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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 139.335 

§ 139.335 Public protection. 

(a) In a manner authorized by the Ad-

ministrator, each certificate holder 
must provide— 

(1) Safeguards to prevent inadvertent 

entry to the movement area by unau-
thorized persons or vehicles; and 

(2) Reasonable protection of persons 

and property from aircraft blast. 

(b) Fencing that meets the require-

ments of applicable FAA and Transpor-
tation Security Administration secu-
rity regulations in areas subject to 
these regulations is acceptable for 
meeting the requirements of paragraph 
(a)(l) of this section. 

§ 139.337 Wildlife hazard management. 

(a) In accordance with its Airport 

Certification Manual and the require-
ments of this section, each certificate 
holder must take immediate action to 
alleviate wildlife hazards whenever 
they are detected. 

(b) In a manner authorized by the Ad-

ministrator, each certificate holder 
must ensure that a wildlife hazard as-
sessment is conducted when any of the 
following events occurs on or near the 

(1) An air carrier aircraft experiences 

multiple wildlife strikes; 

(2) An air carrier aircraft experiences 

substantial damage from striking wild-
life. As used in this paragraph, sub-
stantial damage means damage or 
structural failure incurred by an air-
craft that adversely affects the struc-
tural strength, performance, or flight 
characteristics of the aircraft and that 
would normally require major repair or 
replacement of the affected component; 

(3) An air carrier aircraft experiences 

an engine ingestion of wildlife; or 

(4) Wildlife of a size, or in numbers, 

capable of causing an event described 
in paragraphs (b)(1), (b)(2), or (b)(3) of 
this section is observed to have access 
to any airport flight pattern or aircraft 
movement area. 

(c) The wildlife hazard assessment re-

quired in paragraph (b) of this section 
must be conducted by a wildlife dam-
age management biologist who has pro-
fessional training and/or experience in 
wildlife hazard management at airports 
or an individual working under direct 
supervision of such an individual. The 

wildlife hazard assessment must con-
tain at least the following: 

(1) An analysis of the events or cir-

cumstances that prompted the assess-

(2) Identification of the wildlife spe-

cies observed and their numbers, loca-
tions, local movements, and daily and 
seasonal occurrences. 

(3) Identification and location of fea-

tures on and near the airport that at-
tract wildlife. 

(4) A description of wildlife hazards 

to air carrier operations. 

(5) Recommended actions for reduc-

ing identified wildlife hazards to air 
carrier operations. 

(d) The wildlife hazard assessment re-

quired under paragraph (b) of this sec-
tion must be submitted to the Admin-
istrator for approval and determina-
tion of the need for a wildlife hazard 
management plan. In reaching this de-
termination, the Administrator will 

(1) The wildlife hazard assessment; 
(2) Actions recommended in the wild-

life hazard assessment to reduce wild-
life hazards; 

(3) The aeronautical activity at the 

airport, including the frequency and 
size of air carrier aircraft; 

(4) The views of the certificate hold-


(5) The views of the airport users; and 
(6) Any other known factors relating 

to the wildlife hazard of which the Ad-
ministrator is aware. 

(e) When the Administrator deter-

mines that a wildlife hazard manage-
ment plan is needed, the certificate 
holder must formulate and implement 
a plan using the wildlife hazard assess-
ment as a basis. The plan must— 

(1) Provide measures to alleviate or 

eliminate wildlife hazards to air car-
rier operations; 

(2) Be submitted to, and approved by, 

the Administrator prior to implemen-
tation; and 

(3) As authorized by the Adminis-

trator, become a part of the Airport 
Certification Manual. 

(f) The plan must include at least the 


(1) A list of the individuals having 

authority and responsibility for imple-
menting each aspect of the plan.