14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 141.29
personnel, aircraft, facility and air-
port, approved training courses, train-
ing records, and recent training ability
and quality meet the requirements of
this part.
(3) A pilot school that does not meet
the renewal requirements in paragraph
(a)(2) of this section, may apply for a
provisional pilot school certificate if
the school meets the requirements of
§ 141.7 of this part.
Provisional pilot school.
(1) Except
as provided in paragraph (b)(3) of this
section, a provisional pilot school may
not have its provisional pilot school
certificate or the ratings on that cer-
tificate renewed.
(2) A provisional pilot school may
apply for a pilot school certificate and
associated ratings provided that school
meets the requirements of § 141.5 of this
(3) A former provisional pilot school
may apply for another provisional pilot
school certificate, provided 180 days
have elapsed since its last provisional
pilot school certificate expired.
§ 141.29 [Reserved]
Subpart B—Personnel, Aircraft,
and Facilities Requirements
§ 141.31 Applicability.
(a) This subpart prescribes:
(1) The personnel and aircraft re-
quirements for a pilot school certifi-
cate or a provisional pilot school cer-
tificate; and
(2) The facilities that a pilot school
or provisional pilot school must have
available on a continuous basis.
(b) As used in this subpart, to have
continuous use of a facility, including
an airport, the school must have:
(1) Ownership of the facility or air-
port for at least 6 calendar months
after the date the application for ini-
tial certification and on the date of re-
newal of the school’s certificate is
made; or
(2) A written lease agreement for the
facility or airport for at least 6 cal-
endar months after the date the appli-
cation for initial certification and on
the date of renewal of the school’s cer-
tificate is made.
[Doc. No. 25910, 62 FR 16347, Apr. 4, 1997;
Amdt. 141–9, 62 FR 40907, July 30, 1997]
§ 141.33 Personnel.
(a) An applicant for a pilot school
certificate or for a provisional pilot
school certificate must meet the fol-
lowing personnel requirements:
(1) Each applicant must have ade-
quate personnel, including certificated
flight instructors, certificated ground
instructors, or holders of a commercial
pilot certificate with a lighter-than-air
rating, and a chief instructor for each
approved course of training who is
qualified and competent to perform the
duties to which that instructor is as-
(2) If the school employs dispatchers,
aircraft handlers, and line and service
personnel, then it must instruct those
persons in the procedures and respon-
sibilities of their employment.
(3) Each instructor to be used for
ground or flight training must hold a
flight instructor certificate, ground in-
structor certificate, or commercial
pilot certificate with a lighter-than-air
rating, as appropriate, with ratings for
the approved course of training and
any aircraft used in that course.
(4) In addition to meeting the re-
quirements of paragraph (a)(3) of this
section, each instructor used for the
airline transport pilot certification
training program in § 61.156 of this
chapter must:
(i) Hold an airline transport pilot cer-
tificate with an airplane category mul-
tiengine class rating;
(ii) Have at least 2 years of experi-
ence as a pilot in command in oper-
ations conducted under § 91.1053(a)(2)(i)
or § 135.243(a)(1) of this chapter, or as a
pilot in command or second in com-
mand in any operation conducted
under part 121 of this chapter; and
(iii) If providing training in a flight
simulation training device, have re-
ceived training and evaluation within
the preceding 12 months from the cer-
tificate holder on—
(A) Proper operation of flight simu-
lator and flight training device con-
trols and systems;
(B) Proper operation of environ-
mental and fault panels,
(C) Data and motion limitations of
(D) Minimum equipment require-
ments for each curriculum; and