205. 

(d) FAA Advisory Circulars contain 

methods and procedures for the devel-
opment of Airport Certification Manu-

als that are acceptable to the Adminis-

§ 139.203 Contents of Airport Certifi-

cation Manual. 

(a) Except as otherwise authorized by 

the Administrator, each certificate 
holder must include in the Airport Cer-
tification Manual a description of oper-
ating procedures, facilities and equip-
ment, responsibility assignments, and 
any other information needed by per-
sonnel concerned with operating the 
airport in order to comply with appli-
cable provisions of subpart D of this 
part and paragraph (b) of this section. 

(b) Except as otherwise authorized by 

the Administrator, the certificate 
holder must include in the Airport Cer-
tification Manual the following ele-
ments, as appropriate for its class: 












Manual elements 

Airport certificate class 








1. Lines of succession of airport operational responsibility ..............................................................

2. Each current exemption issued to the airport from the requirements of this part .......................

3. Any limitations imposed by the Administrator ..............................................................................

4. A grid map or other means of identifying locations and terrain features on and around the air-

port that are significant to emergency operations .........................................................................

5. The location of each obstruction required to be lighted or marked within the airport’s area of 

authority .........................................................................................................................................

6. A description of each movement area available for air carriers and its safety areas, and each 

road described in § 139.319(k) that serves it ................................................................................

7. Procedures for avoidance of interruption or failure during construction work of utilities serving 

facilities or NAVAIDS that support air carrier operations ..............................................................

8. A description of the system for maintaining records, as required under § 139.301 ....................

9. A description of personnel training, as required under § 139.303 ...............................................

10. Procedures for maintaining the paved areas, as required under § 139.305 ..............................

11. Procedures for maintaining the unpaved areas, as required under § 139.307 ..........................

12. Procedures for maintaining the safety areas, as required under § 139.309 ..............................

13. A plan showing the runway and taxiway identification system, including the location and in-

scription of signs, runway markings, and holding position markings, as required under 
§ 139.311 .......................................................................................................................................

14. A description of, and procedures for maintaining, the marking, signs, and lighting systems, 

as required under § 139.311 .........................................................................................................

15. A snow and ice control plan, as required under § 139.313 ........................................................

16. A description of the facilities, equipment, personnel, and procedures for meeting the aircraft 

rescue and firefighting requirements, in accordance with §§ 139.315, 139.317 and 139.319 .....

17. A description of any approved exemption to aircraft rescue and firefighting requirements, as 

authorized under § 139.111 ...........................................................................................................

18. Procedures for protecting persons and property during the storing, dispensing, and handling 

of fuel and other hazardous substances and materials, as required under § 139.321 ................

19. A description of, and procedures for maintaining, the traffic and wind direction indicators, as 

required under § 139.323 ..............................................................................................................

20. An emergency plan as required under § 139.325 ......................................................................

21. Procedures for conducting the self-inspection program, as required under § 139.327 .............

22. Procedures for controlling pedestrians and ground vehicles in movement areas and safety 

areas, as required under § 139.329 ..............................................................................................

23. Procedures for obstruction removal, marking, or lighting, as required under § 139.331 ...........

24. Procedures for protection of NAVAIDS, as required under § 139.333 .......................................

25. A description of public protection, as required under § 139.335 ................................................

26. Procedures for wildlife hazard management, as required under § 139.337 ..............................

27. Procedures for airport condition reporting, as required under § 139.339 ..................................

28. Procedures for identifying, marking, and lighting construction and other unserviceable areas, 

as required under § 139.341 .........................................................................................................

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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 139.301 












Manual elements 

Airport certificate class 








29. Policies and procedures for the development of, implementation of, maintenance of, and ad-

herence to, the Airport’s Safety Management System, as required under subpart E of this part. 
Section 139.401(1) prescribes which certificate holders are subject to this requirement. ...........

30. Any other item that the Administrator finds is necessary to ensure safety in air transportation 

[Doc. No. FAA–2000–7479, 69 FR 6424, Feb. 10, 2004; Amdt. 139–26, 69 FR 31522, June 4, 2004, as 
amended by Amdt. 139–27, 78 FR 3316, Jan. 16, 2013; Docket No. FAA–2010–0997;Amdt. No. 139– 
28, 88 FR 11672, Feb. 23, 2023] 

§ 139.205 Amendment of Airport Cer-

tification Manual. 

(a) Under § 139.3, the Regional Air-

ports Division Manager may amend 
any Airport Certification Manual ap-
proved under this part, either— 

(1) Upon application by the certifi-

cate holder or 

(2) On the Regional Airports Division 

Manager’s own initiative, if the Re-
gional Airports Division Manager de-
termines that safety in air transpor-
tation requires the amendment. 

(b) A certificate holder must submit 

in writing a proposed amendment to its 
Airport Certification Manual to the 
Regional Airports Division Manager at 
least 30 days before the proposed effec-
tive date of the amendment, unless a 
shorter filing period is allowed by the 
Regional Airports Division Manager. 

(c) At any time within 30 days after 

receiving a notice of refusal to approve 
the application for amendment, the 
certificate holder may petition the As-
sociate Administrator for Airports to 
reconsider the refusal to amend. 

(d) In the case of amendments initi-

ated by the FAA, the Regional Airports 
Division Manager notifies the certifi-
cate holder of the proposed amend-
ment, in writing, fixing a reasonable 
period (but not less than 7 days) within 
which the certificate holder may sub-
mit written information, views, and ar-
guments on the amendment. After con-
sidering all relevant material pre-
sented, the Regional Airports Division 
Manager notifies the certificate holder 
within 30 days of any amendment 
adopted or rescinds the notice. The 
amendment becomes effective not less 
than 30 days after the certificate hold-
er receives notice of it, except that, 

prior to the effective date, the certifi-
cate holder may petition the Associate 
Administrator for Airports to recon-
sider the amendment, in which case its 
effective date is stayed pending a deci-
sion by the Associate Administrator 
for Airports. 

(e) Notwithstanding the provisions of 

paragraph (d) of this section, if the Re-
gional Airports Division Manager finds 
there is an emergency requiring imme-
diate action with respect to safety in 
air transportation, the Regional Air-
ports Division Manager may issue an 
amendment, effective without stay on 
the date the certificate holder receives 
notice of it. In such a case, the Re-
gional Airports Division Manager in-
corporates the finding of the emer-
gency and a brief statement of the rea-
sons for the finding in the notice of the 
amendment. Within 30 days after the 
issuance of such an emergency amend-
ment, the certificate holder may peti-
tion the Associate Administrator for 
Airports to reconsider either the find-
ing of an emergency, the amendment 
itself, or both. This petition does not 
automatically stay the effectiveness of 
the emergency amendment. 

Subpart D—Operations 

§ 139.301 Records. 

In a manner authorized by the Ad-

ministrator, each certificate holder 

(a) Furnish upon request by the Ad-

ministrator all records required to be 
maintained under this part. 

(b) Maintain records required under 

this part as follows: