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14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition) 

§ 141.75 

training course has been approved and 
meets the minimum ground and flight 
training time requirements of this 

§ 141.75 Aircraft requirements. 

The following items must be carried 

on each aircraft used for flight training 
and solo flights: 

(a) A pretakeoff and prelanding 

checklist; and 

(b) The operator’s handbook for the 

aircraft, if one is furnished by the man-
ufacturer, or copies of the handbook if 
furnished to each student using the air-

[Doc. No. 25910, 62 FR 40908, July 30, 1997] 

§ 141.77 Limitations. 

(a) The holder of a pilot school cer-

tificate or a provisional pilot school 
certificate may not issue a graduation 
certificate to a student, or recommend 
a student for a pilot certificate or rat-
ing, unless the student has: 

(1) Completed the training specified 

in the pilot school’s course of training; 

(2) Passed the required final tests. 
(b) Except as provided in paragraph 

(c) of this section, the holder of a pilot 
school certificate or a provisional pilot 
school certificate may not graduate a 
student from a course of training un-
less the student has completed all of 
the curriculum requirements of that 

(c) A student may be given credit to-

wards the curriculum requirements of 
a course for previous training under 
the following conditions: 

(1) If the student completed a pro-

ficiency test and knowledge test that 
was conducted by the receiving pilot 
school and the previous training was 
based on a part 141- or a part 142-ap-
proved flight training course, the cred-
it is limited to not more than 50 per-
cent of the flight training require-
ments of the curriculum. 

(2) If the student completed a knowl-

edge test that was conducted by the re-
ceiving pilot school and the previous 
training was based on a part 141- or a 
part 142-approved aeronautical knowl-
edge training course, the credit is lim-
ited to not more than 50 percent of the 
aeronautical knowledge training re-
quirements of the curriculum. 

(3) If the student completed a pro-

ficiency test and knowledge test that 
was conducted by the receiving pilot 
school and the training was received 
from other than a part 141- or a part 
142-approved flight training course, the 
credit is limited to not more than 25 
percent of the flight training require-
ments of the curriculum. 

(4) If the student completed a knowl-

edge test that was conducted by the re-
ceiving pilot school and the previous 
training was received from other than 
a part 141- or a part 142-approved aero-
nautical knowledge training course, 
the credit is limited to not more than 
25 percent of the aeronautical knowl-
edge training requirements of the cur-

(5) Completion of previous training 

must be certified in the student’s 
training record by the training pro-
vider or a management official within 
the training provider’s organization, 
and must contain— 

(i) The kind and amount of training 

provided; and 

(ii) The result of each stage check 

and end-of-course test, if appropriate. 

[Doc. No. 25910, 62 FR 16347, Apr. 4, 1997; 
Amdt. 141–9, 62 FR 40908, July 30, 1997; Amdt. 
141–12, 74 FR 42564, Aug. 21, 2009] 

§ 141.79 Flight training. 

(a) No person other than a certifi-

cated flight instructor or commercial 
pilot with a lighter-than-air rating who 
has the ratings and the minimum 
qualifications specified in the approved 
training course outline may give a stu-
dent flight training under an approved 
course of training. 

(b) No student pilot may be author-

ized to start a solo practice flight from 
an airport until the flight has been ap-
proved by a certificated flight instruc-
tor or commercial pilot with a lighter- 
than-air rating who is present at that 

(c) Each chief instructor and assist-

ant chief instructor assigned to a 
training course must complete, at least 
once every 12 calendar months, an ap-
proved syllabus of training consisting 
of ground or flight training, or both, or 
an approved flight instructor refresher 

(d) Each certificated flight instructor 

or commercial pilot with a lighter-