Federal Aviation Administration, DOT
§ 141.45
U.S., an applicant for a pilot school
certificate or provisional pilot school
certificate must show that each air-
craft used by the school for flight
training and solo flights:
(1) Is either a civil aircraft of the
United States or a civil aircraft of for-
eign registry;
(2) Is certificated with a standard or
primary airworthiness certificate or an
equivalent certification from the for-
eign aviation authority;
(3) Is maintained and inspected in ac-
cordance with the requirements for air-
craft operated for hire under part 91,
subpart E of this chapter, or in accord-
ance with equivalent maintenance and
inspection from the foreign aviation
authority’s requirements;
(4) Has two pilot stations with en-
gine-power controls that can be easily
reached and operated in a normal man-
ner from both pilot stations (for flight
training); and
(5) Is equipped and maintained for
IFR operations if used in a course in-
volving IFR en route operations and in-
strument approaches. For training in
the control and precision maneuvering
of an aircraft by reference to instru-
ments, the aircraft may be equipped as
provided in the approved course of
[Doc. No. FAA–2006–26661, 74 FR 42563, Aug.
21, 2009, as amended by Amdt. 141–13, 75 FR
5223, Feb. 1, 2010]
§ 141.41 Full flight simulators, flight
training devices, aviation training
devices, and training aids.
An applicant for a pilot school cer-
tificate or a provisional pilot school
certificate must show that its full
flight simulators, flight training de-
vices, aviation training devices, train-
ing aids, and equipment meet the fol-
lowing requirements:
Full flight simulators and flight
training devices.
Each full flight simu-
lator and flight training device used to
obtain flight training credit in an ap-
proved pilot training course cur-
riculum must be:
(1) Qualified under part 60 of this
chapter, or a previously qualified de-
vice, as permitted in accordance with
§ 60.17 of this chapter; and
(2) Approved by the Administrator
for the tasks and maneuvers.
Aviation training devices.
basic or advanced aviation training de-
vice used to obtain flight training cred-
it in an approved pilot training course
curriculum must be evaluated, quali-
fied, and approved by the Adminis-
Training aids and equipment.
training aid, including any audiovisual
aid, projector, mockup, chart, or air-
craft component listed in the approved
training course outline, must be accu-
rate and relevant to the course for
which it is used.
[Docket FAA–2015–1846, Amdt. 141–18, 81 FR
21460, Apr. 12, 2016]
§ 141.43 Pilot briefing areas.
(a) An applicant for a pilot school
certificate or provisional pilot school
certificate must show that the appli-
cant has continuous use of a briefing
area located at each airport at which
training flights originate that is:
(1) Adequate to shelter students wait-
ing to engage in their training flights;
(2) Arranged and equipped for the
conduct of pilot briefings; and
(3) Except as provided in paragraph
(c) of this section, for a school with an
instrument rating or commercial pilot
course, equipped with private landline
or telephone communication to the
nearest FAA Flight Service Station.
(b) A briefing area required by para-
graph (a) of this section may not be
used by the applicant if it is available
for use by any other pilot school during
the period it is required for use by the
(c) The communication equipment
required by paragraph (a)(3) of this sec-
tion is not required if the briefing area
and the flight service station are lo-
cated on the same airport, and are
readily accessible to each other.
§ 141.45 Ground training facilities.
An applicant for a pilot school or
provisional pilot school certificate
must show that:
(a) Except as provided in paragraph
(c) of this section, each room, training
booth, or other space used for instruc-
tional purposes is heated, lighted, and
ventilated to conform to local building,
sanitation, and health codes.
(b) Except as provided in paragraph
(c) of this section, the training facility
14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 141.51
is so located that the students in that
facility are not distracted by the train-
ing conducted in other rooms, or by
flight and maintenance operations on
the airport.
(c) If a training course is conducted
through an internet-based medium, the
holder of a pilot school certificate or
provisional pilot school certificate that
provides such training need not comply
with paragraphs (a) and (b) of this sec-
tion but must maintain in current sta-
tus a permanent business location and
business telephone number.
[Doc. No. FAA–2008–0938, 76 FR 54107, Aug. 31,
Subpart C—Training Course
Outline and Curriculum
§ 141.51 Applicability.
This subpart prescribes the cur-
riculum and course outline require-
ments for the issuance of a pilot school
certificate or provisional pilot school
certificate and ratings.
§ 141.53 Approval procedures for a
training course: General.
An applicant for a pilot
school certificate or provisional pilot
school certificate must obtain the Ad-
ministrator’s approval of the outline of
each training course for which certifi-
cation and rating is sought.
(1) An application for
the approval of an initial or amended
training course must be submitted in
duplicate to the responsible Flight
Standards office for the area where the
school is based.
(2) An application for the approval of
an initial or amended training course
must be submitted at least 30 days be-
fore any training under that course, or
any amendment thereto, is scheduled
to begin.
(3) An application for amending a
training course must be accompanied
by two copies of the amendment.
Training courses.
An applicant for
a pilot school certificate or provisional
pilot school certificate may request ap-
proval for the training courses speci-
fied under § 141.11(b).
Additional rules for internet based
training courses.
An application for an
initial or amended training course of-
fered through an internet based me-
dium must comply with the following:
(1) All amendments must be identi-
fied numerically by page, date, and
screen. Minor editorial and typo-
graphical changes do not require FAA
approval, provided the school notifies
the FAA within 30 days of their inser-
(2) For monitoring purposes, the
school must provide the FAA an ac-
ceptable means to log-in and log-off
from a remote location to review all
elements of the course as viewed by
attendees and to by-pass the normal
attendee restrictions.
(3) The school must incorporate ade-
quate security measures into its inter-
net-based courseware information sys-
tem and into its operating and mainte-
nance procedures to ensure the fol-
lowing fundamental areas of security
and protection:
(i) Integrity.
(ii) Identification/Authentication.
(iii) Confidentiality.
(iv) Availability.
(v) Access control.
[Doc. No. 25910, 62 FR 16347, Apr. 4, 1997;
Amdt. 141–9, 62 FR 40908, July 30, 1997; Amdt.
141–12, 74 FR 42563, Aug. 21, 2009; Amdt. 141–
15, 76 FR 54107, Aug. 31, 2011, as amended by
Docket FAA–2018–0119, Amdt. 141–19, 83 FR
9175, Mar. 5, 2018]
§ 141.55 Training course: Contents.
(a) Each training course for which
approval is requested must meet the
minimum curriculum requirements in
accordance with the appropriate appen-
dix of this part.
(b) Except as provided in paragraphs
(d) and (e) of this section, each training
course for which approval is requested
must meet the minimum ground and
flight training time requirements in
accordance with the appropriate appen-
dix of this part.
(c) Each training course for which ap-
proval is requested must contain:
(1) A description of each room used
for ground training, including the
room’s size and the maximum number
of students that may be trained in the
room at one time, unless the course is
provided via an internet-based training