14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 141.61
achieve a level of pilot proficiency
equivalent to that achieved by a train-
ing course prescribed in the appendixes
of this part or the requirements of part
61 of this chapter.
Subpart D—Examining Authority
§ 141.61 Applicability.
This subpart prescribes the require-
ments for the issuance of examining
authority to the holder of a pilot
school certificate, and the privileges
and limitations of that examining au-
§ 141.63 Examining authority quali-
fication requirements.
(a) A pilot school must meet the fol-
lowing prerequisites to receive initial
approval for examining authority:
(1) The school must complete the ap-
plication for examining authority on a
form and in a manner prescribed by the
(2) The school must hold a pilot
school certificate and rating issued
under this part;
(3) The school must have held the
rating in which examining authority is
sought for at least 24 consecutive cal-
endar months preceding the month of
application for examining authority;
(4) The training course for which ex-
amining authority is requested may
not be a course that is approved with-
out meeting the minimum ground and
flight training time requirements of
this part; and
(5) Within 24 calendar months before
the date of application for examining
authority, that school must meet the
following requirements—
(i) The school must have trained at
least 10 students in the training course
for which examining authority is
sought and recommended those stu-
dents for a pilot, flight instructor, or
ground instructor certificate or rating;
(ii) At least 90 percent of those stu-
dents passed the required practical or
knowledge test, or any combination
thereof, for the pilot, flight instructor,
or ground instructor certificate or rat-
ing on the first attempt, and that test
was given by—
(A) An FAA inspector; or
(B) An examiner who is not an em-
ployee of the school.
(b) A pilot school must meet the fol-
lowing requirements to retain approval
of its examining authority:
(1) The school must complete the ap-
plication for renewal of its examining
authority on a form and in a manner
prescribed by the Administrator;
(2) The school must hold a pilot
school certificate and rating issued
under this part;
(3) The school must have held the
rating for which continued examining
authority is sought for at least 24 cal-
endar months preceding the month of
application for renewal of its exam-
ining authority; and
(4) The training course for which con-
tinued examining authority is re-
quested may not be a course that is ap-
proved without meeting the minimum
ground and flight training time re-
quirements of this part.
[Doc. No. 25910, 62 FR 16347, Apr. 4, 1997;
Amdt. 141–9, 62 FR 40908, July 30, 1997]
§ 141.65 Privileges.
A pilot school that holds examining
authority may recommend a person
who graduated from its course for the
appropriate pilot, flight instructor, or
ground instructor certificate or rating
without taking the FAA knowledge
test or practical test in accordance
with the provisions of this subpart.
§ 141.67 Limitations and reports.
A pilot school that holds examining
authority may only recommend the
issuance of a pilot, flight instructor, or
ground instructor certificate and rat-
ing to a person who does not take an
FAA knowledge test or practical test,
if the recommendation for the issuance
of that certificate or rating is in ac-
cordance with the following require-
(a) The person graduated from a
training course for which the pilot
school holds examining authority.
(b) Except as provided in this para-
graph, the person satisfactorily com-
pleted all the curriculum requirements
of that pilot school’s approved training
course. A person who transfers from
one part 141 approved pilot school to
another part 141 approved pilot school
may receive credit for that previous