Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 139.341
(2) A list prioritizing the following
actions identified in the wildlife hazard
assessment and target dates for their
initiation and completion:
(i) Wildlife population management;
(ii) Habitat modification; and
(iii) Land use changes.
(3) Requirements for and, where ap-
plicable, copies of local, State, and
Federal wildlife control permits.
(4) Identification of resources that
the certificate holder will provide to
implement the plan.
(5) Procedures to be followed during
air carrier operations that at a min-
imum includes—
(i) Designation of personnel respon-
sible for implementing the procedures;
(ii) Provisions to conduct physical in-
spections of the aircraft movement
areas and other areas critical to suc-
cessfully manage known wildlife haz-
ards before air carrier operations
(iii) Wildlife hazard control meas-
ures; and
(iv) Ways to communicate effectively
between personnel conducting wildlife
control or observing wildlife hazards
and the air traffic control tower.
(6) Procedures to review and evaluate
the wildlife hazard management plan
every 12 consecutive months or fol-
lowing an event described in para-
graphs (b)(1), (b)(2), and (b)(3) of this
section, including:
(i) The plan’s effectiveness in dealing
with known wildlife hazards on and in
the airport’s vicinity and
(ii) Aspects of the wildlife hazards de-
scribed in the wildlife hazard assess-
ment that should be reevaluated.
(7) A training program conducted by
a qualified wildlife damage manage-
ment biologist to provide airport per-
sonnel with the knowledge and skills
needed to successfully carry out the
wildlife hazard management plan re-
quired by paragraph (d) of this section.
(g) FAA Advisory Circulars contain
methods and procedures for wildlife
hazard management at airports that
are acceptable to the Administrator.
§ 139.339 Airport condition reporting.
In a manner authorized by the Ad-
ministrator, each certificate holder
(a) Provide for the collection and dis-
semination of airport condition infor-
mation to air carriers.
(b) In complying with paragraph (a)
of this section, use the NOTAM system,
as appropriate, and other systems and
procedures authorized by the Adminis-
(c) In complying with paragraph (a)
of this section, provide information on
the following airport conditions that
may affect the safe operations of air
(1) Construction or maintenance ac-
tivity on movement areas, safety
areas, or loading ramps and parking
(2) Surface irregularities on move-
ment areas, safety areas, or loading
ramps and parking areas.
(3) Snow, ice, slush, or water on the
movement area or loading ramps and
parking areas.
(4) Snow piled or drifted on or near
movement areas contrary to § 139.313.
(5) Objects on the movement area or
safety areas contrary to § 139.309.
(6) Malfunction of any lighting sys-
tem, holding position signs, or ILS
critical area signs required by § 139.311.
(7) Unresolved wildlife hazards as
identified in accordance with § 139.337.
(8) Nonavailability of any rescue and
firefighting capability required in
§§ 139.317 or 139.319.
(9) Any other condition as specified
in the Airport Certification Manual or
that may otherwise adversely affect
the safe operations of air carriers.
(d) Each certificate holder must pre-
pare and keep, for at least 12 consecu-
tive calendar months, a record of each
dissemination of airport condition in-
formation to air carriers prescribed by
this section.
(e) FAA Advisory Circulars contain
methods and procedures for using the
NOTAM system and the dissemination
of airport information that are accept-
able to the Administrator.
§ 139.341 Identifying, marking, and
lighting construction and other un-
serviceable areas.
(a) In a manner authorized by the Ad-
ministrator, each certificate holder