14 CFR Ch. I (1–1–24 Edition)
§ 141.87
proficiency check prior to that instruc-
tor being assigned instructing duties in
the school’s approved training course,
and thereafter that the instructor
passes a recurrent proficiency check
every 12 calendar months after the
month in which the initial test was ac-
(3) Ensuring that each student ac-
complishes the required stage checks
and end-of-course tests in accordance
with the school’s approved training
course; and
(4) Maintaining training techniques,
procedures, and standards for the
school that are acceptable to the Ad-
(b) The chief instructor or an assist-
ant chief instructor must be available
at the pilot school or, if away from the
pilot school, be available by telephone,
radio, or other electronic means during
the time that training is given for an
approved training course.
(c) The chief instructor may delegate
authority for conducting stage checks,
end-of-course tests, and flight instruc-
tor proficiency checks to the assistant
chief instructor or a check instructor.
[Doc. No. 25910, 62 FR 16347, Apr. 4, 1997;
Amdt. 141–9, 62 FR 40908, July 30, 1997; Amdt.
141–12, 74 FR 42564, Aug. 21, 2009]
§ 141.87 Change of chief instructor.
Whenever a pilot school or provi-
sional pilot school makes a change of
designation of its chief instructor, that
(a) Must immediately provide the
FAA responsible Flight Standards of-
fice in which the school is located with
written notification of the change;
(b) May conduct training without a
chief instructor for that training
course for a period not to exceed 60
days while awaiting the designation
and approval of another chief instruc-
(c) May, for a period not to exceed 60
days, have the stage checks and end-of-
course tests administered by:
(1) The training course’s assistant
chief instructor, if one has been des-
(2) The training course’s check in-
structor, if one has been designated;
(3) An FAA inspector; or
(4) An examiner.
(d) Must, after 60 days without a
chief instructor, cease operations and
surrender its certificate to the Admin-
istrator; and
(e) May have its certificate rein-
stated, upon:
(1) Designating and approving an-
other chief instructor;
(2) Showing it meets the require-
ments of § 141.27(a)(2) of this part; and
(3) Applying for reinstatement on a
form and in a manner prescribed by the
[Docket No. 25910, 62 FR 16347, Apr. 4, 1997, as
amended by Docket FAA–2018–0119, Amdt.
141–19, 83 FR 9176, Mar. 5, 2018]
§ 141.89 Maintenance of personnel, fa-
cilities, and equipment.
The holder of a pilot school certifi-
cate or provisional pilot school certifi-
cate may not provide training to a stu-
dent who is enrolled in an approved
course of training unless:
(a) Each airport, aircraft, and facility
necessary for that training meets the
standards specified in the holder’s ap-
proved training course outline and the
appropriate requirements of this part;
(b) Except as provided in § 141.87 of
this part, each chief instructor, assist-
ant chief instructor, check instructor,
or instructor meets the qualifications
specified in the holder’s approved
course of training and the appropriate
requirements of this part.
§ 141.91 Satellite bases.
The holder of a pilot school certifi-
cate or provisional pilot school certifi-
cate may conduct ground training or
flight training in an approved course of
training at a base other than its main
operations base if:
(a) An assistant chief instructor is
designated for each satellite base, and
that assistant chief instructor is avail-
able at that base or, if away from the
premises, by telephone, radio, or other
electronic means during the time that
training is provided for an approved
training course;
(b) The airport, facilities, and per-
sonnel used at the satellite base meet
the appropriate requirements of sub-
part B of this part and its approved
training course outline;