14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 14.10
(5) Such other factors as may bear on
the value of the services provided.
(d) The reasonable cost of any study,
analysis, engineering report, test,
project, or similar matter prepared on
behalf of a party may be awarded, to
the extent that the charge for the serv-
ice does not exceed the prevailing rate
for similar services, and the study or
other matter was necessary for prepa-
ration of the applicant’s case.
(e) Fees may be awarded only for
work performed after the issuance of a
complaint, or in the Default Adjudica-
tive Process for a protest or contract
dispute under part 17 of this chapter
and the AMS.
[Amdt. 13–18, 53 FR 34655, Sept. 7, 1988, as
amended by Amdt. 14–1, 55 FR 15131, Apr. 20,
1990; Amdt. 14–03, 64 FR 32935, June 18, 1999]
Subpart B—Information Required
From Applicants
§ 14.10
Contents of application.
(a) An application for an award of
fees and expenses under the Act shall
identify the applicant and the pro-
ceeding for which an award is sought.
The application shall show that the ap-
plicant has prevailed and identify the
position of the agency in the pro-
ceeding that the applicant alleges was
not substantially justified. Unless the
applicant is an individual, the applica-
tion shall also state the number of em-
ployees of the applicant and describe
briefly the type and purpose of its or-
ganization or business.
(b) The application shall also include
a statement that the applicant’s net
worth does not exceed $2 million (if an
individual) or $7 million (for all other
applicants, including their affiliates)
at the time the adversary adjudication
was initiated. However, an applicant
may omit this statement if:
(1) It attaches a copy of a ruling by
the Internal Revenue Service that it
qualifies as an organization described
in section 501(c)(3) of the Internal Rev-
enue Code (26 U.S.C. 501(c)(3)), or in the
case of a tax-exempt organization not
required to obtain a ruling from the In-
ternal Revenue Service on its exempt
status, a statement that describes the
basis for the applicant’s belief that it
qualifies under such section; or
(2) It states that it is a cooperative
association as defined in section 15(a)
of the Agricultural Marketing Act (12
U.S.C. 1141j(a)).
(c) The application shall state the
amount of fees and expenses for which
an award is sought.
(d) The application may also include
any other matters that the applicant
wishes this agency to consider in deter-
mining whether and in what amount an
award should be made.
(e) The application shall be signed by
the applicant or an authorized officer
or attorney for the applicant. It shall
also contain or be accompanied by a
written verification under oath or
under penalty of perjury that the infor-
mation provided in the application is
true and correct.
(f) If the applicant is a partnership,
corporation, association, organization,
or sole owner of an unincorporated
business, the application shall state
that the applicant did not have more
than 500 employees at the time the ad-
versary adjudication was initiated, giv-
ing the number of its employees and
describing briefly the type and purpose
of its organization or business.
§ 14.11
Net worth exhibit.
(a) Each applicant except a qualified
tax-exempt organization or cooperative
association must provide with its ap-
plication a detailed exhibit showing
the net worth of the applicant and any
affiliates when the proceeding was ini-
tiated. If any individual, corporation,
or other entity directly or indirectly
controls or owns a majority of the vot-
ing shares or other interest of the ap-
plicant, or if the applicant directly or
indirectly owns or controls a majority
of the voting shares or other interest of
any corporation or other entity, the
exhibit must include a showing of the
net worth of all such affiliates or of the
applicant including the affiliates. The
exhibit may be in any form convenient
to the applicant that provides full dis-
closure of the applicant’s and its affili-
ates’ assets and liabilities and is suffi-
cient to determine whether the appli-
cant qualifies under the standards in
this part. The administrative law judge
may require an applicant to file addi-
tional information to determine the
eligibility for an award.
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