Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 139.333
that includes, at a minimum, a descrip-
tion and date of training received.
Such records must be maintained for 24
consecutive calendar months after
completion of training.
(d) FAA Advisory Circulars contain
methods and procedures for the con-
duct of airport self-inspections that are
acceptable to the Administrator.
§ 139.329 Pedestrians and ground vehi-
In a manner authorized by the Ad-
ministrator, each certificate holder
(a) Limit access to movement areas
and safety areas only to those pedes-
trians and ground vehicles necessary
for airport operations;
(b) Establish and implement proce-
dures for the safe and orderly access to
and operation in movement areas and
safety areas by pedestrians and ground
vehicles, including provisions identi-
fying the consequences of noncompli-
ance with the procedures by all per-
(c) When an air traffic control tower
is in operation, ensure that each pedes-
trian and ground vehicle in movement
areas or safety areas is controlled by
one of the following:
(1) Two-way radio communications
between each pedestrian or vehicle and
the tower;
(2) An escort with two-way radio
communications with the tower accom-
panying any pedestrian or vehicle
without a radio; or
(3) Measures authorized by the Ad-
ministrator for controlling pedestrians
and vehicles, such as signs, signals, or
guards, when it is not operationally
practical to have two-way radio com-
munications between the tower and the
pedestrian, vehicle, or escort;
(d) When an air traffic control tower
is not in operation, or there is no air
traffic control tower, provide adequate
procedures to control pedestrians and
ground vehicles in movement areas or
safety areas through two-way radio
communications or prearranged signs
or signals;
(e) Ensure that all persons are
trained on procedures required under
paragraph (b) of this section prior to
the initial performance of such duties
and at least once every 12 consecutive
calendar months, including con-
sequences of noncompliance, prior to
moving on foot, or operating a ground
vehicle, in movement areas or safety
areas; and
(f) Maintain the following records:
(1) A description and date of training
completed after June 9, 2004 by each in-
dividual in compliance with this sec-
tion. A record for each individual must
be maintained for 24 consecutive
months after the termination of an in-
dividual’s access to movement areas
and safety areas.
(2) A description and date of any ac-
cidents or incidents in the movement
areas and safety areas involving air
carrier aircraft, a ground vehicle or a
pedestrian. Records of each accident or
incident occurring after the June 9,
2004 must be maintained for 12 consecu-
tive calendar months from the date of
the accident or incident.
[Doc. No. FAA–2000–7479, 69 FR 6424, Feb. 10,
2004, as amended by Amdt. 139–27, 78 FR 3316,
Jan. 16, 2013]
§ 139.331 Obstructions.
In a manner authorized by the Ad-
ministrator, each certificate holder
must ensure that each object in each
area within its authority that has been
determined by the FAA to be an ob-
struction is removed, marked, or light-
ed, unless determined to be unneces-
sary by an FAA aeronautical study.
FAA Advisory Circulars contain meth-
ods and procedures for the lighting of
obstructions that are acceptable to the
§ 139.333 Protection of NAVAIDS.
In a manner authorized by the Ad-
ministrator, each certificate holder
(a) Prevent the construction of facili-
ties on its airport that, as determined
by the Administrator, would derogate
the operation of an electronic or visual
NAVAID and air traffic control facili-
ties on the airport;
(b) Protect—or if the owner is other
than the certificate holder, assist in
protecting—all NAVAIDS on its air-
port against vandalism and theft; and
(c) Prevent, insofar as it is within the
airport’s authority, interruption of vis-
ual and electronic signals of NAVAIDS.