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Federal Aviation Administration, DOT 

§ 141.45 

U.S., an applicant for a pilot school 
certificate or provisional pilot school 
certificate must show that each air-
craft used by the school for flight 
training and solo flights: 

(1) Is either a civil aircraft of the 

United States or a civil aircraft of for-
eign registry; 

(2) Is certificated with a standard or 

primary airworthiness certificate or an 
equivalent certification from the for-
eign aviation authority; 

(3) Is maintained and inspected in ac-

cordance with the requirements for air-
craft operated for hire under part 91, 
subpart E of this chapter, or in accord-
ance with equivalent maintenance and 
inspection from the foreign aviation 
authority’s requirements; 

(4) Has two pilot stations with en-

gine-power controls that can be easily 
reached and operated in a normal man-
ner from both pilot stations (for flight 
training); and 

(5) Is equipped and maintained for 

IFR operations if used in a course in-
volving IFR en route operations and in-
strument approaches. For training in 
the control and precision maneuvering 
of an aircraft by reference to instru-
ments, the aircraft may be equipped as 
provided in the approved course of 

[Doc. No. FAA–2006–26661, 74 FR 42563, Aug. 
21, 2009, as amended by Amdt. 141–13, 75 FR 
5223, Feb. 1, 2010] 

§ 141.41 Full flight simulators, flight 

training devices, aviation training 

devices, and training aids. 

An applicant for a pilot school cer-

tificate or a provisional pilot school 
certificate must show that its full 
flight simulators, flight training de-
vices, aviation training devices, train-
ing aids, and equipment meet the fol-
lowing requirements: 


Full flight simulators and flight 

training devices. 

Each full flight simu-

lator and flight training device used to 
obtain flight training credit in an ap-
proved pilot training course cur-
riculum must be: 

(1) Qualified under part 60 of this 

chapter, or a previously qualified de-
vice, as permitted in accordance with 
§ 60.17 of this chapter; and 

(2) Approved by the Administrator 

for the tasks and maneuvers. 


Aviation training devices. 


basic or advanced aviation training de-
vice used to obtain flight training cred-
it in an approved pilot training course 
curriculum must be evaluated, quali-
fied, and approved by the Adminis-


Training aids and equipment. 


training aid, including any audiovisual 
aid, projector, mockup, chart, or air-
craft component listed in the approved 
training course outline, must be accu-
rate and relevant to the course for 
which it is used. 

[Docket FAA–2015–1846, Amdt. 141–18, 81 FR 
21460, Apr. 12, 2016] 

§ 141.43 Pilot briefing areas. 

(a) An applicant for a pilot school 

certificate or provisional pilot school 
certificate must show that the appli-
cant has continuous use of a briefing 
area located at each airport at which 
training flights originate that is: 

(1) Adequate to shelter students wait-

ing to engage in their training flights; 

(2) Arranged and equipped for the 

conduct of pilot briefings; and 

(3) Except as provided in paragraph 

(c) of this section, for a school with an 
instrument rating or commercial pilot 
course, equipped with private landline 
or telephone communication to the 
nearest FAA Flight Service Station. 

(b) A briefing area required by para-

graph (a) of this section may not be 
used by the applicant if it is available 
for use by any other pilot school during 
the period it is required for use by the 

(c) The communication equipment 

required by paragraph (a)(3) of this sec-
tion is not required if the briefing area 
and the flight service station are lo-
cated on the same airport, and are 
readily accessible to each other. 

§ 141.45 Ground training facilities. 

An applicant for a pilot school or 

provisional pilot school certificate 
must show that: 

(a) Except as provided in paragraph 

(c) of this section, each room, training 
booth, or other space used for instruc-
tional purposes is heated, lighted, and 
ventilated to conform to local building, 
sanitation, and health codes. 

(b) Except as provided in paragraph 

(c) of this section, the training facility