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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 141.13 

(iii) Ground instructor refresher 


(iv) Agricultural aircraft operations 


(v) Rotorcraft external-load oper-

ations course. 

(vi) Special operations course. 
(vii) Test pilot course. 
(viii) Airline transport pilot certifi-

cation training program. 


Pilot ground school course. 


dix L). 

[Doc. No. 25910, 62 FR 16347, Apr. 4, 1997, as 
amended by Amdt. 141–17, 78 FR 42379, July 
15, 2013; Amdt. 141–17A, 78 FR 53026, Aug. 28, 

§ 141.13 Application for issuance, 

amendment, or renewal. 

(a) Application for an original certifi-

cate and rating, an additional rating, 
or the renewal of a certificate under 
this part must be made on a form and 
in a manner prescribed by the Adminis-

(b) Application for the issuance or 

amendment of a certificate or rating 
must be accompanied by two copies of 
each proposed training course cur-
riculum for which approval is sought. 

§ 141.17 Duration of certificate and ex-

amining authority. 

(a) Unless surrendered, suspended, or 

revoked, a pilot school’s certificate or 
a provisional pilot school’s certificate 

(1) On the last day of the 24th cal-

endar month from the month the cer-
tificate was issued; 

(2) Except as provided in paragraph 

(b) of this section, on the date that any 
change in ownership of the school oc-

(3) On the date of any change in the 

facilities upon which the school’s cer-
tificate is based occurs; or 

(4) Upon notice by the Administrator 

that the school has failed for more 
than 60 days to maintain the facilities, 
aircraft, or personnel required for any 
one of the school’s approved training 

(b) A change in the ownership of a 

pilot school or provisional pilot school 
does not terminate that school’s cer-
tificate if, within 30 days after the date 
that any change in ownership of the 
school occurs: 

(1) Application is made for an appro-

priate amendment to the certificate; 

(2) No change in the facilities, per-

sonnel, or approved training courses is 

(c) An examining authority issued to 

the holder of a pilot school certificate 
expires on the date that the pilot 
school certificate expires, or is surren-
dered, suspended, or revoked. 

§ 141.18 Carriage of narcotic drugs, 

marijuana, and depressant or stim-

ulant drugs or substances. 

If the holder of a certificate issued 

under this part permits any aircraft 
owned or leased by that holder to be 
engaged in any operation that the cer-
tificate holder knows to be in violation 
of § 91.19(a) of this chapter, that oper-
ation is a basis for suspending or re-
voking the certificate. 

§ 141.19 Display of certificate. 

(a) Each holder of a pilot school cer-

tificate or a provisional pilot school 
certificate must display that certifi-
cate in a place in the school that is 
normally accessible to the public and 
is not obscured. 

(b) A certificate must be made avail-

able for inspection upon request by: 

(1) The Administrator; 
(2) An authorized representative of 

the National Transportation Safety 
Board; or 

(3) A Federal, State, or local law en-

forcement officer. 

§ 141.21 Inspections. 

Each holder of a certificate issued 

under this part must allow the Admin-
istrator to inspect its personnel, facili-
ties, equipment, and records to deter-
mine the certificate holder’s: 

(a) Eligibility to hold its certificate; 
(b) Compliance with 49 U.S.C. 40101 



formerly the Federal Aviation Act 

of 1958, as amended; and 

(c) Compliance with the Federal 

Aviation Regulations. 

§ 141.23 Advertising limitations. 

(a) The holder of a pilot school cer-

tificate or a provisional pilot school 
certificate may not make any state-
ment relating to its certification and 

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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 141.27 

ratings that is false or designed to mis-
lead any person contemplating enroll-
ment in that school. 

(b) The holder of a pilot school cer-

tificate or a provisional pilot school 
certificate may not advertise that the 
school is certificated unless it clearly 
differentiates between courses that 
have been approved under part 141 of 
this chapter and those that have not 
been approved under part 141 of this 

(c) The holder of a pilot school cer-

tificate or a provisional pilot school 
certificate must promptly remove: 

(1) From vacated premises, all signs 

indicating that the school was certifi-
cated by the Administrator; or 

(2) All indications (including signs), 

wherever located, that the school is 
certificated by the Administrator when 
its certificate has expired or has been 
surrendered, suspended, or revoked. 

§ 141.25 Business office and operations 


(a) Each holder of a pilot school or a 

provisional pilot school certificate 
must maintain a principal business of-
fice with a mailing address in the name 
shown on its certificate. 

(b) The facilities and equipment at 

the principal business office must be 
adequate to maintain the files and 
records required to operate the busi-
ness of the school. 

(c) The principal business office may 

not be shared with, or used by, another 
pilot school. 

(d) Before changing the location of 

the principal business office or the op-
erations base, each certificate holder 
must notify the responsible Flight 
Standards office for the area of the new 
location, and the notice must be: 

(1) Submitted in writing at least 30 

days before the change of location; and 

(2) Accompanied by any amendments 

needed for the certificate holder’s ap-
proved training course outline. 

(e) A certificate holder may conduct 

training at an operations base other 
than the one specified in its certificate, 

(1) The Administrator has inspected 

and approved the base for use by the 
certificate holder; and 

(2) The course of training and any 

needed amendments have been ap-
proved for use at that base. 

[Docket No. 25910, 62 FR 16347, Apr. 4, 1997, as 
amended by Docket FAA–2018–0119, Amdt. 
141–19, 83 FR 9175, Mar. 5, 2018] 

§ 141.26 Training agreements. 

(a) A training center certificated 

under part 142 of this chapter may pro-
vide the training, testing, and checking 
for pilot schools certificated under this 
part and is considered to meet the re-
quirements of this part, provided— 

(1) There is a training agreement be-

tween the certificated training center 
and the pilot school; 

(2) The training, testing, and check-

ing provided by the certificated train-
ing center is approved and conducted 
under part 142; 

(3) The pilot school certificated 

under this part obtains the Adminis-
trator’s approval for a training course 
outline that includes the training, test-
ing, and checking to be conducted 
under this part and the training, test-
ing, and checking to be conducted 
under part 142; and 

(4) Upon completion of the training, 

testing, and checking conducted under 
part 142, a copy of each student’s train-
ing record is forwarded to the part 141 
school and becomes part of the stu-
dent’s permanent training record. 

(b) A pilot school that provides flight 

training for an institution of higher 
education that holds a letter of author-
ization under § 61.169 of this chapter 
must have a training agreement with 
that institution of higher education. 

[Doc. No. FAA–2010–0100, 78 FR 42379, July 15, 

§ 141.27 Renewal of certificates and 



Pilot school. 

(1) A pilot school may 

apply for renewal of its school certifi-
cate and ratings within 30 days pre-
ceding the month the pilot school’s 
certificate expires, provided the school 
meets the requirements prescribed in 
paragraph (a)(2) of this section for re-
newal of its certificate and ratings. 

(2) A pilot school may have its school 

certificate and ratings renewed for an 
additional 24 calendar months if the 
Administrator determines the school’s